No spouts anywhere

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

I think I might have planted my lillies to deep, I do not see spouts anywhere! How deep should you plant the bulbs..... I purchsed LOTS of bulbs and not seen any spouts :(


Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

If you're going to err one way or the other, it's better to plant deeper. Did you plant these bulbs just this Spring or last Fall? The first year they may be a little slower to show themselves but be patient and don't go digging around looking for them. Trust me on that last part. ;)

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Take Moby's advice, and make sure those bulbs have proper drainage. You'll probably see them earlier in the second season. Those bulbs can generally take a lot of weather/temperature abuse as long as they don't have wet feet. One year I transplanted so many bulbs that I left a bunch of bulbs I had lifted out in an empty pot and overlooked them. In the spring they were fine.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Jane Marie,

My first one just sprouted, and I'm warmer than you are. Hang in there.

As Moby said, deep is good.

Utica, NY(Zone 4b)

I won't go looking for them... I know where they should come up...I marked most of the spots last fall! I planted most 8 inches deep like I thought I read somewhere I was to....


Troy, NY(Zone 5b)

Mine just started in zone 5 and not all are even up yet. Hang in there. NY may get spring by Mother's Day

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

My ground is so heavy I am always afraid to plant too deep for fear of rot. Last year I dug up a couple of late ones and sure enough they had grey mold on them. dusted and replanted. We will see this year. They are really slow to sprout up here. Sometimes clear into June

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