New Puppy On the Block!!

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

After nearly two years of being puppyless, a warm ball of fur walked into my life again. Two days after Christmas, I got a 3-1/2 months old Jack Russell Terrier!! He was the sweetest pup I'd seen in ages. It was love at first sight, and he is turning out to be a fine doggie.....

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Yes, he's been here a month now. I meant to get online sooner but just couldn't find the chance. He went through some rigorous house-training and after two weeks, has been a very good dog. But as I tried to get online tonight, he found a CD of some software backup and chewed it up. I had to lock him out!!

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

He loves to play!! So I've been keeping him pre-occupied in my free time. My son just loved him until he went after his Lego sets. The novelty of having a puppy wore off quickly when Chris was asked to help take him out on potty breaks.

The pup's name is Quinn. The breeder named him that and it seemed to fit, so I saw no reason to change it. I was going to call him "Hotspur", but Quinn seemed to be right, for now, anyway.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

He's a ghost of a dog. Quinn moves very quickly and quietly. Unlike Hutch, my other JRT, you don't know when he's in the room. He moves like a cat. Quinn is a Parsons Jack Russell. He's got nice long legs. He's also a broken coat like Hutch was. He's a nice light tan and white, mostly white. It's hard to get a face picture because he lounges at the camera.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Fox, may I pop in here are say how happy I am to see JRs showing up here and there.
Most people think they are the tiny, yappy, wild little critters, which is about right unless you get one like I have and I think by the looks of Quinn, he will be one also.

I have owned Jack Russells for over 30 years. I would never own another breed of dog. I am now 82 and my Barney is 14. We are both about at the end of our lives but we live each day to the max.
We walk every morning around the farm (when the snow is not too deep) and in the afternoons on nice days also. He has a liver problem so he eats 4 small meals a day of boiled Purdue Chicken Breast and cut spaghetti. LOL. But he is happy, in no pain and still chases the barn cats every time he can.
I would like to suggest that if you have not considered crate training your JR you should.
I found they do much better in their growing up if they have a safe haven like their crate to go to and rest. Mine all were crate trained and they were all wonderful house dogs and companions. Good luck with Quinn . I will be watching for more growing up pictures.
My JRs were all the larger size (the ones trained to race as well as go to ground, but they are really too big to get into holes in the ground without getting stuck.) Barney is a broken coat also. Again, Good luck and God Bless. JB

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Oh How cute! I'll be looking forward to lots of pictures too.
The Terrier family is a spunky breed, I have 2 older Brussels Griffons that I adopted after they retired from show and breeding. They keep me going and stick to me like glue. They are great couch potatoes and good watch dogs, and protectors.
I think Quinn is a great name. Easy and different. Put everything in a safe place, between teething and exploration many things can get destroyed.
Thanks for sharing your Happy News.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My DH & I are rat terrier addicts. More laid back than the JRT's but ya know, terriers are terriers and ya gotta think like them. Here is Fritzie II.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Too cute!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

D'anne, one thing you are going to discover with Terriers is that they stare at you. When your little Quinn gets a little older & stops thinking like a puppy, he will stare & stare at you all the time with complete adoration and worship cause he will think you are his Mom. They all do that. My husband is Jealous cause Fritzie stares at me all the time. He actually thinks I am his mom. And as far as I am concerned, I am and Bob is his Daddy. It's a wonderful feeling, having this love & trust from your little dog. Naturally, I spoil the heck out of him. Fritzie is 10 and we pray for another 9-10 years with him, if we can squeeze it out of him, so enjoy him and take plenty of pix and keep things up high where he can't get at them. Oh yes, Terriers love to tear up paper: kleenex, toilet paper, and my Fritzie tears stuffed animals. He pulls the stuffing out of them.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Oh Foxy, He is so cute. JR are energetic dogs. But they sure are cute. Ric likes mixed terriers and we have had a few over the years. They are nice dogs, too.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Is your Quinn a sort legged or the larger?

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Foxnfirefly--Quinn is absolutely ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!Congrats!

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Things to watch out for with terriers: Yesterday, Fritzie was sleeping beside me on the couch. While I napped, he ate 2/3 of his red mousie squeakie. When I woke up, I managed to wrestle the head out of his mouth. The only thing I could do was feed him pretzels until he threw up and all the plastic mousie parts came out. Terriers get bored very easily and love to chew. Thank heavens I discovered a way to get him cleaned out so I don't have to take him to the vet.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Button, there are special toys you can buy for terriers who are chewers. I had to buy them for years and now my JR will not even chew. He used to eat the insides out of the stuffed toys and he also ate the knee high nylons I would lay down where he could reach them.
I can tell you, it takes 3 days for the nylons to digest but you will have to help them out.
Gross big time, but they do come out if you are lucky. Barney used to eat stones or pebbles and finally I had to have my patio concreted because he would not stop eating the little red stones. I just love my dog, but unless you really love terriers, I do not suggest you get one. I have had mine so long their actions are just part of life. LOL Besides, they keep you alert and on your toes. Never a dull moment. I am 82 and still keep learning from this Jack Russell. JB

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

My DH & I have always had terriers & we love them & understand their ways. The best thing you can do is find out what makes your terrier barf. In Fritzie's case, it's lots & lots & lots of pretzels. I have saved trips to the vet several times with pretzels.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7a)

Hey D'Anne- Quinn is just adorable. Congrats on being a new 'Mom"

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hey, everyone!! Thanks for all the warm responses. You dog people really know what it means to have a dog!! JBerger--I think I am like you--always will have a Jack. Quinn is a Parsons Russell, which is a long-legged taller breed. He weighed 15 lbs at his last vet visit a couple of weeks ago.

Judy (Buttoneer), you are so on taget about the staring and it cracked me up to read your post. Yes, Quinn already is starting to do it. Hutch, my other Jack, would stare a hole in me until I would get up and take him out for a walk. He also seemed to sleep with his eyes open, always keeping an eye on me and not missing a move I made. Awesome.

I'll catch up with the rest soon. I am sorry I haven't been in circulation. Time gets away from me but I will try to post some more pictures this weekend.

Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

Morning Fox, so glad to get an update one your JR. My Barney the Barndog is also a long legged Jack. He is now 14 and still has the devilishness they all seem to have at one time or another. There are times now when he actually is quiet and looks like a house dog. When I bred birds he was much younger and he has learned to live with parrots of all sizes without harming them. He also is very friendly with the barn cats. He has has own web page of Facebook too. This is my dear old friend.
He is actually a Pennsylvania bred Jack Russell . His name is Breezewood Barney and was born in Downington at the Breezewood Kennels. All my JRs came from there and are just wonderful. Have a great day and stay dry. JB

Thumbnail by JBerger
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

So glad you are picking up on your Quinn's traits. It makes it easier to understand them & they, you. Does your doggie sleep with his front legs crossed? Also, Fritzie has a habit of licking his front feet when he is trying to relax to get to sleep. I make sure he is on a blanket so he doesn't get the couch wet.

Thumbnail by Buttoneer
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

JBerger--Breezewood Barney is a respectable elder!! At 14, they don't seem old at all. Still up to tricks, and they always like to run after things. Thanks for posting his pic. It's nice to see him.

Buttoneer--Quinn sleeps with his legs stiffened out in front of him. Looks like a dead dog. But other times he curls up in a tight ball.

Hutch, my old Jack, had a habit of licking his paws. The vet said it was a sign of allergies. I think if he walked on something that irritated his foot pads, he would lick them. But I also noticed that they sometimes were dry and chapped, so I think he licked them to ease the soreness.

Here's some new pics of Quinn...first day I brought him home. He was 3-1/2 mos. here.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Here's a good face pic.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Here he is gnawing on a bone. He's now 5 mos. old. We found some teeth on the rug the other day.....

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Here, Quinn is playing around with the bone or something.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

More chewing and staring by the day.....

The vet said that Quinn had some heart murmur and we would follow up with it soon. I do hope he outgrows it. He has been running more and more, especially with the mild weather and the critter activity out back.

Will try to update again soon. You're probably getting a lethal dose of the green carpet. Pretty soon we will be in the garden more, so hang on.

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Wrightstown, NJ(Zone 7a)

What a darling..................I just want to squeeze him.

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

What a cutie, the last picture is a winner!
The neighbors behind us got a puppy for Christmas, and I enjoy watching their older dog out playing with the pup in the snow. They also have a cat that is the older dogs best friend, the cat follows the older dog all over the place. Even across the street, which scares me to watch, what little traffic we get can come flying up and down. I have not seen the cat with the older dog much with the puppy, probably too much rambunctious play from the pup.
Both of the dogs are a larger breed, and last year when the neighbors moved in I noticed that the older dog was using my back yard for his potty area, and these are big sloppy piles. Guess we need to have a talk.
I have 2 little dog but they are in an enclosed garden area at the other side of the house and I do poop patrol at lease once a day in that area.
Sorry to rant, just felt good to get that off my chest.
I sure hope that heart murmur goes away. Looking forward to some outdoor spring pictures.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Oooh, fabulous new photos! I think he's gone from "puppy" to "pup" already... what a sweet face!

I didn't get a chance to see his latest photos at the swap, so I was glad to find this thread updated. :-)

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I really like the long haired JR. They are just so cute.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Quinn is Absolutley adorable, FnFF ! Thanks for sharing!

Ladyg- I do feel for that problem.! My mom got some of that. I'd hate to have to deal with a neighbor on this though. I worry that my roaming cats may bother some people.
I personally think I would be flinging that stuff back where it came from.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Does he shed?

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Quinn hasn't gotten his thick full coat yet. No, he's not shedding now but he will next year. He will get his new winter coat this fall and shed it all on the green carpet in the spring and all summer. Ladyg-the broken-coated JRT's have the best cuddle appeal in my opinion!!

LOL-sallyg--on the cat throw. I'd use a watergun to squirt them out of the yard but now I have a happy yapper to keep them out.

Quinn is now 8 months old, a "pup" so.....the newness is over and we'll close this chapter on his babyhood. Here's one last pic of his infancy and innocense. Gnawing contentedly on a bone in front of a crackling fire. Good 'ol days. Good night to everyone!!

Thumbnail by Foxnfirefly
Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

Please continue this as he grows up. (if you want to start another thread, that's great). Thanks, Fritzie's mom: (Buttoneer)

Crozet, VA

I just found this thread today as I was going through the MAG list of threads. Thank you so much for sharing your happiness with us FnF. He is a cutie pie for sure. You and whoever mentioned about the staring by the dogs made me think of my dog who the Veterinarian labeled on his records as a Mutt does that. He is mainly black in color with some brown and white and if he were about half the size he is, he could actually be a Jack Russell. I believe since hearing about this trait that my original suspicion of some JR being in the mix might be right because he too is a starer.

This was lots of fun to read. Loved hearing about everyone elses loves too.


Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

How adorable is he?!??!!!

Central, VA(Zone 7b)

What a sweet little dog. I remember some years ago before Jack Russels were a well known breed. A man in bib-overalls at the farmers market had two of them. I asked him what breed they were, and he said "Them's digger dogs". So that's what I thought they were called, Digger Dogs.

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I bet Foxy's "Digger Dog" is a big help in the garden! Hee hee, actually I think it's a good thing he's so cute, because I bet he's finding plenty of mischief out there this spring!

Our neighbors (the ones whose teenage girls babysit Joyanna and help me in the garden) just got a new puppy tonight... they picked him up from Nancy (nminmd), who has been running a dog rescue for a few years now... it's such fun to know they got him through her! Joyanna had to go right down to make friends with him, and I know she'll have a ball watching him grow up this summer!

Middle of, VA(Zone 7a)

Alrighty...if the Jack Russel's the 'digger dog' - then would it be ok if I labeled Rottie's the 'backhoe?' The two pathways to China located in my back yard are beginning to annoy me esp. since one "did" (past tense) house what I hoped to be the old timey fragrant Mock Orange.

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

LOL! Chantell (Quote: "pathways to China in my backyard....") Yes, Jack Russell's are great diggers. Their paws are like spades and their energy is awesome. Quinn hasn't gone to the beach yet, but I remember my other Jack's days on the beach. When a crab went hiding, you'd see a funnel of sand fly up. I didn't have a camera then. I'll be ready this time.

Ruby, Buttoneer was the one who brought up the staring. She hit home on that. He's doing it now. I'll try to get some good pics. Congrats to you & Joyanna, Critter, on the new puppy next door. Nice to have one without the responsibilities, hee, hee.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

What a cutie! I miss my Westie, Tiffany. I have fallen in love with Winston the pug, a dog I began to foster. I miss Tiffany's intelligence and rodent hunting abilities! Winston is a slow learner. At first I thought he had vision problems because he didn't seem to notice the squirrels and birds. He noticed, but just didn't mind.

Does anyone have experience with Feist terriers? It seems to be a breed/type of dog more common in the south.

Carlisle, PA(Zone 6b)

I'm the one who knows that Terriers have a habit of staring at you. Ruby, did you see Fritzie doing that when we visited you in April? LOL

Thumbnail by Buttoneer

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