Lilly beetle killer?

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Has anyone tried planting 4 o'clocks amongst their lillies. I know its a sure fire killer on japanese beetles, they produce a poison that bumps them off quicker than greased lightning. I wonder if it would work for the lily beetles.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Nothing like giving it a try. Lets hear if you get good results.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

YUK! I hate those beetles,, all kinds! The only problem with 4'oclocks,, is they take over and may crowd out the lilies.
Have to go look up this beetle pest..

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Yehudith, here's an article with some great info. I assume you don't wish to use chemicals. Imidacloprid works so well for me. But, would you consider using Neem Oil?

It's interesting to read where the lily beetle is. I see it came to Rochester in 2009, which is near me, but I've never seen one, probably because I use the Bayer drench on my irises, and the lilies are right next to the irises.

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

I didn't realize that 4o'clocks are invasive. There are several other plants that kill japanese beetles I'll have to check and see. I only have a couple lilies left by the previous owners of our new house here in Md. I just got the front yard cleared of a Maple that should never have been planted there in the first place. Between the roots and all I was just finished. I'm waiting for the HOA to fine me and frankly I don't give a &*(%, I have two deaf kids and one almost got hit by a branch that broke off because they couldn't hear it when the branch snapped. Thank G-d for a neighbour who was walking her dog and was infront of our house and got them both out of the way in time. I applied for an emergency exemption and they said I'd waited too long I should have done it back in Nov when we moved in. Obviously it wasn't that important. I went through the normal route 2 mos ago and haven't heard anything back.

Anyway, I'm planning on planting a cottage garden packed with lilies and veggies (we're not allowed to have them in the front either HA!!!). Here we are in the misdts of a recession, people going hungry and we can't have a cucumber in the front yard but don't chop down the diseased dogwood?! Yeah right!!!!! My friend is a high power, kick***, New York, going stir crazy now stay at home with 5 kids mom, not at all happy with her husband, lawyer who's dying for a fight. I dare you to touch my eggplants!!!!!!! Or my lillies for that matter!

Anyway to get back on topic, I don't think we've seen those little orange monsters here in Md yet.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

LOL. Go get em.

I thought from your first post you had lily beetles. If you don't have them, for sure don't worry about them, just keep an eye out.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Just in case you have never seen one.

Thumbnail by ge1836
Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the picture, Jo. They sure are noticeable, aren't they?

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

They especially gleam in an April garden amongst the dead leaves and debris.I found one there just as the lilies were emerging .

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

I had a few last year, but use Bayer, so....dead as football. But pretty nice coloring for a bug.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Yes dead ones are the ones I like.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)


Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

Me TOO!!!
Wow, on all those rules and regulations. I would definitely not fit in that area.... I have mustard greens, parsley, dill, cabbage in my front area.

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

nice that we all have different gardens

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

You'll love this one. Our house was a non-walkout. My mother-in-law is moving in with us so we needed to put in an apartment in the basement for her. For safety as well as comfort we put in a huge sliding glass wall rather than just an egress window. Because its all below grade we put in a retaining wall that is terraced, the expanse between the house and the wall is a permeable brick patio. We had a very good architect design it and a wonderful landscape architect do all the outside work. The HOA denied approval because they weren't clear on the patio. Twice! T-W-I-C-E!!!!! They approved the sliding glass wall, they approved the retaining wall but said no to the patio. What do they want us to do, have a mud pit outside the door? The project is done, so they fine me. Another lawyer friend said to just take it to the board. He's on the board and will get it through. This is so sick!

Thumbnail by yehudith
silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

These are the terraces surrounding the patio. I'm going to plant the with lilies and old fashioned heirloom roses.

Thumbnail by yehudith
Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Homeowners' associations tend to act stinky just because they can. I love the terraced area. If you containerize some of your plantings, you can move them around, and the MIL will always have something nice to look at.

You're a pretty nice daughter-in-law, and it's nice for the rest of the family too. Whenever you move into a community with the privileges of a homeowners association, expect to get some crap from them saying they are protecting your neighbors. Still better than a condo association.

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

Wow, so much more beautiful than an egress window!

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

I looked at houses with MIL facilities.
I was approached by my DD and SIL several years ago to sell our houses andpool our money to buy something with MIL facilities.
Number 1 the first house we looked at had a MIL in the basement. I realized I didnt want to live below ground.The ones we looked at were mizerable.

adding :If we had seen what you are providing for your MIL I would have jumped on it in a second.

number 2 There just isnt much out there that includes cooking in the basement,I would have had to climb the stairs to prepare meals.

number 3 Looking at houses described as having MIL we encountered a liberal interpritation of the term. Many were a remodled den or family room off the kitchen.

We finally found a large house with Master suite on the first floor. This has been the best decision I ever made. It was hard to give up the house I lived in for 50 years but a physical challanges were beginning to make life diffacult.

Its been my observation ,many newer homes being built now, in our area ,have a suite or an added 1000 sq ft area with common use of the garage, they are well designed.
What I gained when I moved here 4 years ago was 2000 sq ft space to garden which has taken so much time I dont miss my old space.

You are great kids to make room for her. If she likes plants she will love the patio.

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

No, she's my family and she's 86 and widowed. I'm a geriactrics nurse, no longer work clinically, I'm now a part-time instructor at the local community college. How can I not have her come to us, besides we all love her and my daughter will have the benefit of having her here when she comes home from school before I get home. We plan on putting in an elevator chair to avoid the stair issue. We put in a small kitchenette, so she has some independence, but she'll be taking most of her meals with us. She's an ex-beauty queen who loves a garden, that's why we planned the retaining walls the way we did. Her brother was an orchid hybridizer, retired from IBM at 30 and spent the rest of his life growing orchids. When ever I have an orchid I can't get to do right I send it to her and when we go visit it is usually smothered with flowers.

Now I'm going to be good and go back to researching victorian lilies. I want my cottage garden to have real heirloom plants, I doing everything I can to avoid modern plants. I'm also trying to stick with blues, yellows, lilacs, greys etc. My house is grey and white so I think that would work nicely. Also, eggplants and squash, and peas etc. all have the same colour flowers. Method in my madness

I included the view from her livingroom. Can't you just see the roses and lilies all underplanted with cascading vines and maybe a couple hostas or an hydrangea? The beds are 4 feet front to back so there's lots of room.

Thumbnail by yehudith
Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

She sounds just lovely and is fortunate in her daughter's skills and understanding of the ageing.
Its a mystery and like having the first baby. Everything is new and you only get to do it once,no practice.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Very nice, and I say she was lucky too!

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

To catch you up on the tree. We got a letter today from the HOA saying we had to appear before the board over the tree we cut down. Threatened us with a $1,200.00 fine because we didn't have permission to cut it down. I have the letter I sent them but had never gotten any response. I look at my daugter and I think she's worth alot more than $1,200.00 so fine me! As I told my husband this morning I'd rather ask forgiveness for cutting down that tree than not have my child because I waited for their permission. That's just what I'm going to tell them. Do they think a tree is worth more than she is? Do they think the tree is worth more than my car that it fell on? Do they think the tree is worth more than my house that one of the branches hit and broke of the shutter and so now I have to go buy new shutters for all my windows because its impossible to match because the house is so old? If they do then fine me and let me go home cause I'm going to cut down 2 of the Chinese poplars in the back yard just as soon as I get the chance and then I'm going to order a front yard full of lillies from the Lily Garden and pray with all my might that they're all allergic to them. I think I'm going to get the downfacing asiatics. I just loved the ones I got last time.


Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

You go girl! Give'em hell

Pittsford, NY(Zone 6a)

Take as much proof as you can find, including photos and bills for replacements of car and shutters.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Much better advice!

silver spring, MD(Zone 7a)

Oh yeah, I've got plenty of pictures! My real ace in the hole is the lawyer who lives down the street and is on the board. He remarked several times about that tree when he was walking past and has told us numerous times he would support us should we choose to cut it down. The real problem was the architectural review board who you go through first. They never ever replied to my request and the situation just got too dangerous to allow it to continue.

Naugatuck, CT(Zone 5a)

Good luck.

Lizella, GA(Zone 8a)

yes, good luck!!!

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