Twisted Lily?

Stratford, CT(Zone 6a)

Hi, I am a beginner and bought a bunch of mixed Lily bulbs to grow. They have been doing well for 2 years, but one comes up twisted every year. The leaves seem to bend into check mark shapes, the stem is spiral, and the flowers are missing petals. I have left it thinking it would die or get better, but this year, it looks like it will be the same. Should I dig it up and toss it? Does anyone know what is wrong with it? (I think it is Asiatic or Oriental Lily mix) If it were normal, It would have many thin leaves, densely lining the stem. Thanks.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Hmm.... I wonder if it is sick with a virus. Can you post a pic?

Stratford, CT(Zone 6a)

It's not big enough for a pic to show what is going on. I only recognize that it will happen again because it looks like it did this time last year. I will post one when it is bigger. Instead of a short stem with leaves at this point, like the others, it looks like a green saucer of leaves with a sharp indentation to the right of the center. That is where the stem eventually comes up, and it curves to the left.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

OK, we'll look forward to a pic when you can get one.

BTW, did the bloom have a good solid color or was the coloring 'spotty'?

Stratford, CT(Zone 6a)

The color was fine, and the leaves are normal green.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Sounds like a virus to me too.

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