Meyer lemon question about buds

Dahlonega, GA

Just bought a 3' tree with lots of flower buds . The tree is still spindley and only about the size of a pencil lead at the top . Question , do I go ahead and remove the flower buds ? The top is loaded and even if one bud put on fruit , it would be much too heavy for such a tiny thin top .
It's all new to me . And thanks in advance, Sally

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Citrus trees usually have a lot of blooms that never materialize into fruit. Especially on small trees such as you have. Even if they do start to develop a small lemon, the tree will usually spit them off before they grow to the point of breaking the limb. You can always cut the fruit off it appears to be causing a problem to the limb or tree. Just enjoy the smell of the blooms and the tree will usually take care of itself.

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