Blue Egg Dreams.. :)

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

These babiez are sold almost before they hatch! These are bantams... and so noisy! I thought I had another week... but here they are!

Thumbnail by ZZsBabiez
Richmond, TX

Awww! So cute! Will all her chicks be blue/lavender?

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thankz Porkpal, yes, they will all be lavender. :)

(Zone 5b)

How cute! Love that color.

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Your Ameraucana's??? I am wanting my Silvers so bad. She wants to ship Monday. On my end weather is supposed to be great but not sure about hers yet up north

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Ooh Ooh,JEALOUS!!!! Love 'em!

Bridgewater, ME

So pretty

(Nadine) Devers, TX(Zone 9b)


Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

You got it Moodene!! LOL I always call em boo booz, or lil wut wut babiez... (that's what they say...wut wut)

Yes Donna, these are Bantam Ameraucanas.. They lay all winter, unlike the Large Fowl... The bigger ones are really pretty, but don't lay near as good as these lil machines! I got lucky with them, the eggs are really blue too.

I sure hope the others are hatching.. I went to check on her today, but didn't want to bother her since she went back on the eggs even with 2 babiez!! I hope I hope I hope they all hatch!!

Ferndale, WA

I hope with you ZZ's, Those are incredible, and very pretty color also...Hay

Gridley, IL

wow what a beautiful mommy!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank you SHE_

The problem with this batch is... Mom was setting on like 3 or 4 eggs and her sister came and started adding to them about a week after she started setting.. I finally got the lil sister to lay in a different place. Then, when I found the babiez, I moved mom, eggs and babiez to a safer pen so they could have food and water.. (they were in the nest box in the big coop, way off the ground) So I know it's iffy.. but I'm really hoping she will stay on the other 7 eggs..

If it was a normal clutch, it wouldn't be so sketchy.. LOL I hope I have such a good broody that she can hatch a staggered hatch!! :) I can hardly wait till tomorrow..

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Good news and bad news.. The bad news is.. she's off the eggs.. I kinda expected it, but it's still sad..

The good news is.. the 2 that did hatch are a pair! Girl & Boy I'm almost positive.. (key word being almost) LOL I need another day or so to be sure..

(Zone 5b)

Sorry about her getting off the eggs - but really great news that you have two healthy ones! I so want to have an eye like yours to be able to tell boy/girl at such an early age. And I suppose it's 70 or so degrees where you live too - what a great day!

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

hate to hear that ZZ. My Araucana did that to me to but I took the babies so they kept sitting. This went on for 2 weeks. Every other day I found a new chick. I finally just took the eggs and chunked them.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Yeah Donna, I wish I was in the position to do that.. but not now.. Any babiez have to stay out there.. I knew it was a gamble.. Hopefully another hen will go broody soon...

My tiny Serama Tina is broody and on about 8 eggs.. I don't expect a real good hatch there either.. but whatever hatches will be great! Some of those eggs are so tiny.. Oh well, we will see!

Ferndale, WA

ZZ's my last batch of bator eggs are hatching as we speak, the first one out was a gamehen, all the others have pipped so I'm hopin the second gamehen will hatch also. The other five are seramas...Hay

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Oh.. something I noticed today that I haven't mentioned to those of you that have a hen that is broody. Don't be alarmed if she has a hard time walking for a day or so... her legs are probably a little weak.. There is no danger.. it's normal. I've had it happen a couple of times, don't worry.. they are okay. :)

Modern Game Haystack??? O how sweeeet!!

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Waaaah, Evybody got a broody but me!!! Oh well hopefully out of 6 Serama hens some one will get the idea soon!
Congrats ZZ and Hay.................did you say Moderns!!!! Waaaaaaaaaah!

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Eufaula, are you leaving their eggs out? If you let the eggs pile up, someone will get the idea sooner or later. :)

Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

Lord help mine better get un broody and give me some eggs to eat. I did get 8 today out of 15 hens. Have been only getting 2 or 3 eggs a day

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Actually I have been afraid to leave the eggs out, because of the temps. We were having upper and mid 20's for so long at night that I just thought they would freeze. I will be able to start leaving a couple now.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

ZZ----Wonderful babies. Do you also have blue andulusians? How can you tell the difference? We are trying to figure out which are the ones we want.

Lodi, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi PNWgirl.. No, I just have the lavender Ameraucana, Serama and some misc. layers.
I love the lavenders, but don't recommend them for laying.. they are not the greatest layers by any means! Nice pets, but stingy with the eggs.. :) (the bantams are the total opposite, they laid every day this winter)

Are you looking for layers?

Ferndale, WA

Well my bator hatching is all finished, I had five serama eggs and two gamehen eggs. Four serama, and one gamehen hatched. I was hoping for both gamehens to hatch but, oh well. It is what it is...Haystack. will post some pic's today or tomorrow...

(Zone 6b)

Not saying I'm jealous, but they are gorgeous! ! I so understood Eufaula's comment.

Zz you should put them in shows. I can certainly see why they are sold before they are born. Outstanding little bird and eggs!

Congrats on the hatch Haystack, can't wait to see what a baby game looks like. Long legs? Those are so funny and cute. I really want some.

How many different kinds of chickens do I want? All of them. For now, I'll concentrate on these silkies.

Later, I'll have pictures and questions about breeding.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Looking for mostly pets but a few eggs would be good. Can get a different variety for all the eggs the family needs. Big problem is we only want a few and it seems that hatcheries require a minimum of 25 in an order. Anyone know of a good hatchery in the Seattle/Portland area?

Ferndale, WA

Here is a pic of the new babies. The baby gamehen is the black one and I think at two days old it will be very hard to see the difference. Their legs are longer but hard to see when babies. I will include some of my game roosters and ladies though.

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

This is a pic of Rusty the rooster, Qtip(all white) Chloe (brown)

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

This is Prissy, and Bit o Honey, They are identical twins.

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

Here are the five of them together. Rusty and his Ladies

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

These are the gamehen, and two roos. Their names are Rojo, Mejo, and Sojo. Yes the serama is never without them. He thinks he's a gamehen

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

Last pic, hope you enjoyed them...Hay

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

one more

Thumbnail by Haystack
Ferndale, WA

PNWMountainGirl, I have a friend that hatches out several breeds, they are a little more costly but you can buy as few as you want. Let me know if I can help you out. I also have Seramas if your looking for something that makes excellent pets...The babies in the pic I just posted are for sale at ten bucks ea.

Richmond, TX

Thanks for the pix Haystack.

MountainGirl, if you just want some laying hens, many feed stores sell chicks in whatever quantity you want. They won't have anything unusual, however.

Ferndale, WA

Hi Porkpal, are you staying out of trouble??? I think not...Women are trouble...LOL...How has your weather been. We had a huge wind storm two days ago and one tree about three feet thick came down. It was growing in the creek area which is about 25 ft deep so it fell about thirty feet away from the back of our house...No problem but it will take a couple weeks to saw it all up...Hay

Richmond, TX

Staying out of trouble? What fun is that?

We are finally having some spring-like weather - Wonderful!

The tree project should help keep you occupied - "Busy hands are happy hands." (!)

Eatonton, GA(Zone 8b)

Love the Pix thanks Hay!

(Zone 5b)

Love the pics, Hay! Now get busy cutting that tree up LOL

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