New Puppy On the Block!!

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Foxnfirelfy- We often see Jack Russles, in the big -dog part of the dog park. They are big in spirit and energy for sure! My 'puppy' is happy as all get today, out she has a big new soup bone and is out in the sun gnawing away.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Winston the pug is jealous of the soup bone. He LOVES to eat. When I am roasting chicken or making soup, he gets so impatient. Heaven forbid I leave the kitchen for a minute, he talks to me reminding me that there is food cooking. Funny fellow. He barks at his enemies and "talks" to his friends. The snow plows blocked the entrance to the dog run - Winston's favorite place. He loves running around off his leash and climbing the rocks - yes, the so called couch potato likes rock climbing. I only took Tiffany to the dog run once - she promptly chased a rabbit under the fence and into the woods/swamp. She got full of mud and burrs, but I was glad that I caught her before she reached a busy road.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

HollyAnn & Ric--Wow, Alfie looks like he's having some fun in the cold stuff. I thought he looked like a terrier, perhaps a Westie? It sounds like you'll have to keep tabs on him and keep him a leash at all times outside of the yard.

Sallyg--yes, the little yappers think they're big shots and can run with the big dogs. Indeed, they do. One thing Quinn has become good at is jumping. I recently taught him the trick, "jump for joy!" You hold two thumbs up, look ecited, and crouch down and then spring up saying "jump for joy" and he becomes bungee dog. This trick is the prelude to jumping rope. We will get that trick next.

GardenQuilts--never had a dog that didn't obsess about food!! LOL! They all seem to live focussed on their food dish or what you have in your hands. We save large meat bones for Quinn in the freezer and will give him one when we leave the house for a while. He will ot even know that we are gone. I bet Winston is a good "talker". You seem to connect with his soul.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Foxy, You are close he is a Cairn Terrier, Westies are the white version of a Cairn Terrier. You are so right about the Terrier Breeds they are little dogs with big dog attitude. We have been babysitting the Grandpuppies the last couple of weekends and he gets along so well with Jamie's Dachshund and Jen's big Plott Hound.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

We saw three Jack Russels at the dog park just the other day. They're like rockets when they run LOL. Way to go on the Jump for joy trick.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Wow--3 in a park!! I can't imagine what that was like--an atom smasher? I refer to the rockets as "Sputniks" (the small Russian rockets). Sallyg--how's Addy? Does she like the Sputniks?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Addy's just fine thank you~ She's about 4 and a half now. Gosh how time flies.
Yes those are Sputniks! Their owner was actually laying on the pavement in the dog park, letting the Sputniks run back to him. (Which seems to me actually kind of dangerous and yucky)
Now, she'd run and play a lot when she was a puppy but now she's all grown up, she plays with us but is not that active at the Dog park with other dogs. ==? She seems to be dedicated to her 'pack' and just keeps one eye on us. She will chase a bit with certain dogs, she has some sort of criterion for who she plays with. She loves the game where two dogs chase a third. She often picks out/ joins in with pit bulls or pit mixes or boxers; I think because they are usually bulletproof and easygoing, never get offended or feel threatened. Labs are often more interested in chasing a ball, . When Addy sees one chase a ball ,she very kindly desists in trying to play with that dog.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

That's good to hear about Addy--still enjoying the park and all. I know Shepherd dogs aren't nearly as playful as other breeds. They are good walking buddies, though. With Quinn, he now pulls me on the leash, and sometimes seems to dart hither and thither like he can't make up his mind which way he wants to go. I have to tug on the leash and stay the course. I'm learning to be pack leader with him.

Oh, I just got some pet "wipes" for him. He seems to get dirty when he runs through the woods and these damp tissues wipe him clean. They're like baby wipes. My aunt shwed them to me --she used them for her dog, a Jack and they kept him smelling clean and pettable.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I guess it makes sense- "working dog" breed and all (shepards)

Hey pet wipes sounds great.. THey can pick up so much sand and dirt splatters from any kind of natural surface.

Some of the 'water' dogs at the park are so bad about hopping in anytime they see a mud puddle!

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