So sad...Killed about 10 tomato plants

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

A couple nights ago it got really windy and somehow my heater tipped over. I lost all the tomatoes that were close to the wall, but the rest are all looking alright. I just about died when I woke up and say that my temp was 37* out there. I ran out in my socks and night clothes to see what happened. Needless to say I still have time to plant more and I did over plant a bit anyway. I am so thankful that I didn't loose anything else.
I went ahead and set up a back up heater in there set at 49* just in case something happens to the other one again. Although I did move my main heater to a better,more stable location.

What,if anything,has gone bad in your greenhouse and what did you do to make sure it never happened again?

St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

This year I lost a lot of my tenders like coleus, we had 4 inches of ice followed by deep snow. We couldn't get out to the GH and plants needed to be watered. I'm happy to say that my tender vines did die off at the top, but now that the sun is back out they are showing new growth and should recover. I don't know that we could do anything different other than move South, haha.

Strangely, the geraniums went nuts, and are blooming like crazy.

Greeley, CO(Zone 5b)

That's funny because the cold kicked all my geraniums and a jasmine into high gear and they have a ton of buds, especially the Martha Washington geraniums.
Sorry to here about your coleus, I love those and have several that I started from seed about 3-4 months ago. They didn't seem to mind the cold. The only thing that was totally lost was my few tomatoes.
I think it is more challenging to work against nature and more fun too. Who wants to move to a zone 10 and suffer the heat!

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