1 gal or large nursery pot request

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Does anybody have any 1 gal. or larger nursery pots that they want to give away? I will drive as far as 20 miles for any freebie pots that size. Usually a nice size mum or azalea comes in that size. I live in Montgomery County, MD. 20906 area

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Pippi - better yet check with your local nurseries as they generally give those away. We have 'Meadows Farm' here in VA and they actually have a spot to recycle nursery pots of all sizes. Customers are allowed to pick what they want - free! Home Depot and Lowes would be another place to ask but you might have better luck with the smaller nurseries. Maybe Gita can let us know what the HD's do with there's when a plant is declared deceased. Good Luck!

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I sent one of the landscapers in our Garden Club an email but haven't heard from him yet. I will check HD or Lowe's or other local nurseries. Somebody suggested I try FreeCycle website too. When one of my kids come over, will get them to show me how to navigate that website. I had signed up for it back in 2009 but was getting numerous emails and I cancelled it. Not computer savy..probably my 12 yr. old granddaughter can set it up for me.

Lucketts, VA(Zone 7a)

Pippi - HD and Lowe's are not nurseries and you will not find used pot available there. Try businesses where they actually grow plants rather than simply sell trucked-in plants. Box stores either return plants/pot to their vendors, or put their dead and dying plants in the trash compactor pots and all.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)


What do you need the pots for? Do you only need one or two or multiples? Can you be more specific on size? (I ask because I have multiple spare pots from a nursery I worked for until it went out of business...so maybe I can fix you up. I've been thinking of offering some at our swaps....)

Mostly, I find pots of all sizes, shapes and colors when driving through neighborhoods on "trash days"!!! Good luck. In the meantime, a gal milk or water bottle can be used by cutting off the top with a pair of sissors and using thos same sissors to punch four drainage holes in the bottom.

And Greenthumb you are correct that big box stores trash plants, pots and all. wonder how much they pay for 'landfill' space?

Just a note of reminder to those of us who find and reuse pots to soak them in a ten percent bleach solution before reuse to minimize the transfer of pathogens. (There are soooooo many now)

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Alrighty I stand corrected [hangin' head in shame] ...the big box stores are not 'nurseries' but I will say I've salvaged nursery pots from them before. Granted twas only once maybe twice but I did. ^_^

This message was edited May 31, 2011 10:01 PM

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