Lemon/Lime Tree

Andover, MN(Zone 3b)

I'm a long time gardener in Minnesota with new small tropical fruit trees with problems. I purchased a meyer lemon and key lime in the same pot from Home Depot recently while in Fla. I had them out in the sun while there and they had some leaf drop. After getting them home, a few leaves continued to drop sporadically. Only recently did I notice big pieces of some leaves missing and in some instances up to half of the leaf. I see no evidence of bugs or worms (? possible?). Knowing I must be missing something I applied insecticide about 3 days ago.

Today I inspected them both in the sunlight (old gardener=old eyes!) and made a few observations:
Lemon tree: a few leaves have small pin holes, appears to have some white on underside of the leaves, there's some pocking on the newer leaves and some newer leaves are curled on the tips. I found one shepards hook.

Lime tree: There's also a white substance on the undersides of the older leaves the newer ones show none. Must be fungus.

The surprising things are both have new growth, the lemon especially has many flowers and I'm not sure but while pollinating today noticed both have green nodules growing where flowers have been. Is it possible they've set fruit?

Who knew citrus trees were thorny and smell like heaven or Hawaii? How do I care for these guys to assure they survive until I can get them outdoors? They're only a few feet tall. Should they be together in the same pot? Thank you.

Germantown, TN(Zone 7b)

Someone at Home Depot must have potted the two up together - don't think I have ever seen the citrus growers that know what they are doing come with that arrangement. Usually, the lime is going to be more of a horizontal spreader and low to the ground where as the lemon is going to grow more vertically. I think if I were you I would separate them now before their roots get too hard to get apart. Just my preference, others may see it differently.

Andover, MN(Zone 3b)

Thank you for the input.

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