Need quick help - what's blooming right now?

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Can everyone tell me anything you have blooming in your gardens right now?


Lake Stevens, WA

viburnum dawn

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Winter jasmine and some primroses are opening up.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

Gee, Gwen, ask me next year, LOL! though I did see a dandelion just the other day.......

Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

I've got snowdrops starting and a couple of precocious crocus are starting to bud out. I've also got a small heather that has a bit of bloom on it, and a primrose, but I just bought that so I'm not sure it really counts. The skimmia has buds but they haven't opened yet.

(Judi)Portland, OR

Witch hazel and camelias - I have no idea what the fancy names are!

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

I have snowdrops, hellebores, skimmia (both berries and blooms), and primroses. All blubs are showing growth and a lot of plants are showing buds or new growth.

(Julie)South Prairie, WA(Zone 7a)

My "Dawn" viburnum is full of buds ready to burst (hoping for no more freezes until they come full out!), witchhazel "Arnold's Promise" is almost full out with "Dianne" catching up quickly. A few freak hellebore blossoms are full open, but all are showing flower buds now, and the primroses are just starting.

(Judi)Portland, OR

oh - I have those freak hellebores blooming as well. I forgot about them!

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Two little daffodils peeked up early. One in the front yard one in the back. Funny.

Union, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh and I have white and purple winter heather.

Lake Stevens, WA

After you guys said the Hellebores were blooming I just had to go around to the north end of the house to see. Yep they are starting. The sarcococca is blooming too.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Am I the only one who thinks sarcococca is over-rated? I get absolutely no fragrance from it and some type of bug chews holes in their leaves all summer. Maybe it's just my nose. It does fill in nicely on my north side, but I'm thinking it may get cut back drastically this year.

My hellebores are just sending up flower stalks, no blooms yet.

The ajuga is plumping out - not blooming yet, but pretty foliage.

Lake Stevens, WA

I really like it. Grows were most other things will not. Love the smell but my DH hates it. Said it stinks like vineger! We panted some at his office years ago and about this time of year he tells me it smells at the office.
In fact we were just talking about it last night. He sure married the wrong gal, I love the plant fragrance. Love the Asiatic lilies, he makes me keep them outside. Poor man suffers from allerges from pollen. I think I have planted every smelly plant. No mock orange that really makes him sneeze.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Must just be certain scents I can't detect. I also have some king's spear (asphodeline) which I cannot get any whiff out of, supposedly very fragrant. I can smell roses and honeysuckle. It would be interesting to learn more about what scents are comprised of - maybe I'm just missing a scent bud or something.

Seattle, WA

Cyclamen (coum I think?), primrose, candytuft, and the rosemary is just starting

In the neighborhood lots of heaths/heathers.

Thumbnail by Kymmco
Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Took my Dad to the doc yesterday, and the courtyard was filled with blooming heather. Lovely.

Portland, OR

I have sarcococca and love it. It is blooming now, almost out of bloom and smells great! I love that it is evergreen.

I have hellebores and dawn viburnum but nothing else actually blooming. Hydrangeas are unfurling their leaves, however, and brunnera are popping up their heads.

(Judi)Portland, OR

I had a routine colonoscopy on Wednesday and from the waiting room at OHSU you can see a roof garden. It was lovely, and a pleasant place to wait while anticipating the test. You can see the roof garden, with the Willamette River and all the bridges in the background. And since it was a clear day we could also see Mt St Helen's covered with snow. The view ALMOST made up for the sleepless night doing the prep.......

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

Portland, glad you got the test done, unpleasant as the prep is. Who'd'a thought we'd all be running cameras up our wazzoos?? Then, again, who came up with the idea of an enema way back when?? Something to ponder.

Langley, WA(Zone 7b)

Bone, surely there are more appealing things to ponder.

Cedarhome, WA(Zone 8b)

...Just saying...

(Judi)Portland, OR

Bonehead, LOL. But after the test you feel so good knowing you don't have colon cancer. I have this procedure done every 2 years because colon cancer is one of the complications of celiac disease. Thank goodness for those nice drugs that let you be oblivious through the whole thing, and then wake up really mellow under a warm blanket.

Gastonia, NC(Zone 7b)

So today I went driving around and got a little bit lost and had to try to turn around and the first place I found to do that was the entrance to the Christian Science Church. Up in their parking lot are two rhododendrons in full bloom. Haven't seen anything but buds anywhere else. These were large ones and they were covered. Course I didn't have a camera with me.......

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