I remember people saying the same thing in the early 80's, I remember people selling their homes to move up into the mountains.
I remember people building underground cellars and stocking them with food and water.
It's very frightening but having grown up as a small child being told we would all die from the atom bomb etc,
I am not afraid for the Earth.
Over the years it's been the hole in the ozone,acid rain,radiation, drought, flood , fire, war, plague, pestilence and yes earthquakes.
It was all going to finish the World.
I am very frightened and sad for those who are in the path of nature's rage but I am sure it will pass.

Put those seeds in Anthony.
There must always be hope.

Brisbane, Australia

I agree, Chrissy. There must always be hope. The green will shoot back through the damage, in time. Sadly, people will rip up the green and pour in the concrete again. We never learn.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. It is very sad time for so many ,but we must be positive, no matter what. Why would life be worth living if we were all negative. The world has been here for so long and will be here long after we are all gone.
I believe in living for the day and I have too much to do to worry about dying next year.
Anthony, plant those seeds as you will be around for their seeds too.
I am all for nuclear power in spite of a few hiccups. We need a good supply of power that only nuclear can give us at this time. All the talk of alternate sources like wind, water etc just dont work for large populations.
Considering all the nuclear plants around the world, the number of accidents is so very small. Usually due to human error.
I would have no worries living next to one.
Chrissy, you are right. The world has always had its doom and gloom soothsayers and always will.
I watched a great show on TV the other night about the formation of our planet. Makes one feel so small and puny. I do agree with one of the people on there as he said we are living in a time when the world is just having a rest from its usual turmoil.
We think because the weather is nice , thats how its meant to be . Well, the worlds usual face is not so nice when you put everything into the proper time scale. . This is just a period of relative calm between monumental eruptions etc. It will happen again and again whether we humans are here or not. We are just like a flea on an elephant, too minuscule to be noticed. Funny how we all think humans are so great. When we have been around for as long as the Neanderthals or the dinosaurs , then we may be great.
Remember the Earths core that we are all sitting on ( that huge ball of explosive fire ) and dont worry about things you cant change.
Get out in the garden and give a prayer for those who are suffering and then get down among those plants and enjoy them.
We only have one life, make the very best you can of it.
Thats my soapbox for the day. I am going out to enjoy my plants and shed a few sad tears for those with lives turned upside down.
Hello to everyone and please take your cuppa out to our contemplation garden for a minute of two of peace and prayer for others.
Try the Apple Cake.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

My Mom always used to say that we are guaranteed nothing, so live for today and pray for tomorrow and never pass up the opportunity to say I am sorry or I love you. Works for me.

Brisbane, Australia

Yes, I'll drink to that!

The ants are moving back into the house again. Must be rain somewhere. A beautiful morning here so far. A beautiful morning to you all.


barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Beautiful morning here . I has been a lovely long weekend with just a little rain. Have got a bit of moving around done and now must concentrate on the SH. Broms have pups that need taking and brugs need potting up. Will be a busy week' Cameren has his other tooth out tomorrow. He hasn't complained since he had the other one out so hopefully this one won't hurt like the other. Must get the boys ready now. be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
se qld, Australia

Take a look at the 28 day forecast on weatherzone Karen. The ants know what they're doing. They were on the move here for a couple of weeks recently and I thought they were nuts. It's rained here for a few days now. Everything was beginning to get a bit dry, so the timing is good in that respect. Hubby has taken 3 weeks holidays and wan planning on completing building our presently roofless gazebo. It has been that way for a while because of months of rain just before we finished constructing the frame, and more pressing jobs that needed doing while it's been dry. Now it appears we'll have rain for the best part of the time he's off..... Que sera! There are few days that look promising in that time, so hopefully it will all pan out. If not, the job is not going to go anywhere and will still be there at a more appropriate time.

Anthony, get those seeds in. You'll regret it in a couple of years when they should have flowered otherwise.

Have a great day all

I feel better today because my nephew is being evacuated as I write,
I can breath again.
I wish they could all be evacuated,
such awful problems ahead for that broken Country.

Meanwhile back home we have our own problems to deal with.
So many doing it so very tough.

We must take it one day at a time right now.
The World will pick itself up , dust itself off and start over again.

This too will pass.

Brisbane, Australia

Question. Does anyone know how to get in to see the photos in the photo contest? I don't want to put in an entry, but would love to see those that have entered, and maybe even vote. I can't find any way to get to see the pics, even when I log on.


Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I think you can only view your own entries until the contest closes.

In my garden at least this new bright happy brugmansia will known as "Hope"
dedicated to the people of Japan.
Heavy, waxy bloom that opened in terrible weather,
Brugmansia semi double yellow.
Brugmansia HOPE.

Thumbnail by
Brisbane, Australia

themoonhowl, thank you. Oh well, it closes on the 15th so maybe soon I can see the pics.


Common Jezebel....

Thumbnail by DawnSong
Clifton Springs, Australia

I don't think that the Earth's time is up yet....there are a few more revolutions of this big old rock to go..
I have an aunt who stocked up because of the Y2K theory.....couldn't talk her out of it and she still has some of the stockpile 12 yrs later.....Believe me, you should see her pantry...lol

I don't believe in worrying about something that I can't control......

Chrissy what a lovely thought....it could well apply to everyone who has been involved in a natural disaster this year....

Anthony, what have you been on to get so down...... most unlike you my friend.....living with all that beauty that you have created...
plus that gorgeous grandaughter......you have every reason to keep planting.....people and animals depend on you....


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Chrissy , you have the right idea. Hope is what we live on. On adaily basis , we need hope. For the day to be nice, for the weather to be fine, for the train to be on time. All small things , but hope is the basis of our lives and without it, where are we ?
Noone could go on after any disaster without some sort of hope, so thats what we send to all our Japanese neighbors. The country will renew itself and life will go on despite the setbacks.
Anthony, get yourself picked up and back in the Tea Room so you can tell us all about your lilies. We love to hear of your area there . How is Cocky going ?
Hello Dianne, my nana always had a stocked up pantry . Came from living through the war years . She was always ready for any trouble that may appear.
Teresa, how are things over your way ? Noone has forgotten NZ, . We know you are all still struggling to get through the devastation there too.
Hello Louise and Charleen. I hope your areas are a lot quieter and less volatile .
While we all pray for the population in these terrible disasters, a small corner of my heart goes out to the animals, both wild and domestic. The poor things must be terrified .
I know they have to take second place to people , but I do feel for the lost ones out there.
Hello to everyone popping in. I am off to see what my garden is doing. It is my place of peace whenever I feel a bit down.
I will leave something nice out for you all. Carrot and Walnut Loaf..
Spend a few minutes in the garden if you can. It restores the soul.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Quite cool here today. I have to get in my SH today and bring the bigger brugs out into the world and move and pot up the smaller ones. I have to move the broms around as they are sooooo crowded in there. If you don't hear from me you know I'm lost. lol Cheer up Anthony, You're needed by your family including cats and galahs and poor old cocky. Get your lily seeds planted and look forward to the future. I believe there's plenty left for us to live yet. Today is the day for Cameren to have his other tooth out. Hopefully it's better for him this time. Well had better go and make the lunches and do whatever needs doing before I tackle the SH. See you when I emerge. Colleen

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Good morning everyone!

I visited an Aust Open Garden last Sunday.
Nine acres of tropical plants mostly Gingers and Heliconias set in a natural rainforrest that follower a creek.

It was very nice but not the usual manacured Open Garden.

The property is for sale...so here is your chance all those who are looking to do a lot of gardening.

I am going to have a Garage and Plant Sale so I am busy getting ready for it.

Chrissy...good news about your nephew.

Brisbane, Australia

Colleen, I hope Cameren's tooth ordeal is over now and he heals quickly. I do feel for him. I love moving plants about as it gives that extra contact with individual plants and time to check them over properly.

Marlene, I see there is another open garden this coming weekend at Belli Park. We won't be going to that one but the following weekend there is an open garden up near Barry's that we've been wanting to see for a while. Also something on with the orchid society at Mt. Cootha. We could have an interesting day.

Good luck with the garage sale. I need to have one too, but too much work for me at the moment.

Jean, I'm not much of a cake eater, but carrot cake is my weakness.

Chrissy, your brug Hope is beautiful, and so is the idea behind it.

Hello to everyone else too and I hope you all have a lovely day.


Teresa, you definitely still are in our thoughts. I hear we had a small earthquake off Innisfail in north Qld. yesterday. Not something we are used to at all, but no damages.

Anthony, I hope Bubbles is improving. You must be getting ready for more wintry weather soon. Do take care and keep your toes warm.

Dianne, I have a friend in Utah in USA who is big on keeping stores built up in case of disaster. If anything happened here, I starve to death as I keep stores to a minimum due to lack of space.

Brisbane, Australia

Hi all,
From all of these tragic events I have seen something amazing... Most of the world is joined in prayer! . I read a great book about the Mayan prophecies. The Mayans were amazing Mathematicians and we are indeed coming to the end of the Mayan long count. The book said it's not the end of the world, it's the end of the world as we know it. My son was a millenium baby and he turns 12 in Dec next year, poor kid, I hope he doesn't think the world will end on his birthday.
Here's some new life...eastern dwarf tree froglets have crawled out of the water and are still absorbing the last of their tails as they sit on a leaf.
love and light to all.

Thumbnail by Tanzen
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

We are getting Springy here....

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
barmera, Australia

Hooray everyone. That darn old tooth is in a glass waiting for the tooth fairy, $150.00 later. I think I will tell the boys to train to be dentists. Had a good day in the SH but it's just like everything else I try to do I get distracted looking at other stuff. You would not believe the broms that I have. They don't take long to mount up do they? I have to go and get the clothes off the line now so will say goodnight, til tomorrow. Colleen

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

holy moly,$150-i have 23 teeth and a 3pce bridge[do you think the tooth fairy would know]? DAWNSONG-we could eat for about 3 months here,trapped in the house,.or 2 months under the house,.bubbles has improved,but stalled at a certain stage and its taken a toll on me,..,i force food and drink into her ,its taxing!!!!,..,the government is still dishing me up new ''conquests'',not just with seed imports,..,but i know DG doesnt like government bashing, so use your imagination[nothing criminal]!im one of the good guys!jean/dianne,colleen,all is cool,im just climbing a bit of a hill[again],.,.the 'lindisfarne' flower show is on this weekend,.,.and ,.,.i might enter a plant or 2,[maybe one of 'fays' great 'hibiscus' or a belladonna or 2]..,and as long as i cvan find a couple dahlias,i'll enter the mens floral art section,.,.and,]believe this] my job is good at the moment------hope everyone is well,and coping with the continuous bad reports coming from worldwide-anthony

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I saw a special on the 2012/Mayan calendar a while back. In it were a number of interviews with modern day Mayans and Mayan historians. The thing that struck me the most was the responses from native Mayans..".Why would the world end? It is only the end of a solar calendar...one of many that have ended over the centuries"

But my favorite was from an elderly Shaman who said that the educated Europeans and Americans were reading a whole lot of stuff into a calendar that they have little understanding of and even less understanding of the people who developed it.He said it was presumptuous and arrogant to think mankind could make that kind of prediction.

Christchurch, New Zealand

beautiful sunrise here, we haven't had much rain lately - not complaining, it is easier to deal with earthquake stuff when the sun shines.
My garden is getting a bit dry - and neglected - managed to pull a few weeds the other day & trim & dead head the roses.
That always helps my mood.
Yesterday I did the washing & filled a bucket with the run off to water a few cuttings that I put in before the quake.
noticed some dirt in the bucket but didn't think anything of it - might have been from mopping the floor.
But it wasn't, when I pulled the washing out it was covered in muck.
Every so often the machine does this & clothes come out worse than they went in.
I have to do a hot wash with the machine empty to clean the stuff out. I used half a bottle of white vinegar too - saved that to water the rhodies & azaleas & then had too rewash the clothes.
So much for reducing water useage.
We are still on a boil water notice, I have discovered that if I bring the water to a boil on the stove & then turn the element off it has enough residual heat to boil the water for the 3 minutes required.
At least that will help save a little power.
After shocks are less frequent, haven't felt any for a day...
I was watching footage from Japan & right at the start someone expressed surprise that they were still getting after shocks two hours after the main quake.
I just thought - mate, get used to them!
And they can expect at least one after shock of magnitude 7+, and it might be weeks before that hits.
Or it might not - we are still waiting on our 6 from the september quake - they say the longer it takes the less likely it is to happen but...
not an exact science.
Whatever your main quake strength you are likely to have on after shock 1 magnitude less, along with clusters of smaller ones.
Almost everyone in ChCh now knows way more than we thought possible about quake behaviour & patterns.

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. another lovely cool morning here. Just popped in for a quick cuppa before I start the day with the boys. Cameren had a pretty good night but said his mouth is a bit sore. He'll be okay by the time school goes in. The tooth fairy came. Poor thing must be just about broke with all the visits she's made here. Have to get out in the SH again and move some more broms around. I've been tidying them up as I go so that's why the jobs taking so long. Hopefully will get it finished today, if not there's always tomorrow. lol. I hope everyone is well this morning. Dalfyre I do hope that those shakes stop for you soon. Must be so nerveracking. I'll be back for another cuppa later. Colleen

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. Lovely to see all the faces here. Shopping day today so we are off even earlier than usual because hubby has the car booked in for a service and also has a large parcel to drop off at the local carrier.
I will be , as always, on the lookout for orphans. It will be fine and cool today as was yesterday. I dug a few plants and moved them but didn't do that much in the garden. I am going to have to get down to it soon , as the plants I left in to self seed, have done that and are now looking very tatty.
My first nerine is out and lots of buds popping up everywhere for the rest. I have some tiny shoots on some hippeastrum seeds that I had just about given up on. I never toss old trays out that have seeds growing as I have learned they sometimes go mad months later and grow.
Still watching my brug pods. They are still green .
Anthony, glad to see you smiling again. Those pods on my white longiflorum have opened and there are hundreds of little seeds. I gently placed the pods around the garden to do their own thing . I hope you have lots of fun entering the flower show .
Hello Teresa. Isn't it interesting how much information one gets and absorbs when some disaster strikes. I think half the world is expert on earthquakes, floods and bushfires by now. The sad thing is that some people ( including the powers that be) never learn from any mistakes.
Hello Colleen. I said to hubby, I wonder if I could get a late payment from the Tooth Fairy for all mine out.
Saw a very cute ad yesterday where a small boy has a loose tooth, Nana says the Tooth Fairy will pay for that. He creeps in that night, picks Nanas false teeth from her glass and puts them under his pillow. Smart kid, I wonder if he fooled the Tooth Fairy.
Hello everyone else. . I had better move .
I will leave something nice out for you all. Some lovely mixed cakes.
Have great day and stay safe

Thumbnail by 77sunset
se qld, Australia

Quote from g_whizz :
holy moly,$150-i have 23 teeth and a 3pce bridge[do you think the tooth fairy would know]?

Ha ha Anthony, that's for the extraction, not from the tooth fairy. I must admit, I did look too. Colleen, I hope little Cameren's woe's are over now, and that for your sake he's back to his old self in no time.

Jean, a message from Jenny Craig - she says keep up the good work, she'll see her next million in no time thanks to you! lol It's a good thing we're not actually eating all the yummy goodies you so caringly leave out for us each day.

I see it's now snowing in Japan. Poor souls can't seem to get a break at the moment.

Looks like we're in for some sun today after a few days of rain, thank goodness. The washing machine is working overtime, and the clothes line is battling to keep up. The modern ones may take up a lot less space than the original style Hills Rotary ones, but they're nowhere near as effective. I try to avoid using the dryer, as apart from the energy consumption, it seems very harsh on the clothes.unless they're pure cotton.

Did anyone put in piccies into the invasive species comp? If so, good luck.

Have a great day all


Brisbane, Australia

Colleen, I don't know how families cope with living costs when basics like dentist fees are so high. I can't look after my own dental and medical bills and sure can't afford health funds.

Jean, I find it sad that many people in Japan say they don't trust what their government is telling them, but I wonder if its because the government "experts" simply don't know themselves. They are dealing with it moment by moment. I remember how well we were kept informed during the floods here. But how would we handle what they are going through in Japan, I wonder?

Teresa, I fear the aftershocks might be the undoing of me, not being used to the ground moving. Hope Copper is responding to his meds, and is handling it better.

Themoonhowl, you are right. But I think the media in all its many forms loves this sort of stuff, the more "sensational" the better. And they take a section of the facts and play it up, totally unbalanced.

Anthony, your devotion to Bubbles, and indeed all your pets, is great. I hope you do get some entries in the show. Sounds like fun.

Tanzen, I envy you those baby frogs. We rarely get frogs here, as it is too dry. Though in prolonged wet weather, we might get a visitor passing through.

Hello to everyone else. Hope you all have a lovely day.

One of those visitors at night on the front verandah.....

Thumbnail by DawnSong

No I didn't Pam but I had a quick look at some,
actually some are beautiful.

Hi everyone ...missing in action yesterday, lots going on here.

We have had a very heavy down pour yesterday arvo and during the night.
Lots of things flattened ... the Angels are looking a bit trashed but they enjoyed the rain you can tell.
This year even my favourite crepe myrtles lost their blooms very quickly instead of flowering for the usual few weeks.

Glad the little fella is finally free of that annoying tooth problem Colleen.
Jean that was a funny story re the false choppers under the pillow ...poor tooth fairy.
Wonder what little orphans will be waving at you this morning.

Oh Teresa that sounds awful ! you poor thing. Yes do some more gardening it really soothes the spirit.
Can't imagine what the people in Japan will be going through in the coming years.
When you think about it, not many places have been spared some sort of trouble, be it Mother Nature or man made problems.
It too will pass ...we have witnessed the most terrible scenes and yet such wonderful things too.
The thing that lifts you up is the true beauty of the human spirit.
Sure there are some who are not wonderful but for the most part we are amazed at the wonders of the inate goodness in most of the people.

Hello Charleen, Loise and Moonhowl ...how is it going over there?
Loving the pictures of tulips popping out of the ground it's too warm for them here.
Hope the snow has finally gone.

Good luck with all that red tape Anthony ...yeh what a pain.

Elaine ... did you get the rain over your way?

Good luck with your sale Marleneanne.

Ok the nurse is due in ten mins so back later,
waving at anyone I haven't had time to chat to ...a bit later then.
Enjoy your morning.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Karen, I think of the media as "the Big Spoon". Always ready to stir things up.....used to say it was what sold newspapers....now with so much technology anyone can "report the news" or any portion they see fit.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Spring is truly hammering at the door. Last February when my DD and her family were here from Brisbane, my little grandson planted some hyacinths, snapdragons and daffodils. His "Snap Dinosaurs" reseeded. He was so excited to see the pictures.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl

Ooops I forgot ...before I go
guess I forgot what with everything happening.
Eat something green ^_^

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

And his "Hi Cents" (Hyacinths) bloomed quite well also....

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
western sydney nsw, Australia

Morning all yes Chrissy It hit here there sure was some force behind the rain my poor gazebo the roof looks like it was hit with a water blaster really it was 3 years old needed to be replaced not bad seeing I use curtain material with rubber backing - so to day I am putting to gether a new cover .
Better get back to it every one have a great afternoon .--------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
se qld, Australia

You're so creative Elaine! Looks good.

We have heaps of frogs here Karen, and absolutely love them. There's a snake that regularly does laps around the edge of the dam, hunting the little brown ones, and various birds that fish for them too. I used to get quite upset about it, but we love our birds too and there are still plenty of frogs. The snakes, well I just try to make sure one of the dogs isn't having a swim while they're about.

Each morning just before sunrise there's a plop .....plop ......plop on the roof as one of the green tree frogs heads back to his resting spot after a night of feasting. The joys of not living in the city. :)


Brisbane, Australia

Good to hear the frogs are so prolific, Pam. Would love to have water features to encourage them to stay here, but the toads take over and drive the frogs out as they can't breed.

Tersa, did you get to meet Bonnie Prince William today? I see he was over there.


western sydney nsw, Australia

Hi Pam I'm pleased with my days work . Its so hard to buy small gazebo 2 X2 metre with a strong roof thate the birds dont peck holes in most have only lasted about 3 months I could buy 4 gazebo's the price I pay for material I have 2 frames stored in the garden shed I think I'm on a winner when the covers I make lasts 3 years .
When I finish my boys will lift the old roof off and pop the new one in place
This pic. is the damaged roof it will replace.----------elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
western sydney nsw, Australia

Dont know whate happened there try again .....elaine.

Thumbnail by sammut
Brisbane, Australia

Elaine, what I love about seeing any of your work is how much of yourself is reflected in the outcome. You are clever and resourceful. And inspiring.


western sydney nsw, Australia

Thanks but just keeping busy never run out of things to do .
Sorry about double posting pic. puter must have needed a rest to help complete the job.---elaine.

Christchurch, New Zealand

everyone who came in to the RSA today commented on how mad the traffic was...
but it has been gridlock quite often lately.
The earthquake has munted the roads through town & in the Eastern suburbs.
On Tuesday I walked home - and passed the same car 4 times!!!
it takes me nearly an hour to walk, that has been quicker than the bus can do it.
and the extra exercise is good for me, I love long walks, take Copper on a 2.5 km walk nearly every morning.
Then I might walk to work, and sometimes home again later, depends on the weather.
I have decided to make the most of the nice autumn weather - can't see me being so keen to walk on a wet winter day.
Although I like to walk on a brisk frosty morning so who knows I might be able to keep it up.

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