I am so siked!!!

Arlington, TX

I took your advise or nearly did and cut off some of the half dead stems of my volunteer D. filiformis. I just placed the cut up pieces into a tiny tupperware cup filled with live sphagnum moss I pulled out of a pot of VFT. I kept it watered, covered with a baggie under lights in the house and completely forgot about until today, many weeks later. I looked and what do I see...some tiny little sundews in there. Simply amazing, glad I remembered it today and gave them some water. They are so tiny and cute. The problem is they are not really growing in soil, just green moss. Will they get over run and when or how would I transplant the minute things?

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I just did one myself. I just laid the plantlet on top of the medium and covered with a clear cover. Looks like it took so far. Congrats!

Arlington, TX

Ok bear with me, its my first baby (sundew). Three pics, see if you can actually see any of them. I believe there are 3 in total so far.

Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Arlington, TX


Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Arlington, TX


Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Oooh I see one!

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

That is so cool. :) Isn't that fun? How are they doing? I think it will be a while before the moss overgrows it. You are so lucky you can grow the moss.

Arlington, TX

They are the same but when and how would you move them into a more suitable potting situation?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I wait until they are large enough that they are a bit substantial. In the meantime I would keep it warm and in the light and watered. Next year, let it go dormant like all D. filiformis should.

Arlington, TX

they are inside under lights. I am afraid to leave them outdoors this winter.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I wouldn't put plantlets outside. But once they are grown up, I certainly would. I know how exciting this is. :) Yea!

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

I believe you can forgo dormancy the first year. Like VFTs.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

I agree with Tommy. :)

Arlington, TX

Getting bigger and more crowded. They will need some space and dirt soon. They are growing in living sphagnum now and I wonder when and how can I move them to roomier pots.

Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Arlington, TX

I found that some leaves look like they have become mildewed/moldy. I cut off the afflicted parts any suggestions for them? I took of the plastic bag and they are close to the light source but my house is sort of cold in winter.

Poughkeepsie, NY(Zone 6a)

Try a sulfur based fungicide like the Safer brand. Be sure it's SULFUR.

Arlington, TX

Moved the 4 that are left into some soil and so far they seem to have transplanted well. I also have 1 tiny plant in another pot with a larger specimen. How long do these take to reach a size big enough to move out doors?

Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Arlington, TX

Larger one doing its thing, 3 gnats trapped.

Thumbnail by newtonsthirdlaw
Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Isn't it just so cool? :) Neat to get a new plant from a piece of a leaf. What do your student sthink of that?

Arlington, TX

I have the babies at home. They did enjoy when I brought in a large potted Judith Hindle and we dissected a leaf stuffed with insects in varying degrees of decomposition.

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