
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Has the snow arrived in your area yet? We are now forecasted for it to start here around 6 pm. It was between 4 and 5 but apparently is pushed back. Oak harbor already had 6 inches this morning, so I guess it's worse a bit north of here.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Let's embrace the snow, and post photos of your gardens in the snow! I had an inch this morning---missed my opportunity to photograph it. It already melted. But we're supposed to get 1-8 inches this afternoon/evening. (1-4 on valley floor, 4-8 in the hills. We're in the hills, 700 feet elevation, so hoping for 8!!!!) I have some red coral bark maples that look gorgeous in the snow---will try and take a pic later if/when more white stuff arrives!

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

8" of snow - you might want to consider brushing the snow off your maples so the weight of it doesn't break branches. Whenever we get over a couple inches, I get a lot of broken branches on the maples and smaller trees (japanese snowbells) if I don't go out and brush the snow off. Word of warning - don't stand directly underneath when you brush the snow off! LOL

It'll be pretty, that's for sure!!!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

We had about 4" this morning and it has been snowing hard in spurts all day with the sun shining all the time. It is melting rapidly and has fallen off all the plants. Very strange.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I love it - we have about 8" and still snowing, but not as hard. And, the pond is not even close to being frozen, so I agree it is not going to last long.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Now, here's something I've never run across -- Wally the Worm was crawling along on top of the snow in the front field. I couldn't see any hole where he surfaced and he was definitely moving under his own power.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Frankie enjoyed our morning walk, chasing snowflakes and biting the snow. Remember to fill up your bird feeders!

Thumbnail by bonehead
Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful pond pix. Neat worm. And I will be sending your Buddliea? as soon as this storm is over. Do I have your address? If not dmail it to me.

We have about an inch. I'd be happy with more snow since it protects the plants from the predicted low of 14F in my area. Yikes!

Vashon, WA(Zone 8b)

I got only an inch of beautiful fluffy flakes about mid-day, but it didn't last long and was melted away a few hours later. Now the temperature has started to plunge, so I wish the snow had stayed around to provide insulation. i hope to see snow begin a litttle later this evening. My poor little 'snow crocuses' which opened over the weekend will have to earn their name. I went out to throw blankets over the potted plants on my porch.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

We got quite a bit and now have a lovely blanket over everything. I think it's supposed to warm up considerably tomorrow. Today is blue skies and sun right now. Beautiful! Sure wish my camera wasn't broken. I really need to see about getting it fixed or replacing it

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

We have about 4 inches remaining on the ground this morning. Julie is home and will have to take the picutres as I am at the shop in Federal Way where there is hardly any. I am thankful for what we have at home as I see the latest forecast for the next couple of nights is in the teens.
I have friends coming in from Portland this weekend.....what is it like down there, Judi?

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

My house yesterday. Most of that melted but now we have about 4 new inches and snowing all morning.

Thumbnail by Willowwind2
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

We had an absolute white-out sideways blizzard last evening, felt like we were up in the mountains. Clear and sunny today. Here's my garden bench (which I usually bring in for winter, oopsie).

Thumbnail by bonehead
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

And my neighbor's barn which has been sagging for several years now, finally collapsed from the snow weight. Sad to see these old relics bite the dust.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

It has started snowing here again. Sad to see the barn collapse. Looks like it was a beauty. And huge too! I'm sure there will be a lot of people who will want to take some of that wood off their hands.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Love the bench and the barn. I love to travel and see old barns. The pic of the barn would be neat to blow-up and frame. Hint hint, I would buy one.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Willow, how very kind of you! I would be more than happy to email you the .jpg file and you can do whatever you want with it. I think if I sent it via d-mail it would have the DG copyright stamp on it. Send me a dmail with your email and I'll send it off. Deb

We have about 5 inches. It's a fairyland out there. I had to do snow patrol, knocking snow off of some shrubs who were bowing underneath the weight.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

All this snow and now blue skies and sun. Yes, a fairyland indeed! I sent Jim out the first day to do snow patrol on the trees that have been known to break under the weight of snow in the past.

We have icicles too! They look particularly charming on the chicken coop and the greenhouse. So wish my camera wasn't broken...

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

We have 10 to 12" here but with lots of sun. This time of year the snow comes during the night as clouds build up in the lowering of temps. Then in the morning it clears. I absolutely love this time of winter through March cause lots of snow and lots and lots of sun.

Thumbnail by Soferdig
Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

And it makes for great spring skiing!

Kalispell, MT(Zone 4b)

It is too cold right now cause when this cold -5 to -15 the skiis freeze to the surface and you cannot go very fast if at all. Spring skiing is awesome here and always discounted (($25) per day last month or so. Then I hit it every day.

Thumbnail by Soferdig

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