Great Wall persimmon blooms dropping

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

My persimmon tree is 4 years old and about 12 feet tall. It bloomed this year for the first time and was covered with blooms. I noticed all the blooms have dropped, othrwise the tree looks great. Leaves look good with no traces of disease but we are in the middle of a drought. I do water but no deep watering. Could this be a cause of leaf drop or does it just naturally do this until it is of a certain age?

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Those little buggers drop like crazy until they get older. You really have to deep water during this drought. The fact that it is already 12 feet tall leads me to believe that you have a sandy loam which needs to be watered more often. I have one tree in clay and one in well drained soil at the top of the yard. The younger tree in clay is covered in fruit and the older one in well drained soil has dropped all.

Just grin and bear it for another year or two or water really well during periods of drought.

I cant wait until I get my Fuyus. I only had one last year but I think I will get about 25-30 this year.

Since yours has all that nice growth on it, I suspect you will get lots of fruit next year if we have average rainfall.

Another thing to remember is that Persimmons dont need a lot of fertilizer and will often drop fruit if you over-fertilize.

Brazoria, TX(Zone 9b)

Interesting to know about fertilization. I haven't fertilized the tree very much but I will water more frequently. Next year I'll try a Fuyu.
Appreciate the help.
Looking forward to all the fresh rainfall we are due to get later this week. Hopefully....................

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

Dont jinx it!

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