Container Palm tree

Powell, WY(Zone 4b)

Is there a container palm that can be grown in a half barrel? It would have to stand extreme heat in the summer and frost in the winter.Zone 9b

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

I've had a couple of fan palms in containers for several years now. They grow very slowly compared to the ones planted in the ground. I am not sure but they may not grow larger than their container can sustain?
You can find more info in the plant files. Use the search and look up palms, then refine the search by your zone.
You could also look up threads by PalmBob, who is very knowledgeable about palms, cactus, and succulents.
I do cover mine when frost is expected, but since they aren't very tall it isn't very hard to toss a sheet over them. In the summer temps can be up to 115 degrees, and they will appreciate a little water if left in pots on the really hot days. The ones planted in the ground get a drip soaking maybe once a week, for several hours. We have primarily decomposed granite for our base soil.
I don't know if my experience will help, but I hope it does. : - )
Walk In Beauty~

Powell, WY(Zone 4b)

Thank you, this is very helpful!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow! For once I actually was able to help someone! : - )
You just made my day, edrcook1.

SF Bay Area, CA(Zone 9b)

Here's just one article palmbob wrote on palms, entitled "Cold Hardiness and Palms."

He has written many other palm articles, as SW said. Here's his member page - just scroll down to the "Published Articles" section and search for "palms".

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

There are actually few palms that cannot be grown in a container, at least outdoors.. All palms have pretty wimpy roots and tolerate being crammed into small spaces. So your limitations are climate, not the container.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

See, I knew palmbob would have the answer. : - )
faeden was sweet enough to provide links. : - )
So, edrcook, did you ever find a palm to plant in your half barrel?
Curious people want to know! : - )

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