Christmas Memories to Share

Near Lake Erie, NW, PA(Zone 5a)

Take some time to recall memories of Christmas' past.
Every time I hear the song "Silver Bells" I remember the first time as a child looking out of a car window at the Christmas lights in the city park, all white and sparkling in the trees with a soft snow falling. I think that song was playing on the car radio.

Thumbnail by ladygardener1
Crozet, VA

The story I have to share pales in comparison to your poetic description of the lovely sight you described Chris. I am sure if I gave some thought I could come up with something that doesn't make me look quite so self absorbed and greedy, but the first Christmas memory that popped in to my head was the year I was convinced that I had only missed Santa by about one minute.

I am sure that it was some God awful early time of the morning because it was still dark outside and I still believed in Santa. It was just my mom and myself at this point as the sane people of the household were still asleep. I remember the wide eyed wonder of being a child and still believing that Santa left all those wonderful goodies under the tree.

My mom and I had only been up for a minute or so and I was still eyeing one of the first things I saw under the tree, when all of a sudden this great big boom or crash actually shook the two story wood famed house we lived in. I can remember feeling convinced that the boom was created by Santa's sleigh leaving the rooftop of the house. Not sure how many years later when I realized, probably due to hearing the same sound again at some point when on another snowy night a chunk of ice fell from the roof to ground. I do remember sharing with everyone that I met that particular Christmas Day that I only missed seeing Santa by minutes because I heard he and the reindeer leave our roof top ealier in the day.

I guess you had to be there. hahaha


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Every year I bought my children ornaments for the tree and they usually went into the Christmas stocking. I had bought Jen a white sled with pink and blue design on it and a reindeer for Josh. Some how I mixed them up when putting them in the stockings and the next morning I tried to convince Josh that Santa must have mixed up the ornaments as I was sure the pink sled was for Jen. He very adamantly told me he knew that Santa wanted him to have that sled as it was in his stocking. To this day he still has that sled and every year when I see it hanging on his tree I remember that Christmas morning.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

I think the most "fun" memory I have is this:...

The first 5 years we were married--we lived in a second floor apartment of an end row house.
My first daughter (Aina) was born on February.... 11th. This was 1965.

The following year--she was too young to enjoy all the Christmas stuff, but the next year--
when she was almost two--we had a ball with with the whole Santa thing.....1967.

To get to the basement of this 2nd-floor -apartment of the row house--one had to come down the steps,
go around the whole house (Glad it was an end-of-row-house) and then get to the basement
from the back of the house.....That is where we hid the more important gifts--like from Santa....

Here was the ploy!
Her dad would find some excuse to go to the basement--and then--he would fetch the Santa gift,
which this 2nd year of Aina's life was a rocking horse....How she wanted one!!
He snuk upstairs--left the horse by the door--knocked on the door-and raced back to the basement.
I detained her long enough with "OH MY! Who could that be???" her dad could get back down there--
leaving big foot-prints in the snow....It was all SOOO real to Aina!!!
She loved that riding horse forever----Till she got too big to ride it....

I always had fun with the kids and the whole "Santa thing"--till they got too old....

A great memory in my early parenting life......


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Chris--lovely. The innocence of the children. it is so sweet. Ruby, I'm sure every one who heard your story that day thought you were precious! Holly and Gita, great stories! I don't remember making much effort with Santa when my kids were little. We did always put out the cookies and milk.

I remember the year I asked for a very realistic looking stuffed collie dog from a catalog. (after the great fun of leafing through the catalog of all your dreams could come true stuff. Except a pony I guess) I woke up first and snuck down and found I had gotten the collie. I was so thrilled! Now that is selfish. When I went down later for the 'first time' I didn't have quite that thrill. Poor 'Santa" (mom and dad)

Crozet, VA

Oh being Santa is so much fun. Emily was here on Monday and behind our bed on a table is a small plate with a fish on it that sits as decor all year. On Monday when Emily was visiting she asked if that was the plate to leave cookies for Santa. I thought that was really cute.

I am so glad to have grand children in the picture these last three years. For about the previous ten or so years when there were no little ones involved, I grew to resent the whole season quite a bit. I admit that inside I felt like Scrooge or the Grinch Who Stole Christmas. I felt very put upon by the demands I put upon myself, but wanted to blame everyone else for my distaste.

I am slowly learning to make things less stressful for myself. I wrote elsewhere that my motto these days is "if it gets done, fine, if it doesn't that is fine too." If I don't get busy there will be lots of unwrapped gifts to give out on Christmas morning. Am waiting on the mail man for gifts for John and son Tucker. Hope he gets here in time.


Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Motherhood is one of the most powerful addictions there is. I don't blame you at all Ruby for having those withdrawals around Xmas time.

Crozet, VA

Very interesting thought on motherhood and additions, Sally. Never thought of the two in the same sentence but giving it some thought, I can see where yes indeed they can be used together to explain away some of our obsessions.

Well, the day has come and gone. The kiddies visited and fun was had by all. Little Isaac at eight months is still a bit young to open his gifts, so big sis Emily opened them gladly. In fact, she opened a few of mine too. hahaha Due to a divorce in the family, those two grand children have three sets of grand parents who all adore and definitely go over board in spoiling them with gifts. My son will have to add a room to their house to accomodate all the toys those two have.

Anyways, I hope that everyone enjoyed their day and that the upcoming year will be a good one for each of you.


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