Off Topic but had to share new house pictures..

(Zone 6b)

For some reason daffodils do not grow for me. My tulips do fine, but the daffodils always die. Other people around here can grow them, but not me. ??

Richmond, TX

Here nearly all bulbs rot, although with recent droughts perhaps that will change.

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

One thing I have found it if you plant them higher than the directions say they do better, I have been growing the Fairy Tale Amaryllis in the picture above for over 50 years and The heirloom daffs in the picture below for the same amount of time and we do get very wet in the summer.

Thumbnail by wren107
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

As soon as I can leave here... I am so there Roseane! I can't even leave for an evening right now... but someday.. I will have that coffee with you!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

My Door will always be open for you and anyone else who is coming thru Arizona... That would be so awesome.. OH BTW ZZ..... on my porch now is three chairs, two tables and horse shoes.. ROF have not even packed up this house yet but my new porch is done...

I have started a thread on the Sustainable Alternatives forum as not to offend anyone about our solar journey... Come join us...

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Sharing house warming gift... Made by the same guy that made me a door handle for my sliding glass door out of a bit..

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Richmond, TX

An Easter Pig!

Southern NJ, United States(Zone 7a)

Oh, how cute! Is it metal?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Yep made out of an old propane tank that leaked and horseshoes and Various other metal he found.. I love it..
AND the new tip I got on my other thread. You know those Flower bed solar lights?? well put them outside during the day to charge then bring them in at night for free lights.. I am thinking a few baskets with some rocks in there will hold them and I can put one in Billy's bathroom and two down the hall (That gets really dark) and one in Billy's room for a nightlight. Just take them out when I leave in the morning and bring them in around dark... I am so loving that Idea...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh wow! That is a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing that!

Love the pig.. :)

Ferndale, WA

ZZ's are you talking about visiting or wanting to move to Arizona...Yes of course I'm nosey...

Miss Jester just want you to know the lives of our forum family is never off Topic...We want you you to keep us up on whats happening with you and Billy...Hay

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Thanks Mr Haystack You and ZZ are suppose to come for a visit, the front porch is ready....

Joplin, MO(Zone 6b)

Congrats on the new house its wonderful! You both definitely deserve it. I love the pig.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

See my Front porch is ready for visitors, the rest of the house well its slow going..

Thumbnail by MissJestr
(Zone 5b)

It looks inviting and peaceful!

Richmond, TX

Looks quite spacious; how many visitors do you want?

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

The milk can is from my Grand Daddys dairy, the teapot was given to me by an old cowboy to water plants , the Iron stand is from a old railroad switch and the Gnome I bought so Lingernot would have a friend, the blue bucket Billy and I found on a hike...the rusted bucket you see on the right hand side is an old standard oil can and the horse shoes are from a friends wedding, they were the table decorations... The old handle on the left side and the coupler is from an old ranch here and that was part of the irrigation system. I even have the key that started it all... The family is long gone, but before the last boy passed on, he took me out there to see it. In its hayday they ran 1000 head of cattle and grew their own hay and had a killer water system.
LOL it has history that is for sure.

This message was edited Apr 21, 2011 8:48 PM

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Everyone is welcome, we have 2 RV spots that you can park your RV and step out on a concrete pad. I have 3 bedrooms and a loveseat that makes into a bed, Billy has offered Mr Haystack his bed, so that leaves the other one that can be used... We have plenty of floor space as well..

Richmond, TX

Your hospitality is very tempting - now I just need a farm-sitter...

Ferndale, WA

Am I sensing a chicken head meeting at Miss Jesters, she is so kind to invite us, but, is she asking for more than she thinks...LOL...Roseane is a priceless Princess...Hay

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

I would SO love to host a Chicken Head Meeting at the BR Chicken Ranch...

Richmond, TX

That would be such fun!

Ferndale, WA

Hmmm, Tempting...

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh wow.. it would be so fun!!

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Here are our new additions... Chompers and Bisquit

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Chyanne Running

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Rosielena too

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

The Motley Crew

Thumbnail by MissJestr
Richmond, TX

Great pictures! I love to watch horses running and playing. Are these newbies milk goats?

Bridgewater, ME

Nothing more breathtaking than watching a horse running I love it

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

No the goats are wethered one is a 5 year old and one is a 4 year old they were 4H pack goat projects and really friendly. Billy loves them and goes out every morning to say hi... Its too cute.

Ferndale, WA

I posted a comment but must have forgotten to send...The horses in motion, make me feel transfixed...There is nothing more majestic than watching these powerful animals at a full run, prancing or just plain frolicing. Love the Motley crew...The goats are cute though I'm not a fan of goats, I had two of them and they just ate the chicken feed faster than the chickens could. It seems as though you and Billy Bob are having a time of it...So happy for you. Hope you had a great birthday bash young lady. Wished I could have been there to celebrate with you all...Hay

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

Mr Haystack there is still time to make it here for the birthday housewarming party, it is at the end of May..Please pop by and pick up ZZ on your way...LOL

Ferndale, WA

Your such a big tease, that would be so much fun to pick up ZZ's and shoot over to your place for your birthday bash...Hay

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

Don't forget to swing by and pick me up, please

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

You know it would be awesome to you all of you here even Aundre the Demon Child... Haystack you know you have a place to lay your head down, and Miss Wren, the loveseat makes into a bed..

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 8b)

I wish I could but money is tight and I have promised to take 2 local DG friends to a Round Up on that day and one of them has just had lung cancer surgery so I specially do not want to break my work.

Kingman, AZ(Zone 7a)

New coop up SWEET MOTHERS DAY... Chickens are coming home tomorrow... YEA

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I am with you in spirit Rosie.. as soon as I'm able to leave here, it will be a totally different story. Right now, my mom is a priority.

I enjoy every picture, every post and so yearn to be there to help, and plant, and cook in a solar oven, and the whole shootin match. :)

I'd love to meet up with Haystack too... or any other DGr that I can for that matter! :)

(Zone 6b)

ZZ, how is your mother? You have mentioned her several times, so I was wondering. Hope she is well.

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