Better, Best is Yet to Come!

Waddy, KY

Things are quieting down. Now the flash floods in Louisville. When Churchill was hit DD#2 put a call in to one of the folks down there that buys feed from her telling him if they needed any help or needed anything to let her know. He called back saying that was the first time anyone had ever called him to offer help at a time of possible trouble. How sad is that?

Didn't get anything done today. Spent the night with my father in the hospital. Diverticulitis. He's been in since last Friday. He'd hoped to get to go home today but his white blood count was still up so they're keeping him. They're also giving him lasix so I was up and down with him last night going to the bathroom . Neither of us got much sleep. I did get some trim to the cabinet folks so they can stain some more of it for me. I need it to go around a post in the kitchen. I've got mirrors for the trim guys to put up as well as a few other things to take care of. I want to line up several little things that I've noticed so they can do them all at once and maybe make it a day since it's a hour's drive for them. The kids did get some beets pulled this afternoon so I can get some pickled. So far the beets look pretty good. I hope they stay looking that way.

Nite all...

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

No bad storms, just rain, thunder and lightening. Our tv is by satellite, as well as the internet, and it has been on and off since about 10:00.

Janet, how sad, saw some of the tv coverage about Louisville. Sorry about your dad, hope he gets to go home soon.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I think I'm going to have to start drinking de-caf iced tea. I'm totally chipper & awake, & have been up since---, uh, yesterday. Big Sis's dog-- the blind, diabetic one, has pancreatitis again, so we're trying to juggle her medicines & get her feeling better. I finally got the screen curtains up on the porch. Seems like I've done a lot more than that, but it must have been piddly stuff.

I'm taking notes on the knee surgeries, Herman & Marcy. I've had one knee repaired, after I broke it in '94. I fell down a flight of stairs and landed on my left knee, which instantly dislocated. Oh my, I hope I never do that again! It took a couple of weeks for them to figure out that I'd actually fracted part of my knee, not just dislocated it. Ouchy!

Oh: in other doctor news, I had my yearly oncologist visit, & everything looks good, so I'm good for another year!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Excellent new Pat! Must be all that good karma that you spread around. :) How many years have you been free?

Sorry to hear about your knee and the dog. :( That is the little dog we met at your house right? I remember meeting a little dog and thought she was either blind or deaf.

Not much going on here. Trying to make up all the softball games so we can get to tournaments next week, which I think will be a waste of time and money. From that aspect, I think it will be over quickly. Too many girls don't show up and don't bother to try when they are there. It's been a really rough year for Carly. Her coach has made her cry the last two nights and that is no easy task. She's good and she tries so hard but she should not keep getting punished for the rest of the team. Because she is so good at everything and so smart, everyone expects more but she can pretty much only drive herself. Nitpicking at her just drives her downhill.

Other than running, I've just been working outside. What's new?!

Barberton, OH

Chele. the thing that would motivate the other girls would be more boys as spectators. LOL

Pat, when the cartilage goes it's time for titanium. With minimal invasive surgery, the pain is lessened. I was off the vicodin in about 2 weeks. Mostly for sleeping after the 1st. One thing that I have found, increasing the muscle strength around the joint lessens the pain. My right shoulder was really hurting last Nov. (Diagnosed as advanced stage arthritis in 06) Had a cortisone shot that helped, then I de-stresssed my life and started to exercise. Within a month I stopped pain meds except rarely for pains elsewhere. Enough "organ recital" for today. Garden club picnic this evening. Making brownies. Hope they don't leave too many for me to eat. At least I wont have to worry about low blood sugar.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL Herman! That would not motivate my 13 year old but some of the other girls...sigh. Mine takes her sports very serious (while wearing eye makeup) but when on the field, she is there to play. She'd rather kick their butts at a sport than date them. Once the game is over, that is a whole other thing. Some of those other girls would likely take a ball to the forehead trying to be cute for the boys. *grins* Some of the boys to ride their bikes to home games. That leads to other girls sitting with them and it's just plain distracting.

It's a strange place where we live and maybe it's the same everywhere? There is a huge turn out for boys games but not so much for the girls and they are every bit as good!

Honestly Herman, I love the way you take care of yourself! I think it's great that you go to the gym, keep an eye on your sugar and work so hard to keep up your girlish figure. :)

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, it started out as overcast but the sun is out now. I have been doing some bill paying, but now need to head out and do some planting and weeding. I got the front bed all weeded yesterday. It is 30x6, and the weeds were thicker than hair on a dog's back. Also weeded the little shade garden, it is doing well but not picture ready just yet.

Oh, Chele, i am so sorry to hear that Carley is getting so much flack from the coach and other girls. I thought these teams were supposed to teach, sportmanship and skills, and the emphasis not on winning. Well, what else is new. I think it is the coach's ego that gets the most benefit rather than the participants.

Pat, you all seem to be taking good care of the ill dog. Thank goodness, I have not ever encountered a pet that needed that kind of attention, but if I ever do, I will do my best to keep them comfortable through whatever illness.

Herman, make a small batch of brownies, if you truly don't want any left over, but if you are secretly hoping for leftovers, make a double batch.

I made some zuchinni bread last night, and pitched in 2 bananas that were over ripe, made up a new recipe, and it was delicious.

Chele, I know it is too soon for Craig to hear from the interview, but am keeping you all in my t & p's.

Barberton, OH

Chele, look at the difference between men and womens basketball at the college and pro levels. I think the women are much more entertaining. They are more about the team than the stars, especially the Uconn women. I'mnot sure about my girlish figure. It's not just my waist, but I think my boobs shrank, too.
I think the ants will need little umbrellas for the picnic. Forecast for rain the whole time. Does anyone think I would make brownies from scratch? Only thing I add is the nuts.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Running through real quick. Anyone know what kind of snake this is?

Thumbnail by Badseed
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Maybe too close to the same image to make a difference. It got away. LOL

Thumbnail by Badseed
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Regina septemvittata
Length 15-24 in.
(38-61 Cm.)

The decidedly aquatic queen snake prefers slow moving or shallow rocky creeks and rivers, where it feeds primarily upon soft-shelled crayfish.

These snakes are frequently seen and captured by overturning large flat stones, boards, or other debris along streams. When first captured, some attempt to bite. However, their teeth are so small they can barely pierce the skin. Others make no attempt to bite. All use their music glands freely and struggle violently to escape. Although they become gentle with handling, they seldom eat in captivity. For this reason, they do not make hardy captives

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

At least that sounds like a fairly friendly one. LOL

I'm not sure about the ID though. This one does have the lighter underbelly but that one stripe is straight down the center of it's back. I do think you might have pegged one that Craig has been seeing though. He said it's somewhat plain and 'olive drab'. What a nerd!

Both do live near the pond. I'm not sure if I've seen the one he saw or if it's not this one but his description was certainly different.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Close up of face.

And I'm sorry Lou. I could have said thank you!! Things going on, racing out the door...back in a few.

Thumbnail by Badseed
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Python? Cobra? Anaconda? LOL, I classify snakes as Big, Little, Scary or Cute. I have a lot of classification systems that are all my own, like my 4 major food groups of Sweet, Salty, Crunchy, and Cola.
Yes, Chele, it's the same dog. She's diabetic, became blind, & then had her eyes removed. She actually seemed a lot better after the removal surgery, because they had been infected & irritating. The vet tried to talk Cathy into fake eyes, but that was just ridiculous. She's a tibetan terrier, so her eyes are covered by her bangs anyhow. She still thinks she can see--- like she'll go the window and peer out, but she's really adapted very well. When she gets really sick, though, DS goes into denial & insists that nothing is wrong, which means that doggie is sicker when she finally gets to the vet. It is not going to be easy to draw the line when she gets worse permanently, though. I may have to insist on a doggie DNR order.

Well, off to weed. I have so many of those huge prickly weeds that I should turn them into a cash crop.

Bloomingdale, OH(Zone 6a)


Ribbon Snake


Waddy, KY

Today was an absolutely lovely day. The only thing I needed more of was customers. We did get a lot of weeding done and the daylilies are absolutely gorgeous. I was hoping some folks heading to the regional would stop in but I guess that wasn't to be. Got some mowing done and hopefully we'll get some more done tomorrow afternoon.

DD somehow thinks he's still going to get a commercial kitchen in our house. I honestly don't see how but whatever.

Dad's still in the hospital. This diverticulitis doesn't seem to want to let go. His white count is still high and they're not letting him go home until it goes down. Pumping him full of antibiotics.

Better get back to my blackberry cakes. Market calls....

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, are you having your open house this weekend? I may try to come over late tomorrow afternoon. This is going to be a busy weekend for me. Have to get DGD all packed for her trip to Wisconsin. She leave on Sunday, the DH and my DTS and her DH are going to Gatlinburg on Monday for a few days.

Chele, I do not do snakes, at all! I don't care if they are "harmless". that being a relative term. Harmless ones can still give me a heart attack.

Pat, I am sort of like you with my classification system. Just seems to work better for me than someone else's.

Herman enjoy your potluck.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Pat, I like your 4 food groups, too much, obviously. LOL

Chele, no clue what kind of snake, just keep it there!

Gayle, it's nice to see you, how are you?

Bonnie, what are you going to do while your Hubby, sister and her hubby are in Gatlinburg? I'd probably read and watch whatever I wanted on every tv in the house.

Not much going on here, was without internet from Monday to Yesterday, the storms we had Monday took out the router, and it took them that long to send a replacement. My computer decided it was going to die yesterday after the new router got here, so hubby took it to be repaired today. Even though the kids computer is newer than mine, I like mine better.

Waving to all!

Jamestown, KY(Zone 6a)

While in Tunica, MS we saw the TV weather in Louisville about tornadoes and roofs blown off horse barns. Most of my fam lives in Louisville. Scary!!
Seven of us went to casino.. two of us came back with more money than we left with....wasn't, save your $ machines were not that kind to me.. I did win some, but lost it right back. You know how that is. I didn't see any big winners. My daughter and I roomed together. We had a great time. A lot of laughing..Everything was lovely. Several of us got in the pool and played volleyball. That was great fun. I wish I had a pool at home.
That shot in my knee is helping me walk a little better for right now. I know it won't last long. We'll see. Now I gotta concentrate on losing weight after three days of over-eating at free buffets at the casino...whew!!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Melissa, guess I typed that wrong. I am going too! The vacation car doesn't leave here without me. Sorry about the computer and router. I have been having problems too with all the storms we are having.

Judy, wish i could have been along for the casino trip. I usually don't do well at the slots, but have a lot of fun.

Waddy, KY

Open gardens are through the middle of next month. The field is really pretty right now. The kids got most of the weeds out yesterday and the only really weedy part is the old stuff and I mowed a lot of the weeds out of that yesterday.

Another wild market morning. We had two of our helpers that couldn't make it to the Lexington market this morning so we moved one off the Frankfort to go to Louisville and called in another person that has helped out before in a pinch. This left me with someone to help at the garden. That also left my 16 year old with the box truck. This is a good sized truck and while she's been moving it around the barn lot she's not taken it out on the highway. I told her I would ride in with her and help her get parked so I rode in with her and my helper drove my car in. She did great but while we were unloading her truck my son called and told me that the girl that was to go to Louisville with him told him that she just couldn't do this job and she quit. So that meant jumping in the car and flying back to the farm so that my helper could go with DS to Louisville. I'm not sure what the problem was with the young lady but I am sorry that she felt that way.

I've seen a couple snakes in the daylily patch this year. Not wild about it but I guess I'll live.

Dad says at least two more days in the hospital. White count won't go down.

Off to do daylilies....

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow! Y'all have been busy!

LOL@ Herman and his girlish figure. I feel ya on the upper extremities. Those things always shrink, grow or sag at just the wrong time in life. :P I like to watch the boys but I love to watch the girls. The ones here try so darn hard! We have a good group of kids but unfortunately some of them let their social lives dictate everything else...That is the best thing I can say about Carly-no problem focusing on what is important. The kid has goals and sticks to them.

Judy, get yourself one of those Intex Easy Set Pools. All you need is a flat spot, water and electric. They are not to expensive and you can drain it and put it away in the winter. We had one for years! Like Herman said, swimming would be good for you! Oh, I'm sure won me money and lost your own. hahaha

I already knew about Melissa's computer. Ugh! I can't stand to be without mine. I still have a dino monitor on my desk still. Hubby still didn't get a new capacitor for my flat screen nor fix it.

Bonnie, sorry you have so many issues with your internet. I don't know what to tell you to do! We had cable at my mom's house and it went out every time we got a storm.

OMG Janet! Do you ever get an easy day? Do things ever go right?? You really are going to have to try harder to find us a house down there or get Craig in where you work. LOL I have three teens that mind well, that know how to cook, bake AND pull weeds and more importantly, they WANT TO WORK! At least your gardens look good! That has to count for something. :) I am sorry to hear about your Dad. Hopefully that will straighten up soon so you can spring him. I'm sure he's not happy in there.

Well poo! Craig's company party is at Coney Island tomorrow and he just found out they need him to work at the dollar store ALL DAY! So now we either have to miss Coney or I have to take all the kids. Neither Morganne nor I have a bathing suit so I may have to go find us one today which won't be quick or easy as there is nothing close to here. The other thing is that I have so much to do here and will have to give up both days if we are going by the time we shop AND go. If you remember, Craig missed his December party too because he forgot to ask off at the dollar store. geesh.

Guess I better get running!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, Chele, I wish I could get rid of my tenant, and you all could rent/buy my house where we used to live. She is close to being evicted, she is two months behind on the rent. She did come last night and pay the June rent, although it was due on the 4th. If Janet ever gets moved, she will have a house too. I would love it to have you so close. The good thing about the property is that is has about 1/2 acre garden, and good rich dirt. Rather have you than Dusty, or the one who sold me the tupperware, can't remember her name.

Good luck on finding a bathing suit this time of year. Good gosh, was out the other day, and winter clothes are already finding their way to the racks.

We are packing DGD's things to get her ready to leave tomorrow. I want to go to Janet's daylily open house, but if I get there it will be later this afternoon.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm surprised you've put up with it this long Bonnie! What is the point of renting to someone that doesn't pay?? You still have to cover taxes and insurance. Ugh. I'd love living close to someone that would visit or that I could visit. I rarely go anywhere or do anything unless the kids planned it!

That was the one thing I hated when I worked retail-we never had anything for the season we were in!! By the time someone needed gloves, we had bathing suits. When people needed bathing suits, we had winter coats. Good grief! Target did go to carrying bathing suits year round. I guess they finally figured out it was a nice supply to have on hand. A lot of people vacation and take cruises in the winter!

I'd love to go to Janet's!! Right now I have to figure out how to get a couple of bathing suits. LOL

Waddy, KY

Dad got to come home today. What a relief as that meant I didn't have to spend the night at the hospital. Sounds rather selfish but he's more comfortable at home and so am I. I dug daylilies Saturday until I was too tired to wiggle. Not as many today but I was pleased taking into consideration the wet and early morning rain. I need to get up there and get pictures of the new stuff. I'm having trouble finding some that I"ve planted to get the markers on. Course trying to find some of them out there is like trying to find a black angus cow with no eartag in a herd of 10,000. I should have put in the locations and tags when I planted them.

The kids pulled beets last week and I had them wash them up and cook them while I was in the daylilies. Washed jars too. Hopefully tomorrow I can get the beets in some jars and get them back down to pull some more. I need to be some of the fabric mat down between bean and cucumber rows. If it dries out I guess I'll take a day off from work to get some work done!

Better go grease pans so I can bake tomorrow. Later all!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Glad he got to come home!!!

Chele, I'm anxious to hear how Coney was?

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Just getting here for the first time today. Had to have DGD to the airport at 11:00, she was all packed and it was just a matter of logistics getting her to the airport. She had never flown before, and the airline (Southwest) gave me a pass to go to the gate area with her. That really releived her as she wasn't sure she could navigate the airport. Called me from Baltimore before I even got home, and then when she got to Milwaukee. She said flying is awesome! That was a worry to me about flying, the rest is just fun for her.

Janet, I never got the chance to come over yesterday. I had company stop by, and when they left, knew that you would probably be gone. I am coming to see the daylilies, even if it is after your open house, and the designated times. I have 4 new ones this year, and they are gorgeous. One was a little disappointing, but love the others. Think I duplicated one, but still haven't had a chance to get out my lists and see. Sure glad to hear that your DD is finally home. Sitting at a hospital is so tireing. Guess because I spent so much time there with Wayne when he had his accident. Anytime you need extra help with the daylilies, call me, I would be glad to come help out.

Chele, I will be on the lookout for a good place for you all. That is if you are serious about finding something else.

Barberton, OH

Bonnie, did the Hal's Pink bloom for you? Mine are just budded, be at least another week.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Chele needs to be closer to me, not further! >>> Slapping Bonnie's hands.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

No Herman, no show from that one yet. I haven't given up on it though. It is looking good foliage wise.

Melissa, ouch, now that is not fair, trying to hog Chele all to yourself. Maybe you just need to think about moving too!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Bonnie, if I ever move, it will be to South Carolina, Georgia or Florida...within a couple hours drive to the ocean with warmer winters than we have here. LOL That will happen as likely as I'll win the lottery.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Maybe we should buy up a big chunk of land somewhere and start our own town, Davesgardenton, or something. That would make the garden consultations, visits, & swaps so much handier, LOL.

When Josh was little, he spent a long time on a pre-sleeping ritual of building his own estate-- verbally, of course. He'd describe the rooms, build a new wing every week or so, & talk about what playground equipment he wanted for the yards. Too many of the rooms seemed (to me) to be dedicated to video games, but there were also creative touches like harbors and waterfalls. One night he said, "Mom, we don't have a giant bubbling volcano!" So he created one, and then added a fort to protect from any pirate invaders, "the kind that were around when Gran was little."
I know that all adults seem ancient to little kids, but I had to bite my lip at the vision of my grandmother, born in 1908 in Appalachia, flapping her apron to shoo away the pirates.

So Chele, wherever you & your family end up, may it be safe, loving, & well protected from pirates. (I would actually avoid anything in the neighborhood of a giant bubbling volcano, but that's just me!)

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Quote from goshsmom :

I know that all adults seem ancient to little kids, but I had to bite my lip at the vision of my grandmother, born in 1908 in Appalachia, flapping her apron to shoo away the pirates.

I just sprayed my monitor with water that had previously been in my mouth, Pat. Thank you for that visual. :)

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Melissa-Ohio and goshmom

I'm already down here scouting a place out for yall. LOL

Now granted, we moved down here from Sagamore hills due to loss of jobs (and I wanted to finally move back home and be closer to aging father) but I'll tell ya it could never get hot enough down here to ever make me want to be back up in snow........ NEVER....

so when yall are ready just let me know as I've found several places that just might work.

(oh by the way, I'm just 2 miles drive to get out on Palma Sola Bay. Our rented house is just blocks from the bay and we have the most wonderful breeze coming in from the bay. Now we are starting to get into the hotter days, but morning and evenings are just wonderful here. Plus not to mention all the sun shine. Every morning on my way to work, I have to wear sunglasses and I thank God that I'm back in Florida and that I have a job again.

Come on down.


Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Jan, I'd go in a minute! Hubby is firmly rootbound in Ohio.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

You got one of those too, huh, Melissa??!!

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Yes Marcy. I'm lucky to even get him to step foot off the property except for work.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hmmmm..well Dave isn't quite that He does like to go places...but they have to be close enough that he can get home to his own bed at night!!
He certainly doesn't want to miss his bed!!!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I think I'm just going to watch House Hunters, & daydream. Even if I'm stuck--I mean, located, in Cincinnati, I've had the chance to live in a bunch of different places (do you hear me, Portland & Cape Elizabeth Maine?) and I still like the snow. Plus I still run into people that knew me in my previous life-- the one before age 30 or 35-- who'll tell me a funny story about one of my parents or cousins, which helps me feel grounded.

I just got inside from pulling weeds. I feel like I'm doing things I should have done two months ago. My garden should be ready by September!


Barberton, OH

Picked my first red raspberries today. I didn't think they were ripe until I was cutting the grass near them. Three whole days w/out rain. Doubt we'll see 4.
I have a daylily that looks like a Stella, but is 4" across. Have no idea of its origin. Buds are fatter and it bloomed about a week later I don't even know if it has a name.

Thumbnail by salix_man

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