Went Lily Crazy bought lots of new Lilies

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

You all should know I love lilies and just keep adding them to my garden. So I was planning on what and were to plant. This time I an going to plant lilies between my daylilies. I choose all asiatics as I want bloom in the daylily beds before the daylilies start blooming which might start the very end of June here but usually around the start of July. Asiatic Lilies bloom for me about the second week of June.

So I started with Eden Brothers were I bought 50 of their Asiatic Mix. And Then 25 of Blackout. I had Blackout lilies but they got shaded out by some honeysuckle and I see very few came up this spring. No matter, I am going to plant them elsewhere.

Then I went to Sunshine Bulb Farm that sells the pre cooled bulbs like Woodenshoe does. I tried to order at Woodenshoe but they were out of stock of some I wanted. So I looked around, found Sunshine and they had everything in stock. I wanted 25 of Black Bird, 25 of Tridex and 25 of Golden Joy (those Golden Joy were not in stock at Woodenshoe). So I ordered them but before the final order I see that I need to buy more to qualify for the free shipping. So I also got 25 Allegretto.

I don't mind the pre cooled bulbs at all. I have had them before and they are just fine. I do plant them right away like your supposed to. You can't plant pre cooledin the autumn, only in the spring.

Now I could have made do with less than 25 of each but of course they don't sell any less than 25 of any variety. So......that means I am going to have lots more lilies this summer. 175 more to be exact.

Tomah, WI

You will have even more beautiful lilies when this group bloom. Beautiful choices!
I received my Sunshine Bulb lilies yesterday. I have them all sorted & the plant tags made up. If the weather cooperates tomorrow, I hope to get the majoriety planted.
I was suprised that their Asiatic lily bulbs seemed quite small this year, at least for the varieties I ordered. The Orientals were nice & the OT's were really quite large.
Please let me know how the varieties you ordered work out with the daylilies. I also plant my lilies with daylilies but hesitated on some of the varieties since they were quite short.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

The short ones are for empty spots around the daylilies the taller for in between. hard to describe. It took me hours to pick out the right lilies and the right heights.

I had never tried Sunshine before. But they had what I wanted so I ordered. I am sure they will be fine.

Tomah, WI

I am sure they will be fine too! I wasn't worried about the size of the Asiatics at all. They clump up sooo fast! Just a bit smaller than I am used to from Sunshine.
I guess the spots I have available to fill all take taller lilies. Can't wait to see all of your gorgeous lilies in bloom this year. They should be even better than last year!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I am a lily lover. What a sight your garden will be.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

I already have lots and lots of lillies but I just keep adding more.

But this time I didn't just go and pick out pretty lillies and then think were am I going to plant them? Instead I had this all planned out. I have the spots and the design in mind and then I went and looked until I found exactly what I needed to add to do what I want.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I did not plan. There are so many more bulbs to plant, but I don't know where. I'll put some in containers to give as gifts as well.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)


Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

You cannot ever have too many lilies.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Thats what I say.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Can we hear..AMEN! LOL

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

My lilies had actually arrived Saturday while I was out buying plants at my favorite local nursery. So I spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday planting what I bought (mostly lots of annuals), Today I am planting the lilies. I already planted 100 of the 175 and will go back out in a minute to keep going.

As soon as they come up and also definately when they are blooming I will post pictures.

The bulbs are in great shape and should start growing right away. And I think my planting arraingement of were I am putting them is going to look very good when they all bloom.

Plus its not as if I don't have plenty of lilies here already. I loose track of how many but there are lilies all over the place around here and each year I just keep on adding more.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Got the 25 Blackout done. Those BLACKOUT lilies that I just planted were pretty much sprouted so I had to be careful planting. All the others so far were really good as they had not oversprouted. Makes it easier when they haven't got the long shoots already growing so you have to be careful not to break them. But of course it means they come up even faster if they are growing already.

I have plenty of time to get the rest planted today but am so stiff and ackey that I don't know if I want to start the 50 mixed Asiatics. I need to finish once I start there as I intend to first set out all the bulbs and them go around and plant them. I might just do some odds and ends of other garden chores the rest of this afternoon instead.

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I just wish that I could remember the backbreaking work involved when I'm out shopping at a nursery. Somehow there is a disconnect. We put in more tomatoes yesterday, and dahlias too, but I had to put some of the lilies into containers.

My aim this year is to get inexpensive, nice-looking containers that all look alike. Tons of lilies have come up in the gardens and deck containers, but I think there are more to come. I keeping putting in lilies every year, but it does not seem that there are as many as there should be.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

Cathy, I know exactly what you mean about the disconnect between shopping and then having to plant it all once you get home. Plus I think up garden projects and how nice it would look if I did whatever. Then once I think it up of course I have to go out and actually do it. I never think of the work when I am dreaming up my projects.

I never seem to have enough lilies either, no matter how many I put in.

North Shore of L. I., NY(Zone 6b)

That went well. I did the rest of the lily bulbs today. It was the 50 mixed colors Asiatic collection. Easier than I thought and I think it is going to look great. First I just placed all the bulbs around in that daylily area. I put them one in a spot but there might be others fairly closely. So it is not like in between the two sections of new daylily gardens (I did last year) were I put the bulbs closely together en mass. But its more like the other two beds were I just put them in between. But those were in rows sorta, and these are not. Not that easy to explain but I am sure it will make sense after they grow and bloom later so I can take pictures.

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