Compassion For Physically Challanged Gardeners #14

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Yeah, Vickie, from what I've read you have a perfectly fine lake nearby. I've got plenty of wild cane if you want to make your own fishing pole. :-)

Midland City, AL

Vickie, you've made a few more campfires than I have. Have you ever heard that apple wood will burn blue? PJ pruned the apple trees today and offered me the wood for my campfire. He claimed he had heard that it will sometimes produced blue flame. I was trying to find out if that is really true before I bother to cut it up for my outdoor "fireplace." MK used the top off the old charcoal grill for something. I turn the base into a place for me to have a fire near the house.
I heard a strange growl when I was on my night walk a few nights ago. It was probably just a throaty bobcat, but, since Fenny was afraid of it I'm staying near the house at night and keeping a fire burning while I'm out. Most wild animals avoid the smell of smoke. Is that why you like campfires at night? To keep the bears from getting too comfortable around your house? I'm not scared of bobcats, but, given Fenny's reaction, a swamp cat (Florida panther is a possibility. ~Nadine~

Midland City, AL

I think it's the Vermont Boojer taking a vacation. You know the park ranger at Mt. Washington said the boojer is drawn to camp fires. The Florida panther is an endangered species. I think there are maybe 100 or 200 of them alive.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

We've got cane up here too.
LOL We've got lakes and rivers all over. I've never been able to kill a fish,so i'll have to overcome that. I'll never kill more than i can eat.
What is a Vermont Boojer. Do i want one?
We don't have panthers around here. But someone (a newspaper editor) Published a picture of one at his place, north of here last year.
I pay close attention to my dogs when i'm out walking. Dogs don't lie. If they are afraid. I figure there is a reason. I'm really not afraid of anything in the woods,If i'm alone. I'm just not a threat to anything. I'm respectful but not afraid.
Apple wood is supposed to make great smoked Bar-B-que.If you wanted to try it soak it in Water for a day than put it on your coals when you are ready to cook.
A blue flame is the hottest kind of flame. I just love to watch the fire. Must be a throwback to my caveman ancestors. I hate big fires but love a small fire. Only a couple pieces of wood burning.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Cando1 -- You really should carry a forty-five even if only to fire in the air and scare the animal afterall it is legal in your state and they are very patient and sneaky or avoid the area and stay in the open.

Well anyway I went for my MRI on my shoulder yesterday. I didnt realize that there were different size machines. Mine was no bigger than a torpedo tube and very claustaphobic. I should have taken a valium but it was to late as I was already in the machine. I must have another on my left shoulder and this time I will take a valium. Hope I don't need surgery but I have a bad feeling that I will or it might be something more serious.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Ted, I’m a retired medical transcriptionist. I can’t count how many times I typed up lab reports in which the patient suffered a panic attack during an MRI. Glad you got through it.
Vickie, my sister and I came across some BIG animal in the woods one night while camping in VT. All we had were penlights so we never did get a good look at what was chasing us. My BIL said there were moose tracks. We probably startled a moose. My sister stands by her claim that it had glowing eyes. All I know is it was big. When I hear something that big crashing through the woods toward me, I’m running the other way. I think the Vermont Boojer was something the park rangers made up on the spot to have some fun with the “leaf peepers” who got freaked out over a silly moose. I had heard of Maine's birdman, but that was the first time I'd ever heard of the Vermont boojer. My sister and I still get teased about it because neither of us will go into the woods at night anymore. Since Arkansas has bears, you really don’t need a boojer to scare tourist. :-) There are no animals in our forest larger than a white-tailed deer or the occasional wild boar. Bobcats and feral dogs are the largest predators. (I don’t count the alligators since there limited to the waterside. I can remember hearing the screams of panthers at night here when I was young, but I haven’t heard one for years.
There IS some animal prowling outside at night Fenny doesn’t like. My money is on a feral dog. It is sad, but we occasionally see entire packs of wild dogs. That is not just a problem here I gather. My niece in TX leaves out 50 lb. bags of dog food in an automatic feeder for the wild dogs. She says she doesn’t dare approach them, but can’t stand by and see them slowly starve.
If it ever came down to survival, I would have to get my protein from fish. I can dress out a fish with no problem, but I don’t have the heart or the stomach to raise livestock and I’m a little phobic about chickens.
I’ve suggested a taser to Nadine because she is out alone so often, but she’s heard that when you take the course on using one, the instructors require you to be tasked at least once to get your permit. She says there is no way she is going to let anyone tase her. Some people lose control of their bladder and/or bowels when they are tased. She says, with her luck, she would be one of those.
We are still organizing and planting seeds. The list is finished, but we are still putting print and Braille labels on the jars. Today it was radishes, broccoli and spinach we planted. Kay*

(Debra) Garland, TX

Ted, I have to get brain MRIs for MS and have the same problem. It helps me to keep my eyes closed the entire time, make sure I am as comfortably settled as possible before I let them start (it takes me some wiggling, like a cat), and don't move my hands away from my sides. When the process begins, I try to use those thumping noises the machines make to pickup a song pattern and focus on the song(s) in my head rather than where I am. Of course, Valium would help even more, I just never remember to ask my neurologist for a couple. LOL

Kay, you have patience. Seeds frustrate me. I want that instant gratification of putting a real live already green growing plant in the ground right-this-very-#$&^#$-minute! :-) I have a goal of trying two packets of something each Spring until mayyyybe....


mulege, Mexico

I've made it safely to Ca. Lots of rain and floods and detours (unmarked) in TJ but I'm in Chula Vista with many, many packages in my van. The Mail Max is closed tomorrow so I'll be back Monday.

hugs, katie

P.S. Ii'm not very patient with seeds either, but it's that or smuggle plants across the border. I do both.

SE/Gulf Coast Plains, AL(Zone 8b)

Debra, with your work schedule, I imagine growing from seed would be difficult. Like almost everything else, it comes down to a choice between spending time or spending money. I have more time than money. I hope I do anyway. If not, I'm in trouble. :-)
I have my GCs next week so I'm busy child-proofing the house. I adore my grandsons, but they are exhausting. I had three daughters and three grandaughters first. Then, these two little guys came along. I'm still trying to get the hang of keeping little boys occupied and out of too much trouble. Is it just my inexperience, or is keeping little boys totally out of trouble impossible? Kay*

(Debra) Garland, TX

Well, it is at least very very difficult. :-)

Midland City, AL

I think the bees are going to make an honest gardener out of me just by the quantity of nectar plants they need. PJ and I are both nursery bench bandits. We let MK germinate the seeds and get them up to a good transplant size, then we snatch them off her benches. When MK calculates how many seeds she needs to sow to get the right number of plants for a project, she factors in a few losses to bench bandits the same way she factors in losses to birds or freaky weather.
It doesn't make good economic sense for me to buy large quantities of a single type plant from a nursery, even if I could find one nearby that sells good nectar source plants. The hot, new plants at the nursery may make great eye candy for people, but I've spent time watching bees. They seem to prefer the old, familiar standbys. Those are often available only as seeds. I am becoming a seedsperson by necessity.
Planted moonflowers to share a trellis with a dark, red no-ID, climbing rose. Also, two kinds of thyme in pots. Everything is bursting into bloom. I'll take some pics tomorrow. ~Nadine~

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

I had more problems with my girls than my Gsons. I kept them happy with nature hunts outside and inside I'd spread newspapers all over the dining room an give them a hand mirror and water paints and let them paint their faces. Than took pictures. The girls only would go so long on anything and wanted something different. On car trips I heard constantly---"She touched me!"" She,s on my side of the car!" Then I threatened to sing and everyone was quiet.
Ted, DD has trouble with MRI,s too and she takes valium. Hope all turns out ok with your shoulders.

I used to like to plant seeds for a big garden but now it just is'nt worth it, so i buy plants. I'm lucky to have a good local nursery down the road. Tho I'm thinking about getting some radish and lettuce seeds.
I may be fooish but i simply don't worry about anything in the woods. I grew up in the woods. I'm much more comfortable and at home there than i am in town. But i'm not worried about people either. God takes care of fools and children.LOL
Nadine, I'm not letting you or Jim anywhere near my plants.
I have more time than money for sure. Now if i had the get up and go, I'd be in good shape.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

What I'm concerned about is the big C as the pain is far to intense for arthritis but I hope I'm wrong! I can no longer work in my garden because of the severe pain which only my son and grandson empathise with me. It is a comfort to me to know that someone really cares and understands. I cut my forearm last week on a door latch and actualluy sliced the skin off the arm and because I take plavix for my heart it continually bleeds so my son makes it his business to dress it twice a day and the bleeding has finally stopped after six days. That is one of the drawbacks of plavix.
I am wondering if I will ever get to work in my garden again because of my intense pain of my shoulders especially my right shoulder. My tomato EBs must be cleaned out to plant my fantastic watermelons that really require less care than any thing else. I only spray with Ortho Insect Spray twice a season and that is it. Everything is sitting on weed cloth and this really cuts back on weeding. I wish some of you guys lived close by and maybe could spare me a couple of hours?

(Debra) Garland, TX

Wouldn't that be fun? Get a big ol' RV convoy going and troop down for a whack-'em-and-weed-'em? :-) All of us meet up in Jacksonville and head on down I95. I've only ever been to the Space Coast, lived there couple of years when I was a kid. Never seen the southern area of Florida.

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

If it has been 10 years since your last tetanus shot, or you cannot remember when your last one was. Please go get one
I also take NSAIDs and thus bleed forever till it stops.

Please,, please don not let the fear of what you may find out keep you from seeing the MD. there are such effective treatments now, but n=most of them need to be begun early..Please, Please make an appointment to see someone. You might be worrying about something that is very simple to fix.

thoughts and prayers being sent your way,

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Sheri - I am seeing five MDs for different problems including my heart. An MRI was taken last Thursday and will know the results as soon as my rheumatologist calls me which may be tomorrow. I'm really not worried as "What will be - Will be!"

Winston Salem, NC(Zone 7a)

Tplant - God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. No matter what the Drs may tell you, God does still perform miracles.
You are in my prayers and I will add you to my church prayer list if that is OK with you.

Midland City, AL

MRIs are nerve-racking. It probably doesn't bother me as much as most. Twenty years in aviation electronics means I spent a lot of time squeezed into tight spaces in planes while hearing odd noises from the other members of the maintenance crew working out of sight. (Civilian aircraft were especially bad since they had fewer access panels.) I can usually distract myself during an MRI by thinking about how the machinery works. I still get occasional flashes of Robin Cook novels I've read though. :-)
Kay says she is only going to plant little 'Sugar Baby' or 'Babino' watermelons this year. I do wish we lived closer. I would like to see your EB set-up. (Jim)

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Jim, You get big kudos for your job. I got to go thru a F16 factory in Fort worth once. That was really a tiny place inside to work.
Sugarbabies are good watermelons. That is the kind i grew. Am tempted to try again this year. Wish i could see it too. Gas prices are out of sight for me right now.
We had a little exitement last night. We felt a 4 earthquake at 11 pm. Only shook the walls and no damage. Just last week i said they would'nt affect us in the mountains.....Wrong. My animals did'nt even blink. I was a little unnerved for a moment or so but got over it.
Everyone should have a tetinus shot every 5 or 6 years. I saw a case once. It's not pretty. BTW when you go to the ER with an injury and they give you a tetinus shot, It won't do a bit of good for that injury only one down the road.

Ozone, AR(Zone 6a)

Started a new thread. Come on over.

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