Indian summer, at last !

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Hi all,

hope everyone,s enjoying this beautiful weather, you got time to get outside northener ? how,s the bulb planting going lilith? I,m still trying to persuede other half he,d love to take me to buy some bulbs ! the only way I,ll achieve it is by saying B & Q, that way he,ll go like a shot, he says when he retires he,s going to get a p.t. job there to get his 'fix'
For xmas I get him vouchers so he can do his boxing day pilgrimage, he wanders around, eyes glazed with ectasy, lovingly fingering the goods, stroking the power tools with a far away look in his eyes !!!!!!!!!!
It won,t be long now I suppose before the Christmas songs come on in the shops, I,ve bought my first pressie, one of many LOL ,
Must go now as I can smell the muffins cooking, daughter,s been baking, as friends are supposed to be coming today, mind you by the time she,d licked the bowl, spoon, cases, not much was left to put in there.!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sue! Stuck inside. Got a pile of work to do. Stressed as well. I was robbed again on Wednesday. Was working at my computer, got up to get some tea, looked for my handbag. No handbag. Stolen. Recovered handbag next day - in another building, minus cards and cash. Had to get a locksmith to let me into my own home as well. Reported it to the police. They can't do anything. Security officer here says not to confront any of these people in case we get a dirty neddle or a knife stuck into us. What a week!
I've bought a small cloth bag to wear around my neck/shoulders and it also goes under my jacket out of sight.
Needing loads and loads of comfort and hugs!!!!!

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I,m really sorry to hear that northener, we,re lucky down here, they reckon that weymouth is one of the worst on the south coast for violence, but I bet it,s nothing compared to what some people have to put up with, especially in bigger cities.
My son lives in Brighton (as do quite a few of his cousins ) and he says that it,s fab, like the good bits of london without the bad.Apparently when my kids used to go out at night in town here there was always trouble and fights. Weymouth it seems has one of the highest ratios of pubs per square mile, and we get loads of stag and hen parties from all around as they don,t have so far to stagger from pub to pub.
One year we had a police man in our shop asking us if we,d lost anyone, apparently they found a girl at 1 a.m. tied to a lamp-post on the sea-front ,knaked, and so shocked that she was admitted to hospital suffering from amnesia. Her so called friens from Bristol had done that to her,it was her hen-night, then all got back on their coach and just left her behind ! Some friends !
Hope next week goes better for you ,take care.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

oh northerner, twice in how many months? i know middlesbrough and also stockton for that matter are really bad for violence. i've never had any trouble there myself, but theres some creepy characters roaming around. durham isn't as bad i suppose, but there can still be a few fights at throwing out time. i know how you feel though, i've left purses in taxis and the firm have never found them.. you feel stupid don't you - how can i have been so stupid!! etc..

anyway, you've got some good friends here so don't let these idiots get you down or they've won..

take care, and chin up!


Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Oh, dear, Northerner! did this happen at the uni? I can't believe this. Maybe instead of a purse, you need a "fanny pack", alot of people here use them to carry cash, drivers license, check books, instead of a purse. This has not been a good year for you. (Other than getting in at the Uni.) But I feel so bad for you. I thought these things only happen over here! Be safe, Doris

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

oops doris, lol.. a fanny pack is something else here in the UK, hehe. we call them 'bum-bags'. rofl


St. Thomas, ON(Zone 5b)

Hi Northerner sorry about your trouble. Did you get your keys back??? Maybe you should think about getting the locksmith back and get a new lock for your home.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Welllllll! I didn't know, gee whiz! Bum Bags??????? :D

Sorry to boast but winter doesnt come here till December!
Lee in damp, but mild West Cornwall.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hi folks! Now have a cloth bag which goes over neck and shoulders and also fits under my jacket. Haven't been able to find a bum bag or a money belt so far in the local shops. Filed a formal complaint with the police yesterday.
Sitting in a different part of the libary today - one at ground level and more visble to library staff and security officers. I'm considering contacting one or two lecturers in my Department and asking that better guidance on this problem is given to students. I feel pretty cheesed off about it.
I was able to cancel getting my locks changed. The keys were still in my bag when I got it back and I don't think my address was it.
Thanks all. You're a great bunch.

Antrim, Northern Ire, United Kingdom(Zone 8b)

we've been having temperatures just below 20C all this week. yesterday I was at a cafe in Belfast sitting outside!! people have been walking around it T-shirts and shorts.

there is a down side to all this!! remember what happened last year? we had it very mild right through to December them all of a sudden it was -12C for a week.


Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

oh mark don't say that.. i lost a few plants last year becuase of the freezing temps..

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