Sweet Potatoes in Container

Hallowell, ME

I have 11 2x6 raised beds and 10 3x3; plus I use 10 gallon buckets too. I've changed this year in their use. I'm moving some rhubarb plants into 4 of the 6' beds and flowers in 3 6' beds and strawberries in 4 of the 3' beds. That article in the asparagus forum is a gem if you get the chance to check it out. My whole veggie garden area is about 50x50 though I only use about a third for veggies. I also have blueberries and raspberries plus some space for overflow perennials which I use for trades and give-aways. Our church usually has a perennial plant sale in the spring and I usually donate to that as well. We also have several perennial beds around the property so all in all it keeps us busy.

Helena, MT

Thanks for the tip Frank; I will check out the asparagus forum. Although my garden is a bit larger I am fortunate to have the time to devote to it. I have a neighbor with a garden the same size as yours but he has a full time job and four kids between the ages of 1 and 6. I admire the efforts they put into their garden and I wonder if I would have had the stamina even at their age to do so. Keep up the efforts my friend.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Morgan - I was just a 6 year old growing the sweet potato in the little ceramic pot for the vine - not for actual sweet potatoes.

Hallowell, ME

Ya know Pirt that used to be popular. I remember my mother growing them in hanging clear vases just for the vines. Seems like everyone had them back then (50's).

Hallowell, ME

raider - I'm redirecting you. The article is under "vegetable gardening" forum and click on asparagus - cut or not to cut. Scroll down and you'll see the lead to the article which I was telling you about. It really is a great one.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

It's true, Frank. For me it was in 1947.

Hallowell, ME

I was only 3 in '47.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

I was all of 6 years old.

Hallowell, ME

I've still got to get you that recipe sometime too. I think we're kindred spirits.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Might be but I'm the older of the kindred spirits!

Hallowell, ME

Pushin' your seniority, uh?

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Ha! Better than pushing daisies, Frank!

Hallowell, ME

Good point!

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