Where to buy Lilium canadense?

Naperville, IL

Does anyone know where I can get bulbs for Lilium canadense (Canada Lily)? I have checked many online sources (including recommended vendors for this forum), but the few places with this variety listed indicate it is not available for sale. I like species lilies and I would really like to add this one tomy yard this because I think the flowers look like fairy bells. Please let me know if you are aware of sources for Lilium canadense with red flowers. Thanks.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

I believe Faraway Flowers did have it this past fall, when this bulb is normally sold (still uncommon). Those that might sell it in the spring would certainly have it stored from last fall. The bulb is quite fragile as the pearl-like scales break of very easily. An added reason why it is hard to find, I would think.


Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

Looks like The Lily Pad has it. Use this link..


This message was edited Jan 16, 2011 5:12 PM

Naperville, IL


I checked the websites, Faraway Flowers does not have it for spring 2011 and the Lily Pad carries it. I will contact the Lily Pad to make sure they are the red-orange flower variety I want. I have seen a patch of this lily with red flowers in someone's yard and have been searching for it ever since.

By the way, I heard from the Shooting Star Nursery in Kentucky. I was told they might have some by next fall.

Rick, based on your description, the bulbs are simialr to those for the Michigan lily. I planted couple last fall and hope they will be established in few years.

Parma, OH(Zone 5b)

I did some more looking and came up with two more sources. The Lily Nook in Canada which describes their L Canadense as yellow down-facing bloom with purple spotting. Rare Exotic Seeds carries this variety and the picture seems to be what you are looking for but... they are SEEDS and currently out of stock. Good Luck.

Naperville, IL

Thanks, fleur_guy. Not sure how easy it would be to grow L. canadense from seeds. Even if they germinate, I probably have to wait several years before they bloom. I will ask if they would inform me when the seeds become available.

I have seen pictures of Canada Lily with yellow flowers. I want the red ones probably because that's what I saw in person. They were almost 6 ft tall, with flowers waving in the breeze like fairy bells. That's why I have been searching for them ever since.

Saint Bonifacius, MN(Zone 4a)

Yellow Lilium canadense is much more common in the wild than red, but in commerce it is just the opposite, because everyone seems to likes the red better.

Yes, the bulbs are very similar to that of Lilium michiganense and L. superbum.

Canadense seeds are more difficult, as they first germinate, and grow a tiny bulblet underground, and won't send a leaf up until the next growing season. Under good conditions, they would probably bloom in four or five years. I'll let you know. I have a crop coming, planted in winter 2006. Not in the best of conditions, I just planted them in the garden this past fall. I don't expect blooms this season, but will the next.


Naperville, IL

Thanks, Rick.

L. superbum is another one on my list and I noticed B&D Lilies has it. Will get that as well.

Bangkok, Thailand

Hi There ;

I have used this custom seed search with impressive results.


Try it for your most difficult seeds, it will surely find them. There is another search like it on Mother Earth News website also.

Peter G.

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