I SPY, YOU SPY Petunias 2011

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, Buffy! What is the 'super cal'? Sounds intriguing...I think I need more pots, lol. We do most of our gardening in containers, due to clay/rocks/roots here in the middle of the woods. I wish I had dug more beds when I was younger, lol!

Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

Very nice everyone! I've been looking at petunias this year too. They don't like it too much where I live now for some unknown reason. Papaya caught my eye too along with a yellow and blue one nearby, so I'm trying again.

Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ
Pequannock, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'm trying Phantom too but it show every little bit of pollen that lands on it.

Thumbnail by Loretta_NJ
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Now that I have Phantom, I'm thinking I need to go back and look for a yellow one of some sort to plant with it...

San Francisco Bay Ar, CA(Zone 9b)

Lots of 'pretty' on this thread! Pretty Much Picasso would sorely tempt me yet again, so I'm glad I haven't seen it around. ;-) I planted the calibrachoa, but it's been so gloomy and rainy that I haven't taken pics. At least it hasn't up and died on me thus far.

Kell, sorry to hear about your continued camera woes. Ugh! All in all, I am enjoying my camera. My boyfriend has a better (and much more $$$) camera, so I have a bit of camera envy when we both take photos of the same thing. I seem to have some issues in what is already poor lighting, but I'm still trying to figure out if this is a fixable issue, user error, or just how it's going to be.

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

My petunias are doing beautiful but something is eating each bloom. Very small green worm. I think that is why I stopped growing them years ago. First year in a long time to try. They pop from the street but before the day is gone the bloom is gone. I have found only one very small worm on dozens of plants. Only bloom they are attaching except they are also eating my lettuce.

I have been in Southern and Northern California many times and I am in total Petunia and Impatient envy for weeks after returning.

I grow the majority of all my plants in pots or hanging baskets. And everything is on automatic irrigation and fertilization. And the majority of everything is in filtered light with no direct sun which was accomplished by planning when custom building our home and designing the landscape..

Any ideas would be appreciated. I do not use insecticides but I am getting ready to buy some chewing tobacco, chew it and spit. Just kidding...Sharon

PS: I have been gardening here for many years and I do know what I am doing. I have tropical hibiscus blooming but cannot grow a petunia.

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Super calibricoas (million bells)
my priscilla double purple got a haircut this morning she was getting a little too racy and leggy...LOL from the looks of the plant it will be a much bushier plant when it regrows.

here is a pic of mine

Thumbnail by BUFFY690
(Judith) Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Worms, you reminded me of why I quit growing petunias until this year. I forgot about the petunia bud worm wiping mine out years ago. I used to grow them every year from seed. But from seed or from plants, they all were afflicted by that wretched worm. I 'll see how they do this year. As far as I know, there's nothing you can do. A systemic insecticide would work, but they'd have to ingest the bud first. There's a geranium bud worm too that infested my seed-grown geraniums. Always something to spoil the fun!


Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, no, I hope those nasty little worms don't find mine! Just in case, if anyone finds a product that works, and is safe for critters (kitties), let me know.
I love the million bells, too, Buffy! Funny, I was wondering if the 'superca' on the label meant 'supercalifragilistiexpialadocious'. LOL

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I went out last night with a flashlight. Did not find a worm but did convince my neighbors that I am totally crazy.

We are 60 degrees today and overcast and I actually found one this morning. I deadheaded all the blooms that were partly eaten last night. I four new blooms half gone but only found one worm. These worms think they are smarter than me. No Way. The battle is on.

Have a great day. Sharon.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I would dust them with an insecticide powder. There's different kinds of dust that is safe up to 1 day before harvest for edibles, so that may work well if you are concerned about chemicals.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

You GO, girl, those worms will not be lovin' you anymore, lol!
The weatherman said we may actually get some sunshine tomorrow for a change, so I'm hoping to plant everything then. But there is nothing but mud out there--do you all think planting will be okay anyway?

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

I am looking at the petunia starburst and the phantom together for a hanging basket combo next year...LOL

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

What color is Starburst--yellow? Will have to look for that, thanks!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I think Starburst is a Dummen Red Fox "Surprise" petunia, but it isn't shown on the current web page. This is a difficult site to work with since it is in German, but you can see most of the info picture in the translated page

Try the main site and if you can not read German, choose the bottom choice to translate and pick your country, once at the home page go to the pull-down tab for SPRING and you will see a link for petunias

Red Fox Dummen are the breeder/grower for all the Potunias, Surprise and Sweetunias. Some very cool colours.


This message was edited May 19, 2011 5:24 PM

This message was edited May 19, 2011 5:26 PM

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hmm, I get "A critical error has occurred" on that site, so I Googled it, and found this--is that it?


Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

OK you petunia experts. Do you dead head your petunias? Beautiful weather today., I am getting ready to go out and clean up from the "high" winds yesterday. High enough that it knocked down a street lamp. Sharon.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

I read on one of the petunia tags that they don't need deadheading. I never have in the past--have any of you? Good question, Sharon!

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

No time ti deadhead. I always choose freeflowering varieties, which most on the market today are.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I fixed the link above post

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

If I do not dead head mine, they get really leggy. I buried a stem today still attached to see if it would root.

Also found one of those wonderful worms. I think they start out in the bud and as the bud opens, it eats. I found him in a half open bud. I will investigate more tomorrow. They will be very sorry they landed within my homestead. LOL.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Oh, I do hope they root that way--I did the same thing. I will keep an eye out for those nasty little critters, too. What color are they?

San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Have you guys tried BT, Bacillus thuringiensis? It is not a poison! So OK to use. I spray my petunias once and the worms are gone!

What is Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)?

Bacillus thuringiensis, usually referred to as "Bt" (pronounced “bee-tee”), is a naturally occurring bacterium that is lethal to most leaf-eating caterpillars on trees, shrubs, flowers, and vegetables.

Bacillus thuringiensis variety kurstaki (B.t.k.) is the general purpose material that homeowners buy when they see just the words Bt or Bacillus thuringiensis without the variety name attached. This is the type of Bt that is appropriate for home landscape use to kill caterpillars. As you can see on the left, there are also varieties designed to kill mosquitoes or potato beetles.

Bt is harmless to all other insects, animals, and humans. It comes in powder form for use as a dust or, diluted with water, for use as a foliar spray. It is also available in liquid form. It is sprayed or dusted on leaves of plants that are under attack by caterpillars so that the pests will ingest the bacteria as they eat the leaves. The Bt causes paralysis of the caterpillar's digestive tract, causing it to stop feeding within two hours. Within a day or two, certainly no longer than 72 hours, the caterpillars die.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Great info, thanks!

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Oh my goodness I did a mixed pot with the Black Petunia today that just rocked.
Black Petunia
Batfaced Cuphea
The new alyssum from Proven winners this year..Lobularia
it was stunning sorry no pics, but I sed the last of what I had and sold it before I could take a pic.

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

well I did make myself a hanging basket today...I just couldn't stand it (A Birthday Present to myself) and may have to have a second one tomorrow. I was inspired by a slick black hanging basket I found in out recycled pots. I places a black petunia, a pink super cal, and a white wave...take a look.

Thumbnail by BUFFY690
Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Nice combo!

Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Quote from KyWoods :
Nice combo!

I can't wait to see how it grown in. Like I said I am definately making up the matching pot for the other side of my back deck, tomorrow at work :0)

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Hey Kell

Where do you find BT? approximate cost????



San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I came on over to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOANNA! Hope you had a great day filled with all things enjoyable!

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

I see it is Buffy's birthday tomorrow! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO! May tomorrow bring you a basket full of fun as well as your basket full of perfect petunias!

Thumbnail by Kell
San Leandro, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi Patty! I have not seen you in ages! I have often thought of you hoping things were going well for you and your husband!

I think even HD carries BT, Bacillus thuringiensis in a small bottle for just $8 if that! It really works with just 1 spray! So fast and easy! For sure a nursery would have it.

Patty, You have been missed!

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

Hope you had a very Happy Birthday, Joanna, and you do the same, Buffy!

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Happy Birthday Joanna and Buffy.
I saw the most beautiful petunias today. Couldn't bring myselt to buy them since I have so many that I have grown from seed still waiting to be planted. If the rain would stop on my days off, maybe I could get to them.
I could have talked with the checker at Shopko forever, he just graduated in botany. He knew so much, so fun to talk with him.
Have a great day.

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Waving madly back :O)

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

I thought I had Bt but could not find it. It is on my list of things to do tomorrow. We are leaving for two weeks Thursday. Visiting Washington and Oregon state. Grand children is both states. 19 year old to 1.

One year old is my son's first child. He is an Internist in Spokane and did not get married until he was 46. First child. He will be 2 in November.

I am very anxious leaving my garden. Same individuals have watched our property for the last 15 years. He is a SWAT cop, so every thing is safe when we are gone. I spent the day checking irrigation and have a few repairs tomorrow to make sure everything is OK. Sharon

Las Vegas, NV(Zone 9a)

BTW, thanks for the Bt tip. I already knew that. The 68, soon to be 69 year old brain failed me. But the back strength and work ethic are still going.

This last month I did not pay the power bill or my DH's car insurance. I know I saw them both and I usually pay the same day. OMG, am losing it? No, just to busy gardening. I think the housekeeper must have put them someplace but they only come on Wednesday every other week. Maybe the "Butler".

Anyway, I guess I need to pay more attention. I am turning into my mother.....Sharon

Portland, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Kell,

Thanks for the nice thoughts and words; family is doing well; I'm trying to whip my flower beds back in shape after two hard winter freezes and somewhat neglect with all that has happened. I've still been hanging out here; just don't post a lot. I mainly hang out on the Tropical Thread even though I don't have lots of tropicals. Rita and RJ are there and I still keep in touch with them since they are my Texas DG'ers and I am still able to get together with them once or twice a year.

Thanks for the BT info. Hope all is well with you!


Prosperity, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the Birthday wishes, my 10th anniversary of my 29th Birthday turned out just great.

Highland Heights, KY(Zone 6a)

LOL, I like that! Glad you had a great birthday!
I'm sad...my Phantom petunia and my Raspberry Blast didn't make it...I'm pretty sure the poor things drowned, with all the monsoons we've had lately. I hope I can find more.

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