Anyone interested in Chinese Elm seedlings?

Mason, MI

I've got an enormous Chinese Elm in my yard,
which is incredibly prolific!
I'm constantly pulling up Elm seedlings
in my flowerbeds. It seems I've missed a few,
and I'm wondering, are these a tree that anyone
here might be interested in?
These aren't the Elm variety that gets Dutch Elm disese.
These are the sturdy Chinese Elm. Ours is huge, really tall.
The only problem that it's ever had was being hit by lightning!
If anyone's interested in these seedlings
(approx. 1-2 yr. old seedlings) just let me know.
Oscarsdotter :-)

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

you have mail

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

you have mail.

Mason, MI

For Jcf & OzarkSue,
Your trees have been shipped out this morning.
I hope that they grow well for you!
Melissa aka: Oscarsdotter :-)
P.S. I still have more Chinese Elm tree seedlings
if anyone wants them.

This message was edited Friday, Oct 12th 1:08 PM

Mansfield, MO(Zone 6a)

Your trees babies arrived this morning. The box had been beaten around a bit in transport, but the seedlings were in fine shape. I put half of them in the ground right away and the other half in a big pot I have here. There were so many of them that I need to find somewhere else for them. Thank you so very, very much!!!!!! Thank you so much for the seeds you threw in. I can't wait to plant them next spring. You are such a blessing.
I am thinking about bonzaing one of the seedlings. What do you think? I have done it with evergreens, but have never tried a disiduouse (sp???) I need some encouragement to be brave on this. LOL

Mason, MI

'Just bringing this to the top...
I have many (many!)
of these Chinese Elm tree seedlings.
If you're interested in them
just let me know.
I'm ripping them out by the hundreds.
They're a sturdy tree, to-be-sure!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

You have mail....

Mason, MI

Thanks to some great
Elm tree descriptions
(by Treelover!) we now think that
our Chinese Elm variety is actually
Ulmus americana or possibly 'Delaware'.
Our Elm tree is very tall and vase-shaped,
with heavily textured, silvery-gray, bark.
Thanks again to Treelover for his great Elm tree descriptions. Many seedlings still available
to anyone that wants them!

markleysburg, PA(Zone 5a)

Any mre available ?/

Mason, MI

You bet! :-)

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