
Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

o.k. so who else got battered by the winds yesterday? I woke up to finh half my pots off the front door steps rolling, (minus the plants ) down my road. The plants themselves were strewn all over my drive, still , I suppose they did need emptying out ready for winter ! Just means I,ve now got to go out there and hose down all that compost before it gets trecked in the house.
I,m trying not to watch t.v. today after last nights news, it,s scary where this will all lead to. My poor little one spent last night in bed with me, she was convinced we were going to have a tornado, be attacked ! She had her cuddlies packed in a rucksack, her favourite one tied to her wrist, and a pair of safety goggles on with a torch selotaped to the side.She used to suffer from the night terrors, and now they seem to have started up again, who knows what goes through a childs mind ?It would have been funny if there wasn,t a certain amount of truth behind it. It,s knowing what to tell them without lying, and without scaring them.
I,m off to check my greenhouse now, see how many panes of glass are left :-{ last year hubby repaired it after the first storms, only to be broken again the very next night.
I keep saying to him that it would be better to use sheets of tough plastic, at least we wouldn,t have to keep picking up broken glass!
I think autumn is starting to set in with a vengence now, and to think I was moaning the other day about not enough rain , oh well !

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sueone! How old's your litle one? Yes, I'm sorry for the children too. Keep it simple, I'd say.
We've got wind here too. I went to my back door last night and watched the clouds speeding along. My lawn needs another mow before winter and I have to yank out my hardy annuals. I feel the damp and cold out there, not to mention the winds, and I just turn chicken! Hope we get a couple of fine days. I only have the weekends now that I've started back at uni. Brrrr!

Birmingham, United Kingdom

I dread the strong winds.....we live next door to a busy cemetery and crematorium, a very large one.There are massive wire bins in there without lids.When the wind blows, we get wreaths, cellophane, purple bows,flowers etc. strewn all over our front garden. I have asked for lids to be put on the bins, but got nowhere with my request.The other thing that bugs me is that after a few days of being in the Garden Of Rememberence, all of the funeral flowers are put in enormous skips in an unused part of the cemetery.I personally think that funeral flowers are a waste of money and when I 'pop my clogs' it will be 'no flowers by request'. I hope people will plant something instead.

Weymouth, Dorset, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

yes ,we had a tree planted for mum and dad, so we can go to talk to it :-}I,ve also put up some poles in my garden and ordered 2 roses an Albertine (Dad) and Marie Louise (Mum) in their name sakes where we.ll have a little ceremony and bury their ashes beneath.Most of my sisters come to my house quite often, so it,s there for all of us.
Where you at uni Northener ? what you studying? My two eldest finished uni a couple of years ago and are now out in the big wide world earning ! it was very expensive with them both there, just as well their other sister didn,t want to go too,I,ve given up trying to stand my pots up, as fast as I do they,re down again !I,ll wait for the wind to go I thibk :-{

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Hello Sue! I'm at Teesside University. I'm a mature student - older than some of the lecturers. I looked after my Dad for a few years so I'm having to upgrade my skills. I did part-time courses in IT last year and got onto a full-time course this year. I have a bursary this year. It pays my feees, thank goodness. I also get a weekly allowance but it is very modest. So yes, an education is very expensive these days.

Not too bad up here in Yorkshire - was windy but (touch wood) haven't found any damage yet in my garden. Ground's starting to get a bit soggy though which always means Autumn's well and truly here, curses ! The soil here is a strange kind of clay that absorbs and absorbs until it won't take any nore and then just stays wet all through the winter until well after Spring - then it cracks and needs a lot of work to keep it decently friable. That's why I like potato growing so much, breaks up the soil beautifully without all that hard slog.

Last year my laburnum tree was bent over by a gale, best advice I got from the forums was to either leave it or to leave it (!!!).

So I got the nice man next door to tie it off with webbing and we spent a month gradually pulling it back upright. It's still upright !

Other than the only trouble with the wind I've had is with youngest son - pheww !!


Warkworth, Northumbe, United Kingdom

The only thing that was good about last nights wind was that it blew down a lot of the apples from the trees I have 5 buckets full at the front door. Anyone want some apple pie? The wind also blew the aerial to a 45 degree angle and the problem is getting someone out to repair they are all so busy. Its an ill wind etc etc

Good news is the repair man promises to be here in the morning (lets hope it stays put tonight) Its times like this I wish I lived in a new bungelow.

Windy, by eck its always windy here in Cornwall.
You lot dont know what winds are until you've lived here!!
Last winter we recorded several 90mph gales here which recked my garden.
I hate them.

(Zone 5a)

My vines and trellis was destroyed by the winds. I woke up to them laying on my garden swing.
My potted plants were everywhere and they still survived, thank God.
This is the second time this summer that we have had this kind of thing happen and with no warning, it seems to come out of no where...scary. What makes it even scarier is that I can't ever remember having it happen here without some kind of warning,it even surprised the weather men.
I hope that your baby is alright now and no nightmares.

This message was edited Friday, Oct 12th 1:31 PM

This message was edited Friday, Oct 12th 1:32 PM

Durham, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

well they seem to have died down here, not a movement from the leaves in the trees.. just thinking - it was this time last year we had all the floods, maybe we should count our blessings its not like that again! british weather, grrr!


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