Lily (?) with Small White Flowered Spikes & Spotted Foliage

Dickinson, TX(Zone 9b)

Can anyone identify this? I bought the original bulbs about 15 years ago at a flea market & was told they were native to Brazil. They do quite well here in the Houston area, even enduring light to medium frosts (~25 degrees F). Do well both in the ground & in pots or baskets. Usually dormant here from late November to end of February. Flowers appear about the same time as first leaves & last about 4-6 weeks. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thumbnail by chakeswa83
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

You could post on Plant ID forum.I have had luck there.
What ever they are they are fantastic. Look like a Muscarie( sp) of some sort.

Dickinson, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks ge1836. Just reposted it in the ID section. Hope you're getting some spring weather by now. We're very dry here & highs this weekend are supposed to be in the upper 80's! Looks like our spring is about over.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Its intoxicating here now. Everything id popping out of the ground.

Dickinson, TX(Zone 9b)

Yes, spring is such a wonderful time; full of new life & promises. I found out what these were thanks to a couple of knowledgeable Dave's Gardeners. They are commonly called African Hostas or Little White Soldiers (Drimiosis maculata). Have a great gardening season.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Glad you found an answer. :)

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