Pictures of the addition to the coop

Bridgewater, ME

This is the start the leveling of the ground

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

The floor frame

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

The floor boarded in

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Cutting off the eve

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This one should have been before the last one,taking off the trim boards

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

One of the walls

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Tilley the inspection dog,this is the front of the coop

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Loading the frames on the trailer

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Hauling it up the hill

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This end will have the french doors in it,The doors will let in a lot of light and sun for the winter months to help with warmth

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This side is for the entry door,we will be taking the one off the coop that is in there now

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

The front

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Front is up.Got a lot done today,tomorow dh will be here to.

This message was edited May 12, 2011 4:18 PM

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Impressive progress!

Ferndale, WA

Very good, and thanks for the pic's they were excellent and so was the comentary...Hay

(Zone 5b)

Wow, that was a lot of work done is a short time! Love the french door idea too.

Bridgewater, ME

Got a good deal on the french doors,my sister took them out of her house and put in new ones.Hope to get a lot done today with dh home.Going to get as much painting done as possible going to rain for days after today!!

This message was edited May 13, 2011 6:15 AM

Bridgewater, ME

Building the truses

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Putting up truses

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

All the truses

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Girls watching

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This is what it looks like inside

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Putting the header in for the door

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This is the reason the coop looks funny,because of the these tall doors,but I really wanted them for the light and the sun in the winter,

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

Suppose to rain the next few ays so had to cover the roof up no shingles on it yet

Thumbnail by green04735
(Zone 5b)

I don't think it looks funny at all, it's great!! Lucky chicks to be living in that coop!

Bridgewater, ME

No work yesterday it rained all day.

(Zone 5b)

It won't stop raining here either. Looking forward to more pics of your coop wen the weather clears up!

Bridgewater, ME

STILL RAINING!! Nothing to report

(Zone 6b)

They are doing an awesome job!

(Zone 5b)

I was hoping your weather was better and was looking forward to pics!

Still raining here too - need to get the new little coop delivered but no chance of that in this weather! It's been solid rain all day, the past week actually. Right now it's raining so hard the back yard looks like a lake even at night. Enough! Some of the flowers I planted are rotting in the ground.

Richmond, TX

I just read in the newsletter of the Texas and SW Cattle Raisers Association that over the long term rainfall is increasing in the US. Some of you may find that a lot easier to believe than we do here. So far this year we have had less than 2" of rain - total - and most of that was in January.

(Zone 5b)

Wish there were some way to spread the rain evenly to everyone!

Richmond, TX

No kidding!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Ok pictures up in my thread new house of the new coop...

Bridgewater, ME

Dh went next door and got carpenter boy and they got a lot done in the afternoon,he stayed for supper and they worked untill dusk,made him prominise to come back today said he would,but its raining a little this morning.

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This is the front almost done just have to do the trim boardsmbut this is some of what I`ll do to the front

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This side,got the tar paper on the roof and the back filled in,and the inspector is still on the job

Thumbnail by green04735
Bridgewater, ME

This is my sign,my daughter done this,she is so talented when it comes to crafts and writing things,I can`t even draw a stick person.This will look so nice on the coop hoping to get it on today.

Thumbnail by green04735
Richmond, TX

Great progress! Looking good!

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