Blue Egg Dreams.. :)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I thought it was a great idea to use that scale.. I think I'm the one who recommended it.. which was a mistake. :( I have used it many times too.. but if the bird makes one wrong move when you put them on it, it re adjusts making it inaccurate... so it's not the operator! LOL

I have a digital postal scale I got at Walmart for $22. bucks.. I haven't tried it for the birds yet, but I'm guessing it would work a lot better... since you set it on a solid surface, turn it on till it beeps, then put your item (or bird) on it.. and it measures then... so no messing it up by movement... I don't think!! LOL

I should try it before I recommend it for birds. When I get the chance, I will do exactly that. :)

She is darling and a major winner, no matter what her exact weight is!! Booker is not a mini by any means! I'm just glad to see he can produce a winner.. He is such a sweetie. :)

Ferndale, WA

booker is wonderful, he is so gentle with the girls. They just love him. Dot on the other hand is just so macho, always wanting to challenge any male that gets close, and all of his male off spring are the same way. Dot is very cute in his actions, but booker is a charmer and all of his off spring have excellent tempermant. You can see I favor Booker for breeding, I am keeping all of the smaller birds A & B for breeding and anything that goes C class is in with the standards. And they get along will with the standards. I have three of them that have been with the standards now for about six months.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I have a little Roo, Elvis that is exactly like Dot.. Too macho for his own good.. it was cute when he was little, but now it's like... "Oh come on, dude...mellow out!" He is a good breeder, but sure outgrew his cute.
Clark, on the other hand, is a B class, and not as friendly when held, but he won't take on an adult for battle.. and he is "just right" as far as attitude.. and has become a good breeder too.
Funny, cause Elvis is black w/rust like Dot, Clark is white/brown/black like Booker.. :)
Here is Elvis

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I don't have a good picture of Clark... good reason to get out there with the camera!

This makes him look huge, and he is not..

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Ferndale, WA

Yes Elvis looks very much like Dot, you can just see the Cockiness in him...LOL...and yes also Clark does look a lot like Booker, just not as white. Interestingly enough the pic's also made Booker look larger than he is. ZZ's I keep forgeting to tell you, all the hen's I originally got from you are gone as is Dot.

I have a good friend who has gotten into the Seramas, and he wanted the originals to start his flock with and so I sold the four girls and Dot to him. Cinnamon died shortly after but I still see the rest on a regular basis. He wanted Dot so bad and Murph. I told him if for any reason he wanted to get rid of them I would buy them back...Murph just was not any good for breeding. She still is a character though. I of course have many of their offspring. I now have four other gene pools I am using for breeding so lot's of mixes available...Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh wow... I didn't know that..

Ferndale, WA

It was not an easy decision, but I knew eventually I needed new stock to keep from inbreeding. Dot, cocoa, and joyce are still together. Murph lives in their house pretty much with his wife...I always thought Dot was such a cute name and one of my new babies has a black dot on the top of its head. If it's a boy it will be dot, if a girl dottie.

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

just five days old, the modern is so cute

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

These two are already sold and will be picked up next wednesday.

Thumbnail by Haystack
Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Just love em! I have eggies in the incu and in the nest right now! cant wait to get my new babies!
ZZ Im leaving the new eggs in the nest as you said, so far eggs are building up, 4 yesterday, but no one seems to be broody yet!

(Zone 6b)

Just keep it up, you will have all the rest of us wanting seramas.

(Zone 6b)

Honest, I wasn't looking for seramas I was looking at silkies, and saw these. Just listening to you two is making me understand, at least a bit, what is important on these birds. I really like Elvis.

Aren't these some beauties?

Obviously you are not the only ones crazy for these birds.

This message was edited Feb 24, 2011 11:07 PM

(Zone 6b)

That Lulu and Mae West could be in the wet tshirt contest. Yes, I'm being a bit bad.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I wish I would have known you were considering it Hay..

LOL@ L_F_J That's the idea.. big chest, vertical wings and short backs.. Kinda squatty looking. And Seramas are very popular.. they are ideal pets..

Ferndale, WA

OH ZZ's I'm so sorry, I meant to talk with you about but kept forgetting. I can get them back anytime. I have know this guy for a long time and we have done many things together. Just let me know what you want me to do. I would never hurt you intentionally. It really happened because he kept after me for guaranteed layers...and honestly I wanted to move into a more diversified flock...I hope your not angry with me...Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I'm not angry with you Haystack. You know I'm a big baby.. LOL Just a shock was all.. and kinda tugged on my heartstrings.. I'm okay... You're okay. They were your birds to do what you wanted. :) I am still thankful you took them when you did.. they were very dear to me and they deserved a good life. THAT is what is important to me. :)

(Zone 6b)

Oh boy. There I was feeling happy over those mean red hens and here you two go on. lol :) I am NOT ALONE.

Found out the girl that took the hens is Vietnamese and treats them as pets. That is good, and honestly I am truly glad to get rid of them, still it was not easy for me. I still have four roosters at the horse lot that have no value to me, yet I do not know what to do with them except to keep feeding them. Amarillo has an area in it where there is a large population of Vietnamese that came here after the war.. um.. the police action. Guess we haven't had a war since WWII??? Anyway, they are there and I've heard they will buy all the eggs you can supply them with. Sounds like these people have some common sense where health is concerned. They might want these roosters to eat. Not sure I'm that big.

Hay, maybe you can get some chicks from those birds back to Z, so she won't cry. Just a thought.

Ferndale, WA

I did send her some eggs, and as usual none hatched. I surely would send her eggs but only if she requested. I don't want to take her for granted...Theres not much I wouldn't do for her. She has done so much for me and I owe her big time...Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

LFJ There is a huge Vietnamese community here, several actually. They have been a valuable resource to us for buying our roosters. And they love them! One guy that bought my Modern Game wrote and sent pictures for a long time about how much he loved them.. It was nice to know Superman went to such a great home and now has a complete harem. LOL

I found a place that does processing here.. so no more worry about roos.. In fact, If I can swing it, I want to raise a batch of meat birds this summer. Since I've been canning my own chicken broth, I can't get enough.. and to have home grown will even make it better! I love canning in the winter! I've had chicken broth going for 2 days. :)

I'm over it Haystack.. really all is okay. No one owes anyone anything. You are a true friend and nothing can hurt that.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I used to love canning when I was able to have a veggie garden. The the pressure canner made a jar blow up in my face when I opened it. Got burned pretty good in the face, chest, & arms. Thankfully I wear glasses so my eyes weren't injured. Neighbor took me to hospital and called Hubbie to come from work. They treated me and gave me something to knock me put. Poor Hubbie cleaned Succotash( Fork Hook Limas, Corn, onion, & bacon) for hours off the ceiling, under to stove vent, stove, floor, cabinets. Couldn't do any pressure canning anymore. Just jellies and jams that just take hot water bath

(Zone 6b)

Probably nobody will believe me, but honey is the best thing in the world for burns. It draws the heat right out. You may have to apply it a few times, but it works. Wish people would believe me on this.

All you have to do is pour the honey over the burned area, the more the better. At first it might hurt a tiny bit worse, but within minutes it draws the pain out. Then, if you feel the pain coming back apply another liberal dose. It's just an incredible miracle, because nothing on this earth hurts like a burn.

I sure wish hospitals would try this. It would bring relief to a lot of people.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh Donna, that had to be terrible!

I just did a load of chicken broth and 3 jars broke cause I didn't have the broth hot enough going in...what a waste! I got really scared when I heard them break..

I love canning.. and hope I can do more tomato sauce this year. :)

(Zone 6b)

You go Z, that is so much better for you than canned food in the stores. I believe the metal and plastic from the cans leach into the food. Glass is so much safer, healthwise speaking.

(Zone 5b)

I love to do canning and freezing but am scared to use a pressure cooker. If it can't be done in a water bath or frozen then I don't do it. The taste is sooo good in Decenber and January when a taste of really good home grown veggies is so appreciated!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

I sure do miss it Annie. My thing was I only plan to cook it once so that means adding meat or meat seasoning such as bacon and that requires the use of a pressure canner. I used to can Seafood or Chicken & Sausage Gumbo, Chili with lots of meat & beans, Tomato Sauce with Meatballs so all I had to do was heat and serve and cook pasta or rice

Richmond, TX

Wow! I'm am very impressed with your canning skills.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Hay, DH is doing very well. The foot doc is talking about more hyperbaric to completely close the foot but I am thinking he is going to have to have special shoes in the end. He sleeps with his CPAP machine and has much more energy now. That is a blessing for me. Sure took a load off.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

A friend here is going to teach me how to can. I am looking forward to it.

So sorry about those fires. I was hoping nobody here at DG had been affected. I am a retired fire fighter and know first hand how destructive fire can be.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

I learned how to can from DG.. :) I read the canning and freezing threads till I was blue in the face! I've gotten so hooked on it, and love it!

Here is an update on these babiez..

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Ferndale, WA

Will there ever be anything cuter than baby chicks???...I love em.

Ferndale, WA

ZZ's I hope you don't mind. I went out this morning to feed the pheasant, I was not expecting anythink unusual but went to put some feed in the pen and there to my surprise I found my first two eggs. I thought it would be a month before I got any. They are about 2/3rds of the size of the serama eggs. I just had to share this pic as I'm so excited...Hay

Thumbnail by Haystack
Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

That's cool Haystack! Time to celebrate. :)

(Zone 5b)

What cuties, their color is beautiful!

Hay, congrats on the surprise eggs!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Looks like the Easter Bunny Brought Haystack an early Easter gift!!!!!

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Fun, fun, fun.

(Zone 6b)

Yes, those are so cute and look similar to eggs my cockatiels lay, only cockatiels are lighter colored. I may let mine have a few more babies before she gets too old. This last batch were all duds. Three were infertile and two never developed. I need to get her a little nesting box she likes, and put her in the bedroom by herself, with the little male of course. With cockatiels you have to leave them alone.

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Hay, will you be incubating those eggs?

Ferndale, WA

Yes Cajun I will be incubating those eggs along with some serama eggs this Week-end. I believe they take 25 days to hatch. That seems forever. I will be one happy camper if I should be lucky enough for them to hatch...I have been very surprised at how friendly the redgoldens are. I have gotten the male to eat from my hand once. You just cannot move fast around them or they go nuts...Hay

Biggs, KY(Zone 6a)

Do they have the same hatching requirements as chicken eggs as far as temp and humidity?

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

wow those are small. I thought pheasant eggs would be larger

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