Plans for 2011

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

We have privet ALL over our property!! It would take yrs to erradicate it all. I don't have any left close to the house or near my beds but it is scattered in the woods everywhere.... and at my Mom's house it is about to take over one area!! I wish I had a way to poison it all then try to pull it up or burn it....but pulling it up without poisioning it - it just comes back! It smells great when it is all in bloom but it is the most invasive thing I think we have in this area! Some of it is probably close to 15' tall!!

Borrowed some daffodils from an old home place and got them in the ground this weekend..... I just have little patches of daffs scattered all around my yard.............. wish I had more, but I have a BIG yard! The place where I got them has been empty for years, but I just thinned the daffodils and didn't take all of any clump. I did some last year at that same houseplace and this year they looked better than ever where I had thinned last year. SO I hope it helps them and mine too...... Have lots of stuff that needs to be cleaned up in the beds but I have NO TIME! MAYBE now that the time has changed and I have some time after work before it gets dark that I can get something accomplished.... at least on the days we don't have games or track meets!!


Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Speaking of invasive plants...if anyone spots those white blooming trees, they are Callery pears, and they are being compared to privet in terms of being highly invasive across our SE region. Maybe even worse. Get rid of them while you still can if you have some. Spread the word, not the plant!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

Guess I am not familiar with that plant at all.....................might be hidden behind the privet !! ^_^

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

They look like, and are often mistaken for, Bradford pear. You see them all over the side of the roads and highways this time of year, and they are related to the Bradfords.

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Yeap, privet is very hard to get rid off. Like popcorn trees, just cutting them or pulling ain't enough. You'll have to use a herbicide like Garlon or Arsenal which can get expensive but works. With these, you can kill the tree first and then remove it or cut the tree and paint the stump a few times a year.

I don't like the bradford/callery pears either. Fortunately, I don't have any of those.

Laceys Spring, AL(Zone 7a)

Me either JCalhoun. But I am on the alert for those Callery's! They seem to pop up everywhere.

Fayetteville, AR(Zone 7b)

What does privet look like? Does someone have a picture?

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

I will try to take a picture - I am SURE you have some near you Chrissy..... it is ALL over Arkansas!!

Camden, AR(Zone 8a)

For the record, I think it is pretty when it blooms and I love the fragrance- so I understand WHY people planted it...... they just didn't realize it would take over the world if given a chance! :)

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