signs of spring??? Share them!

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Please share your signs of spring, if you have any. I grew up in Minnesota, where there is snow on the ground. I'm so grateful to now live in the Willamette Valley, where I saw and heard these things in my yard today: frogs croaking, early tulips out of the ground x 3 inches, same with daffodils, 1 blooming muscari, and an asparagus sprig poking its head out of the ground. What do you see and hear?

(Judi)Portland, OR

I'm afraid to watch for signs of spring - it's only January! I don't want to be disappointed if freezing temps return, as I suspect they will.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Lots of red-winged blackbirds singing in the trees. I did spy one robin a few weeks ago, but the main flock has not yet returned. Lots of perennials poking their heads up out of the ground. I'm doing spring cleanup/pruning as the weather permits, noting where I have holes to yet fill, and dreaming of ever-expanding existing beds. I've heard a stray frog (or perhaps toad) but don't have the full chorus yet. Three eagles yesterday on separate trees yelling at each other.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Wow---bonehead, that is a BEAUTIFUL description of what is going on outside in your yard. I can very much imagine your homestead! Our local frogs started in full chorus about 2 weeks ago---I was very surprised. It seemed early to me. Do you live near a wetlands/meadow to have all of the red winged blackbirds?

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Kosk, yes I am on acreage with a small salmon creek and connecting farm pond. We also have fairly constant beaver intrusion and they currently have the creek backed up to severe flooding of our lower area (turning former woodlot and our road out back into wetlands, arghh). I don't usually get the full frog chorus until mid-February, so whomever I'm hearing now must be an advance scout.

This photo was taken last July. We now have standing water from just beyond the small birch tree to the right of the pond, across the creek culvert (where the tractor is), on up to the green grassy section of the road by the cedar. It's awful. Even in this pic you can see how wet it is -- all the straw-looking grass is pretty much under water. The pale trees in the long grass are all water-killed alder, just waiting to blow down. The last time my husband took the tractor back, water came up to its belly. He hasn't attempted in a few months.

Trying to co-exist with beavers is difficult.

Thumbnail by bonehead
Salem Cnty, NJ(Zone 7b)

I love the thought of spring, but I had to laugh when I saw the title, cuz we have about 10" of snow outside. More tomorrow, and the next round of a storm on Wed. Depending on the track - it could be SNOW or snowy, icy mixy stuff. I would much prefer snow to ice.
Silver lining - the spring show of blooms here should be fantastic because of all the snow cover we've had this winter so far.

(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kosk, first of all welcome to the forum. I know you will enjoy it!

How long have you been out of Minnesota? I have been here (from there) now for about 30 years. I know you are warmer down in OR than up here, but you will LOVE the diefferences in the climates if that is new to you.

Yes, My daffodils are out of the ground quite a ways and my tulips are showing their heads, but the frustration is that it will still be two months before they give us a show. That is a major adjustment from colder climates where they keep going once they start.

I did hear one robin last week, but haven't seen the bunches that will be here soon. My witch hazels are in various stages of bloom, the primroses are starting to show color, my winter wrens are starting to sing as well as the song sparrows. My hellebores have buds and some of my clematis are actually showing buds as well. It is a surprise every day now and so fun to see changes at every walk.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Very interesting, bonehead, to coexist with beavers! I find them to be fascinating creatures.....but probably wouldn't think so if they were flooding my property. If it helps, I accidentally ran over one with a car in Canada many years ago (still feel sad about it though!) Your property looks gorgeous! PNWMtnGirl---I've lived in Oregon for 11 years now, first 8 were in Portland, and going on third year in Salem (grew up in Duluth, MN). In Portland my property's horticultural description was "dry shade" (i.e., all doug firs--garden where you could underneath them)---one of the hardest types to do any creative gardening. (I love shade gardening, but throw in the "dry" part from the big trees, and it gets pretty limiting). So when we moved south to Salem, we opted for 2 acres of full sun property. Gotta love full sun when you're trying to grow tomatoes or peppers or poppies or watermelons or roses......or---let's face it---just about everything that's fun. Still have enough shade on the north side of the house for my favorite shady things.

Seattle, WA

I took a walking tour of the neighborhood (Seattle) last weekend when we had a dry sunny day and there were signs of spring abounding. I love this donkey tail spurge - not particularly springy but I had to include it.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Seattle, WA

Anyone know what this is? It's in my neighbor's yard in full sun and I'm enjoying it whenever I walk past. It's probably 2 feet high.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Seattle, WA

And the rosemary is starting to bloom.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Seattle, WA

Winter heaths are gorgeous right now.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Seattle, WA

Cyclamen in my yard

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Seattle, WA

And I just loved this pic.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
(Sharon)SouthPrairie, WA(Zone 7a)

Kym, your unidentified shrub looks to me like a flowering quince, though it is an unusual color. And your area is definitely ahead of ours.

I had a huge flock of evening grosbeaks visit my bird feeders for the first time this year. They sure are pretty.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

I have no idea if there are signs of spring in our yard. I'm housebound due to a tumble down the stairs last Sunday. What a klutz I'm terrified to even get out of bed 2011 is turning out to be just as bad as 2010!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh Gwen so sorry to hear that. Hope you weren't hurt to badly. Enough if enough!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Evergreen clematis "Apple Blossom" has some nice buds.

Thumbnail by mstish
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

My little 6 inch dafs peeping their heads out of hte ground.

Thumbnail by mstish
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Clematis "Henri" is full of new buds.

This message was edited Jan 30, 2011 1:40 AM

Thumbnail by mstish
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Jacobs ladder coming out for some sun.

Thumbnail by mstish
Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Last but not lease is Origanum "Kent beauty". My husband bought me this on our first date so I wait every winter to see if it makes it through. And every year it pops back up.

Thumbnail by mstish
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

My sign of spring is, I sowed carrot seeds in a big pot outside and now it is fixin to freeze the next night or two. Sign of spring being, getting ahead of myself, maybe.

Nice thread... I have some daffs poking their noses up out there somewhere....

Gwen, hope you heal fast, I want to come have my little walk about on your place one day soon! but you have to be able to walk first. LOL!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

70 days, give or take, till last frost date!
Finally a couple days without rain. Got a lot of the yard cleaned up. I am always amazed at how much stuff falls out of the trees every year.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Thanks for all of the photos. I really do love this time of year. Was out pulling weeds wearing a tank top yesterday (60 degrees here). I love those surprise days. Kymmco---I love your pic of your hardy cyclamen. Would love to get some of that added to my yard. Did you start yours from seed or buy from a nursery? My local Fred Meyer, of all places, had a ton of hardy cyclamen for sale the other day---lots of color choices. And I know they were hardy, b/c they were all outside. I was tempted to buy a dozen or so to establish under some maples---but didn't want to spend $4 a piece. Currently trying to start from seed. Bought some italian seeds with no seed starting instructions. They won't take off. I'm assuming they need to be cold germinated, so I think I'll put them in the fridge now to see what happens.

Feel better, Gwen!

(Judi)Portland, OR

Gwen, I hope 2011 gets better for you! Take care of yourself, and feel better soon.

Nice photos everyone. I did see a few token signs of spring in my garden yesterday, but nothing too remarkable. I'm torn between wanting spring to come and wanting the ski season to last a few more months!

Seattle, WA

Hi kosk - I used to live in McMinnville and my mom worked in Salem. Waving hi to the old neighborhood :)

I got my cyclamen from the Perennial Plant Sale in Bellevue last year, and if those at Fred Meyer are truly hardy then $4 is a really good price! I have never tried starting them from seed but will be interested to hear your results.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Yeah, the FM cyclamen plants came with instructions to plant them outdoors under I think they were the real deal, hardy. Maybe becoming more trendy and available, so mainstream places are actually carrying them? But you're right.....seriously wondering, b/c even the good nurseries around here haven't had them when I've looked for them......Maybe I'll swing by there again....but trying to keep to my goal of buying no nursery plants and starting everything from seed this year. (spent way to much money last year on plants...pick a number and add 3 zeroes.---all perennials, so enjoying watching them come back, thank goodness.)

(Judi)Portland, OR

I was out on the front porch with a cup of coffee and in the span of 15 minutes 4 pregnant women walked by. Does that count?

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Funny, Portland! Of course that counts. Here's a pretty little iris that popped open the other day.

Thumbnail by bonehead
(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

I'm jealous of those of you with warmer zones this time of year... Kymmco it sounds like your neighborhood is at least a few weeks ahead of us, so keep sharing your pics!

I had one little frog sing to me when I was out in the yard last weekend. The frog chorus is one of my very favorite signs of spring, but like Bonehead's, ours don't start until late Feb.

My very VERY favorite sign of spring however, is actually having even just a teeny bit of light outside when I leave for or from work. I hate the dark to dark commute!

Admitidely, I was running about ten minutes late as I left this morning, but it was worth it for the chance to see the sunrise from my deck......

Thumbnail by Rarejem
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Oooh nice picture! I'd be late more often, for the sake of that.......

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Rarejem, that is one awesome photo!

Portland, OR(Zone 8b)

Punxsutawney Phil has predicted an early spring for us PNWesterners. YIPPEE!!!!!! (doing a little spring dance around the room.)
I feel very bad for the people in the midwest still burried under snow......but I'm still gonna do a spring dance!

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

I agree, it is stunning. That is one of the plus sides of living up in the hills - your beautiful view.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

BEAUTIFUL photo! Love it! I've always preferred sunrises over sunsets---esp. in the Pacific NW, b/c the sun rises over the cascades for us in the I-5 corridor/valley. (Hood here) Plus, it means a good day ahead, instead of one ending.

Salem, OR(Zone 8b)

Baby lambs across the road.

Thumbnail by kosk0025
Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Oooh, nice one!

I saw some ten day old piglets yesterday but had no camera with me.

I have sprouts in my WS jugs though all the kale and mesclun mix is sprouting, as is the broccoli and a couple other things, oh yeah spinach.....

and in this picture you can see the first rosemary blossom and a spear of a daffodil sticking up in the pot..... turrible photo though, on a gray sky day, but still, evidence!

Thumbnail by Kylaluaz
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

What variety of Rosemary? And do you provide winter protection? I have lost at least three rosemaries that I can recall, apparently from too harsh of a winter. Tuscan Blue and Roman Beauty were my latest victims. I plan to replant yet again and would welcome any advice of hardier varieties.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

The hardiest one I know of is Arp, but I have no idea what this one is...... just that it is clearly successful having grown for several years where it is planted. It is close to the house, like nearly right up against it, on the West side, so that probably helps.

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