Nursery at Ty Ty? Native Plum.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

I'm looking for native plum trees. I've found a source at the Nurseries at Ty Ty in Georgia, but can't find them listed on Garden Watchdog. I seem to remember they were once there, and have a negative impression, but can't confirm.
Does anyone have any thoughts, or know of anywhere I can purchase the small, wild type plums that will grow in SC? My tree didn't survive the winter, and i miss it....

Fairfield County, CT(Zone 6b)

Oh-oh! Major, major, major negative and then they sued the heck out of The Dave over it! Hope someone can find you another source.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Aha!! That would explain it *G*. Nice to know my mind isn't completely gone...

Thanks, I'll look some more:)

San Marcos, TX(Zone 8b)

They go by about 20 other names so if the websites look familiar to TyTy, they are probably them. There is a list somewhere.

Pelzer, SC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the warning. It may be a moot point. There is a clump of small trees/bushes near where my little plum was, and they bloomed this spring. I didn;t get to them to look more closely until yesterday. They seem to look like the plum, although it's difficult to compare live to dead. My tree books aren't much help, although these generally fit. No sign of developing fruit, but they're young, and they bloomed before I'd seen a bee. They definitely seem to be some kind of a stone fruit, so we'll see.

Greensburg, PA

Oikos Tree Crops sent me some nice beach plum trees this year. Give them a try but do so soon as the dormant shipping season is coming to a close. They sell a variety of plums including natives.

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