Pictures of the addition to the coop

Bridgewater, ME

Its up

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Put up some trim today,and the other door is in,cut some holes for ventilation in the eves.was going to try to get shingles on but I don`t think they will do that today.I run out of paint for the trim so have to go get some tonight.

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Wow! Such a cute coop! That went quickly once you got started.

Bridgewater, ME

Still got a lot of work to do outside and inside

(Zone 5b)

Great sign, it all looks so good!!

Ferndale, WA

Very well done. I think everyone involved deserves a big hand. Daughter did an excellent job on the sign. Now then when does the next coop begin...LOL...Tell Hubby I was just kidding...Hay

Bridgewater, ME

Got the roof shingled yesterday,maybe get the rest of trim on today and some insulation on the inside,suppose to rain again today.Lowerd the sign was told it was to high

(Zone 5b)

Green, could you kindly send your DH over here to help with the new coop that still hasn't been delivered yet? LOL

What a great set up you have there, you all should be so proud of it!!

Bridgewater, ME

Going to get electicity put in thursday or friday,Then hopefuly insulate,still a lot to do.Annie I don`t think he would go he is so sick of building for me and says don`t ask for any more additons or anything.LOL

(Zone 5b)

It's an awesome set up! I bet your hubby is dog tired after building that!

Bridgewater, ME

I had another carpenter that done a lot of the work when he showed up.Weather has been a big problem,should have been done by now.The silkies are waiting patiently for there new home

(Zone 5b)

Ok, so does that mean you can send your caprenter here to set up my coop? LOL

It's always so nice when DH's are either involved or happy for your interest in chickens, or whatever your hobby is. You're a lucky woman!

Bridgewater, ME

The entry door is put in and the roof shingled

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This is the front,I think this is all I will do to it.Don`t want it to look to busy

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Still need to get the trim on,beautiful today and dh worked a little on the inside but had to go to work.Other capenter called and will be here tomorow to start electical,that was a surprise for me,so glad dh decided to do that,will need safe electical for winter with heat lamps heated waters and such,will be quite an expense but a needed one.I don`t know if you can see the silkies looking at there new home and waiting so patiently.

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(Zone 5b)

It looks great, Green!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm very jealous, especially of the electric *G*. Still, I am managing to be happy for you. It'a a wonderful Haven.
It may help that my new chicks have arrived, so I'm just generally smiley.

Richmond, TX

We need lots of pictures so that we can all be smiley.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'll try. Look for a new thread for blue and salmon babies...

Bridgewater, ME

Got lots of pics today,but camara will not let me get them out don`t know whats wrong.Got the electic all in today,traded time for some things dh had.

(Zone 6b)

I'm very happy for you Green.

Bridgewater, ME

Starting the digging up the old wire and putting in the new,Tilley wants to play frisby thats the red thing she has in her mouth so dh would through it in between digging

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Bridgewater, ME


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Bridgewater, ME

wire in trench from house to coop

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Bridgewater, ME

My electician,dh`s nephew

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Bridgewater, ME


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(Zone 5b)

YAY, electricity in the coop is so nice to have. Thanks so much for all the pics of your addition project, it's been really fun to follow.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

Love watching your project and thanks for sharing all the wonderful photos. Your chicks are in heaven....


Bridgewater, ME

DH putting on trim outside

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Bridgewater, ME

Got some insulation done and a fan light put in

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So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

You're not building a chicken "coop"... you're building a chicken palace!

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Be careful, you may end up with HOOmans who want to live there...

Bridgewater, ME

All insulated today and all the trim is up.Got grass seed down where we had to dig up for electic wire.Mowed lawns,weed wacked.cleaned pool or tried the pump kept shuting down,painted floor in coop,and am to tierd to take pictures and post them,will later.Good nite everyone

(Zone 5b)

Geeze, no wonder you're so tired! It sounds beautiful and I can't wait to see the pics. Sleep well.

Ferndale, WA

Sleep well my friend, you deserve it. Lots of fun just watching the whole project. Thanks for the pic's and the play by play audio...Hay

Bridgewater, ME

Got outside trim on and yesterday I got the blocks layed in front of the door for the steps.Is anyone els having problems posting pictures?It takes forever I switched over to firefox but it make no difference.

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

I planted flowers in my blocks

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Bridgewater, ME

Inside,I found this paint at a thrift store think I will do the walls in it to,its called eggshell.The ceiling will be white.This angle is looking in the green entance door,the gate is where the old entrance door was and the little one is where the silkies will come in from the exsisting run.The outside poop door was already there on the other side of the white wall and led into a cage on the floor so we didn`t have to cut another hole in the coop.They have ventured into the cage part but not into the big room.We still have 10 pieces of pressed board to put on the walls and ceiling then we will be done.Was hoping to have this done before the baby silkies hatched under the broody in the little coop so she could have the whole coop for her and the babies untill they got a little bigger.Today is hatching day for her,she has 13 eggs hope the all hatch.

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Painted 10 4x8 sheets of pressed board yesterday,now waiting for dh to have some time to put all them on and we will be done.

Bridgewater, ME

Jadee was the first one to check out there new digs.Its not ready yet but they wanted to see it

Thumbnail by green04735

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