overwintering japanese iris

Louisville, KY

Thanks for sharing it

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Ummm. About Japanese Iris. I bought some last summer and while they grew some they were rather puny. I put them in the ground and it is possible I didn't realize their need for moisture. Was considering putting them in the pond this summer (assuming we find the darn leak and don't have to just fill it with dirt). I have no bench around the edge, but could put a few big rocks in and set the pot just below water level (so the pot is fully by an inch or so??) Think that would work. And of course then the question of type of soil? I just use plain mud from my garden for my water lilies who winter over in the deep end (4') all winter. Not sure that would be appropriate for the Japanese. Ideas? They are so gorgeous.

South Hamilton, MA

JI need acid soil. what is your soil?

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Well, my rhodys and azaleas do quite well so I am guessing acid. Am going to take a couple of samples this spring to my local greenhouse who does free testing to confirm. My peonies also do well, however, and according to Scott Reath they like it the other way. Guess I will find out. but good to know. Thanks a lot.

South Hamilton, MA

You could add a litlle lime to your peonies if they aren't looking. Of course, not, if they are near the acid soil loving plants.

Hannibal, NY(Zone 6a)

Mstella, you are just at their lower edge of hardiness of Japanese irises in Anchorage. In fact I have someone there and in the interior trialling them for me.

It was generally believed they would not survive below Z6. Now it's accepted they will do well in Z5, but iffy in Z4. A lot depends on the winter. While the plant may make it through, the buds for flowers are set in the fall, and they may not survive.

I would not put them in the pond. They can't overwinter there, and while many people in Z6 grow them in the pond and then put them into the garden to overwinter, your time to do that would be too short. They can't overwinter in the pond in Z4.

Your best bet is to dig them in spring, amend the soil really, really well. Compost, manure, anything really rich. They don't need acid soil, but they don't tolerate sweet soil. Average garden soil is fine, because most soils are on the acidic side anyway.

Replant them in a depression and mulch them heavily. Pine straw, if you can get it is best.

Then water the heck out of them. Fertilize often, MiraceGro is good. If you fertilize with MiracleGro every two weeks that's not too often.

I have a fact sheet for growing beardless irises including Japanese I would be glad to send you (or anyone) via email. You can write to me at siberianirisgardens@live.com if you want a copy. No charge, of course.

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

Cool beans!!! opsss. Dating myself. Had a young friend who said that all the time. But, waaaay cool. I will follow your directions to the letter. I will send an email to your email account for a fact sheet. I would love to know how your test cases both here and in Fairbanks (I am assuming this is your 'interior' test site) did this spring. Thanks so much. You made my day.


Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

Frilly, Missouri covers 4 usda zones. Lebanon is in zone 6. You'll likely have no problem if you keep them out of the water. Zone 6 is pretty versatile.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, according to the map we are zone 6, but I always zone 5 because according to the temps we actually get here, it is still zone 5. It still gets 5 or 10 below 0 for a couple weeks every winter no matter how hard the zone map tries to convince us otherwise!
I did plant it in the ground, and in another month, mid April, will move it back to the pond, well would, I guess I won't this time, because I am moving...

Stamford, CT(Zone 6b)

I hope you're moving to great gardens and good weather.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Take it with you!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I am taking it with me, along with other plants and rocks lol

I am crazy!

I am going to unfortunately worse weather, steady hot winds, very expensive water and tornadoes/storms I understand.
Southwest Oklahoma, lawton area.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

not crazy! I moved 4 pickup trucks full of plants from West Virginia to Indiana when I moved! Rocks too!

(Mary) Anchorage, AK(Zone 4b)

And they say we Alaskans are hearty souls. You go for it! My hat is off to you -- fur trim, ear flaps, and all.

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