sun is shining

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

well today is better, suns out, it even feels warm ,might (only might,mind you ) take off my socks :-}
I,ve found hundreds of fallers on my lawn too, cookers which are huge, good idea to put them out for others to use, never thought of that , I usually end up with a freezer full of apple puree, which has to be slung next year to make room for the next lot !
Did anyone see the programme last night about the anthrax attachk ? scary or what.
Good for you going back to uni, I was going to do that , until I got sick, I ,d started off doing an open uin course, which ment a week at Brighton uni, and I loved it, so much so that I got as far as selecting courses to enrol on,but it obviously wasn,t ment to be. Still, I wouldn,t have had my youngest daughter if I had gone, so it all turned out for the best.
I,ve got loads of things to pot on before winterm I got a bit behind, hope it,s not too late, if the sun,s still out this afternoon, I.ll expose my legs ,and sit on the bench finishing them.
Hope your one,s wind has improved jo, my family all suffer from that,in fact they have competitions when they,re all home together, I don,t know where they get it from :-{
Off to do some work now ywuck!!!!!!

Waiting for the sun to come up so I can go out and see what needs to be done. Still having some wonderful weather here. Going to be pretty nice today and thunderstorms later on this evening and into the week with temperatures dropping down in the 40's come Friday evening but in the 70's during the day for the rest of the week.

I have found out one thing the other day. My Mandevilla does not like climbing on metal. All the leaves that was touching the metal trellis have died and fallen off and the leaves not touching are ok. Pulled the metal trellis up and put a wooden in. Now,what can I use the metal trellis for. What type of vine or plant will grow up on metal? Need to find another use for it but what? Learn something new everyday I guess.

Have you all read about the cookbook that will be in the works here at Dave's Garden? Get all those wonderful recipes lined up to submit for the book.I'm really excited about this project. I think it will be fun but we need everyone's support so get those recipes lined up.

Really don't know much this morning here. Guess it's just too early for me yet. Not enough coffee in my system.
Will catch y'all later in the day, so in the meantime you all have a good one.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sue! Just looking for a few minutes before I have some lunch. Then a full afternoon of lectures ahead of me.
You could still do an Open University course at some later date. Just do small modules at a gentle pace. The Summer Schools are a bit of a bind though - it eats into holiday time if you already have to work round family holidays. I did an Open University Degree in the 80s, arts and politics courses. What would you like to study?
Fine day here too. Shame to be stuck indoors. Bet it'll rain at the weekend when I need to mow my lawn and tidy up..
I'll do a spot more lurking then go off for a bite. Bye for now!

Hey Sue, have you considered making apple wine? Dessert apples are best, but you can throw in a few bramleys if you like it crisper and more tart. I've got 8 gallons on th go from the weekend before last's Big Apple Picking Day - it'll probably be drinkable by Christmas but will definitely be at it's best in 6 months. I also got a whole pile of plums that I pureed and have frozen, they're for wine too. Plums make a brilliant white wine but need to be used within 2 or 3 days of picking which is why I froze them, not enough time to do everything at once.

My little pear tree, the one at the very bottom of the garden, produced it's best ever crop of pears and they were the most delicious I've ever harvested. I know that there's a society somewhere in Yorkshire which can identify apples and pears from specimens of the fruit but I'm bnot sure where it's based, (Harrogate?) it would be nice though to find out which type of pear this little tree is, it's so much better than the others.

As for young'un's wind, there's no chance of there ever being a cure for that - at least not as long as children find trumping funny !!

Off to see who's saying what.

Bi all


Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

hey jo

how do you make the apple wine?is it easy ? do I have to buy lots of equipment ?it might work out cheaper than hubby buying bottles in thiuhj about a bit of ole west country zider oohhh aaahhh .these apples are quite old too, (the trees not the actual apples ) they make beautiful pies, and family,s favourite is Dorset apple cake. yummy with fresh custard on top when it,s still warm, might make some tomorrow.
Nothener, shame you were stuck inside today, it was glorios out, gave my toes a tanning as I sat on bench wih tea and biccy. I studies social sciences,as a foundation course, found the politics a bit hard going though, but enjoyed the modules on social history,
Got to go now to do wifely duties , they,re moaning that they,re hungry ,speak to you soon

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Pity to mjiss out on good weather.
Got my first assignment today. Moan moan moan, mutter mutter mutter. We've lost a week on doing it cos the lecturers hadn't got the introductory lecture properly organised. Not very well publicized.
So, looks like I'll be spending this weekend on it. Moan moan moan...

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

I know when my two wer at uni they always used to moan about lectureres not turning up or being prepared and wasting their time. mind you any excuse to skip lectures, and they were off !!!!!!!!
Just think it,ll all be worth it in the end, when you step up on the stage to get your degree.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm counting the weeks! Two down, fity to go!!!!
I did some courses at Durham University Stockton campus last year. It's a lovely new campus right on the River Tees. The student cafe was brilliant - food was terrific. And I used to watch the birds on the river while I was having a meal. Classes were small and the buildings were quiet. Students looked studious!!!! And the lecturers were marvellous. They took a personal interest in the students. But they didn't didn't run this course so I had to come to Teesside, which is nearer and more convenient for me.
Teesside has modern resources. But it's incredibly crowded and noisy. A bit stressful. Everything feels rushed. And impersonal. Well, that's modern life for you!!!!
I've just come up for air, making some notes on communication principles. I'll have a little browse and then go and do some mathematics. The binary system beckons! Bye for now!!!!!

Wigan, Landcashire, United Kingdom

well today it has been non-stop rain,i was working in Burnley and Rossendale so to get there i had to go over the moors and it was really very misty too and eerie when its like that.

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