CLOSED: slightly OT, but do you need bubble pouches?

casselberry, FL

yes...plz post the recipe for fairy dust....i could use some ...just to carry around in my pocket....

I dont feel that asking for a response is bashing. just stating that i think it is unacceptable to not let people know. it would be one thing if no one had heard anything, then i would worry for him (which i did initially) . but if he sees fit to communicate with some and not others then there is an issue. i dont see a problem with asking for a reply to a dmail or just post something in the forum. to me, bashing would be something far worse than just asking for an answer.

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

I have been without electricity for 4 days in this last storm. That is definite reason for not going online. I would wait and see what careyana has to say.

(Just my 2˘ worth, though you don't get too much these days with 2˘, LOL!!)

(Zone 7a)

I don't want to put Lazlo on the spot where he might feel he has to share personal info online. Can't it be enough that someone with as big a heart as he has can just be given some leeway and the benefit of the doubt?

I confess, my fairy dust is just a philosophy that we are here to enjoy life and enable others to that effect, as well.

Evelyn - those were 2 cents well directed - worth lots of fairy dust :)


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm sorry ya'll. I did not have the chance to call today like I wanted. I have class tomorrow till around noon and then I'll probably drop by to see him.

i think , starting a thread asking if he was ok, sending dmails and going over 30 days with no response is enough leeway, especially when other people get responses. i believe there may be something going on here that others are unaware of and due to that, i will just chalk this up to experience and move on. live and learn.

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I worked for a small company some decades ago, where neither the owners nor customers understood software. (Industrial ink-jet printing systems with conveyors and equipment that went "clank" and "thump".) They understood the mechanics but not the software

When one owner took customers on a tour and went past the desks of the software engineers, he said "this is where they make the fairy dust that we sprinkle on the equipment to make it work".


(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Corey that sounds exactly like where I worked! LOL Of course, they made boxes. IT was 'expendable'... :/

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Our slaesmen felt free to give each customer whatever new feature they wnated, even if they couldn't define exactly what they wnated.

"Software is free, we're paying their salaries anyway".

Sometimes i would arrive in the field with the turck full of equipment and Yet Another Custom Version of software, and have to say "the salesman promised you WHAT?!? He didn't even TELL us about THAT!!!"


Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Dear folks . . . all promised pouches are in the wind to y'all.

Kindly read on my DG blog at this URL:



columbia, TN(Zone 7a)

Do you still have any left? I'd be interested in 100. Thanks. Annette

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

Lazlo, do you have any of your bubble envies left? I would be interested in maybe 50 if that wouldn't be a bother to you and if you had any left?
I also have suffered with depression for many yrs., but lately haven't been bothered with it. Please don't ask how it left, as I don't know!
Just thrilled that I don't have to deal with it on a daily basis any more.


Woodhull, IL(Zone 5a)

I have never dealt with Lazlo but I lurk around a lot of threads and know of his generosity.
Sorry to hear you have had a rough few weeks, will keep you in my prayers, and I would not hesitate for a minute to do business with you, would take much more than one bout of 'laziness'(his word not mine) to tarnish such a good reputation.
Hope you are doing better these days.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Lazlo Depression is a very ugly thing. I have had it for probably all my life but have only been treated for the last 20 years. Sometime around August of last year my meds stopped working and they tried so many new ones to help me. I continued to spiral down and ended up having between 9 and 12 ECT (shock) treatments. I am doing Great and thank God there is such treatments and they worked. They did cause some memory loss that they say should be temporary but I really don't want to remember how bad it got. I am not saying this for you to have them but to tell other how depression can be debilitating even when it is not so severe.

I hope you are doing better and I am so sorry to here about your plants. Between the freeze of 2009 being so depressed I could not keep them watered last summer and the freeze this winter (very unusual to have the teens here) I have lost 95% of what I had. Most went in the 2009 freeze.

If there is anything I can do please dmail me. Hope you have a great day.

Houston Heights, TX(Zone 9a)

Hi Laz, I received the pkg from you and thanks so much. Difference in postage is on its way to you. I know how hard it is to get things done, if you have depression. Dont worry about your rep. You always have us on DG. Thanks for clue-ing us in. We can be even more supportive. Hang in there. Some days are better than others as you know and Spring always seems to lift me up a bit. Hope it does for you too. Cam

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

                              Good Morning, Dear Friends !

Today's my first day in the dirt for 2011, for transplanting my winter-sown babies and for working soil and sowing in the places where seeds will work even if we're hit with the famous "one last hard freeze" some vaguely stated day in March. I'm taking a Leap Of Faith and diggin' in as if Phil the groundhog actually could predict an early Spring.

Mentioned my decision to take a big break from potting up to hittin' the real dirt to some neighbors living in the same building as I . . . Gotta do something I hardly ever do:   Get organised! Because at least two of the folks who said they'd like to help I am certain WILL show between nine and ten ayem - - just like I said. Got myself boxed into the corner on this one, eh? Can't go about the grounds willy-nilly as I do when left to my own devices. Folks who offer to toil your soil cannot be left floundering about, now can they? The energy and generosity demant to be directed along a positive path.

I'm leaving this thread marked Closed but I also have my personal setting on Watch Thread . . . anyone who know how to the Closed function works knows how to find this thread and is absolutely invited to jump into the conversations.

And now, I send out a ginormously thanking hug to everyone for just absolutely making my day, every day of this week. Private msgs and public comments as posted in this thread have had a heart-warming effect upon my dirt-diggin' & fine-smoke lovin' (anyday) gardener's soul.

B I G     H U G !

ATBY!     Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
Carmel, NY(Zone 6b)

Received you package yesterday - thanks a bunch!!!

God Bless!

PS - I got the biggest chucklye out of your using my address label - lordy, that had to be from 2 years ago!!!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

Got my pkg yesterday:) Thank you so much!

Glad to hear you have some gardening adventures planned:) Working on the same myself. Gotta get my daffodils uncovered (loverly weed blanket covering them!) as they appear to be ready to do their thing whether or not I'm ready:lol: Next will be the iris so I have to pull it together=) I'll watch this thread in case you are keeping us up to date on your new gardening venture and the new helpers.

Take care!

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)


So glad to hear you are better and of course digging in the dirt always makes things better. :o)
You are my favorite supplier of Lions tail seeds! I WS'ed the seeds you sent this past summer and they are coming up gang busters! I am hoping to have my own supply of seeds soon!


Thumbnail by bobyrd
Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

"Freakin' awesome!" That's what I always think on seeing that photo of your Lion's Tail, Bonnie.

Funny thing, though, I happen to be out of the seeds now and will keep my fingers crossed for your plants to be plentiful when the time for seeding comes around. I hereby beg for a quarter teaspoon of them!

ATBTY ! ~ Łaz

Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Omigawd, Donna! I dug up all my blue iris tubers in the fall, intending to re-plant them in sunnier locations as they well deserve. But they've been sitting in a tub out in my shed since late November - - I wonder - - Would yet thrive if I gave each a nice lukewarm soak for a couple of hours and then planted them with a bit of extra phosporus and some coffee grounds ?

If you know more about Irises than I, which is very little, please advise.

I've got foot-tall shoots popped up through all my freeze-killed carpet Ruellia . . . Narcissi from one of my very first beds alongside my apartment's outer walls. Some folks call them daffodils - with me it's sometimes daffodils, other times narcissus . . . How about with you?

I can't believe that my CRS is so bad that I plum forgot a project for three months . . . Omigawd!

~ Łaz

Thumbnail by LazLo
St. Louis County, MO(Zone 5a)

Lazlo, out of sight, out of mind, that's how CRS works. We finally broke down and bought a car, we've had it since the beginning of the year and I still can't find it in a parking lot. Thank goodness for that little button thingy on the key ring, haha.

Conroe, TX(Zone 9a)


If I get any seeds you got em!


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7a)

LazLo, I've soaked some 3 and 4 yr old iris tubers in barely touching the bottoms of them water w/ hydrogen peroxide and a drop of SuperThrive (which I'm not sure is necessary) and some have responded. I still think that as they were so far gone/dried that it may be years before they flower if they even get to that point:)

I have also discovered that I had been suffering from depression that had escalated over the past few years. I was buying plants and bulbs all over the place and not actually making an effort to plant I can totally relate to how easy it can be to let a project slip away from you:) Now that I'm aware of the problem, I'm trying to make changes so I don't let things go like that again.

I've actually got iris from late fall purchases that I need to plant--they most likely won't do anything this spring but should be great next spring with all the quality growing time:lol:
I'd be happy to send you a few if you'd like--I am in an apt/townhouse thing and buy what I have to have, so you know that usually means too many for the space I have:lol:

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