December 2010

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

New thread.
Snow from years past. March 2006.

Thumbnail by CountryGardens
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Eek, that IS some snow! I'm gonna right click and do copy much more regularly now!

Yeah, it is kinda funny about the compost here being fenced in, I think the guy that made it was a sort of imbecile. Surely somebody could see that the "legs" he used were part of the firewood stand, they were all together. I don't know what the guy was thinking, but I don't think building composters is his forte'! I got a photo of it below, its a hideous thing!

Tomorrow is a "city services" day! I connected my trailer of sticks, to my truck of sticks, and I'm taking truck and trailer of sticks to the landfill tomorrow. There is 21 yard waste sacks out there by the mailbox for them to pick up also (leaves).

Haha! The Prickly-Pear takes the shape of a man eh?! Quite the imagination there Sallyp! Mine really looks pathetic. I'm glad it looks a lot better in the warm months! You'd think it was expired in the Winter, but in the Spring it appropriately springs back to life. Never-the-less, mine is about half the size as Pepper's. I think her's is ready to plant even more than mine, it seems to be growing pretty good. I use bbq tongs to handle the pads on the PP. I'll prolly use latex gloves to plant it, as at least something. I'll keep duck tape handy, it can be pretty effective, just in case, to put over any needles in the skin to pull out many of them if needed. It's like that episode of Seinfeld of a bandage as an equivalent of a relationship, "one motion, right off"! lol I guess the best thing is not to touch the cactus! : )

Thanks billyp, I think the strong winds a couple days ago really gave that mulched area an almost vacuumed look. Its like it blew all the leaves away but left the mulch. I too am glad it turned out that way.

Those Pin Oaks dropped about 95% of the leaves so far. I was getting weary of waiting on them to fall. I was thinking "cmon already and fall, I need to rake before its zero degrees!" It took them a long time to fall, I could tell they were brown but they were hanging on like theres no tomorrow! I've read that about Pin Oaks too, that they can hang on until around January! I thot the Fall colors were prettier than most years, I got a lot of opportunity to look at them this year because of my wanting to see them fall off! They were a nice shade of brown/russet if that color does anything for anybody, hey, its nicer than brown!. At least it was something! But, it was still way short of the beauty of our Japanese Maple in Fall color.

In retrospect, I prolly shoulda suggested she come inside and call for a ride, I don't think her car was in any shape to go much further. Altho, I've unintentionally driven cars without oil or something real bad, in years past, and I never was stranded, I don't try to abuse cars or When I was younger myself, I wasn't always in the frame of mind to always be checking on my car.

Thanks for reminding me about putting on thermals! I put on my long johns and won't remove them until April! I like the thermals misself! They are as good as sliced bread!
Just knowing they are on gives one some warmth!

This message was edited Dec 2, 2010 3:50 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, your cactus is going thru winter as a deflated Mickey Mouse balloon :o)
I'm glad you have a place to dump your yard waste.
ROTFL, no, do not touch the cactus!!
The pin oak are a pretty, rich brown color. I enjoy them too.
She was a big girl. I think she would have done that. I can't imagine what else she could do, but she must have been close to a friend's place, or else a bar.
Yep, not a compost pile that's user friendly. I'd undo the front, pull it back to make it a bit bigger and start layering things in a corner, leaving the other side to turn the whole thing over. I usually try to move mine around. Leaves can pack and get really slimy. One year I had just dumped leaves in the garden. Next spring one of the feral cats found a nest of baby rabbits, frozen. I think the Mama was killed. I had no idea. Poor little things.

Thanks Bernie! You do qualify with the snow. I have none. Wow, that's a cold picture!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will, put holes in your container and it will be much happier. And don't water it, just let nature water it. That's all there is to it. lol. Oh and don't even touch it when you go to plant it. Dig a hole that's big enough, and use 2 BBQ tongs to hold on to it and drop it into the hole. lol. Oh and I was told a few weeks ago that prickly pears won't bloom after you take cuttings til it's back to it's original size again. Not sure if that's true or not but it was interesting. lol

Bernie, love your snow picture!! I miss seeing big snows around here. A big snow here anymore is 12 inches. Still deep but not like it used to be.

I have an oak behind the house that holds on to its leaves too but I'm not sure if its Pin Oak or not. No acorns grow on it.

My compost pile is just a pile of stuff. LOL. I need to get some dirt or something to throw on top of it to help the dead plants decompose. I don't have anything on them so they are just sitting there.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks Bernie, that is some serious snow. Yeah, a 12" snow here is really something anymore.

A deflated Mickey Mouse?! Haha! Walt Disney will sue you to make a point! lol
Yes, we are lucky here in the city of Sugar Creek, MO. They only do that free for Sugar Creek prolly cuz the landfill is here and breaking every law for the environment. They prolly contaminate the ground-water and everything else, who really

Haha! I learned my lesson when I brot the Prickly-Pear home originally.
It never occurred to me about taking precautions with it. I had to really wrestle with it. That mother-pot weighed like 100 lbs.!
I had little hard-to-see needles all over me. It was hard to sleep that nite.
It hurt to lay in bed because they were everywhere! I know now, "DO not touch the cactus", "step away from the cactus", it will hurt you bad, real bad! Okay, I got that part from that Clint Eastwood movie "Unforgiven"
I'll prolly dismantle that compost thing.
It isn't right and that firewood stacker should be made whole, so it can be used.
Oh.. thats a sad story about the rabbits. Its almost as bad as when I hit a nest with the lawnmower and cats carried off the carnage cuz they could smell it, it was awful!

I keep meaning to put holes in the Prickly-Pear container, but I always chicken out!
Come to think of it, I have gotten cuttings off that thing once or twice at least. I want to plant it between the house and the house next door, out by the street, with some yucca and maybe some grass plants. Thanks for the tips Pepper, I'll do anything to avoid the needles, I've been learned the hard way!

I gotta tell you, I am all atwitter about my Bamboo plants. Springhill said "evergreen", but I thot that was just a cmon, they are still green! I'm saying, what a great screen, if it really is evergreen. No other sites with the plant info. say P. bissettii is evergreen, so I didn't give Springhill's claim much credence. But, so far it's still green, if it's still green in about 2 mos. for sure it's evergreen I'd think.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

How's this for a composter?! A multi-million dollar composter!
Haha! Actually, it's the landfill's garbage hole, and it is massive.
For scale, that is a trackhoe up on the top, and those dots on the covered slope, next to the 2 tubes, (to "prevent chemical seepage"), are workers. Now, that is a hole, they say the landfill is on schedule to fill up in 2046.
edit: It's garbage, not

This message was edited Dec 3, 2010 5:10 AM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, good advice. My neighbor has, or had, hers's planted on the south side of her house under a long overhang. It seemed to do just fine being ignored. I can't see the corner now since they planted pine trees, but I'm curious to know if she still has them.
Actually, I think I've heard that about blooming and size too.

I agree about the snow. We used to have enough to make a slide after Dad pushed it into a pile. When DD was two, (1979) we had a drift 4' deep. We made a snow cave. Yep, those were the days for young people!

A pin oak has a beautiful umbrella like structure. If you stand underneath and look up, the branches are nicely spaced and pretty even. I think they do have acorns, but the neighbor had two of them at the time.

Will, Disney - HA!
You have my pity for being a pincusion. I can't imagine how much that hurt!
Rabbit carnage is worse than a toad and the mower. Both make me feel bad. (I've only hit the toad.)
I think cactus would look good with Yucca and Grass.
Your bamboo looks pretty good! Let us know how it looks in a couple of months. I wonder if it will brown slightly like Eunonymus does, but not lose any leaves. That would be a great screen!
Massive landfill is right!!

We get the Grandsons today, till Sunday. I'm going to let them decorate the Christmas tree. I can see the ornaments in one spot already, but that's OK. I'm sure they will feel they need to move some of them over the next couple of days. We do have step stools for them so they can reach higher. It'll be fun!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I had a hard time sleeping with needles just in my hand!! LOL. I agree, it would look good with the yucca and grass. And people will admire the blooms when it finally blooms.

The bamboo is looking good!! If winter stays mild like this the whole time it probably will stay green.

That is a big landfill and I've heard things about it but I don't pay much attention. I don't know if it's all true and I'm not gonna stir up trouble. lol.

BP, have fun with the grands!! We don't have my nephew this weekend so I get a break from him for a week. lol. He's fun but a major handful. LOL.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

From what I hear on the news, we may not possibly get snow until shortly after Christmas, and even then I doubt its for sure, thats way too far ahead I think.
Christmas last year we had a snowstorm. They said that on the news too. My friend here lets me drive her 4wd Dodge Durango, and is it ever sweet in the snow! My Christmas on Christmas day was even canceled because of that snowstorm last year, which is okay, its best people don't risk a car wreck or injuries.
A snow like Bernie's up there hasn't been seen here for many years. I remember about 3 years ago I went to visit my brother and family in metro. Dallas, TX. and it got down to 39°, people there were freaking out! Kinda like we'd be doing here if we got snow over 8 inches or so!

Thanks you guys. I think Yucca, ornamental grass and cactus would be a good look there. The thing is, I don't want to offend the next door neighbors, they are nice and friendly, (unlike other neighbors), they are of hispanic descent. I'd need to get them to let me make it on their half of the strip between the houses, (if I just did it on mine, it would look bad). It never crossed my mind that there are cacti in Mexico, but I don't want to take a chance on they might have hurt feelings if they take it the wrong way. The Yucca I bought about a month ago from Lowes for 93 cents each, (I have two), as one of my "hold out for clearance prices" It's called 'Bright Edge'. Its a variegated Yucca, prettier than the regular Yucca. Heres my Yuccas in the photo here. I'm pretty sure Yucca is evergreen, thats nice also, maybe it would make up for the cactus being so awful looking in the Winter!

Oh, I was a I was one again today, I got a flu shot at Walgreen! I told the lady beforehand, so she knew, that I'm a fainter, that if I do faint, I'd be back awake in about 10 seconds. Altho, I didn't faint this time, I only faint prolly 30 or 40 percent of the time I get stuck with needles. I haven't fainted since 08' when I had treatment for a kidney stone. I'm sure its all in the mind, but I can't help it! I am such a baby I know! lol

Thanks, I'm hoping for good things with the Bamboo. That would be nice if it works out in those kitty litter jugs. Thats another thing I'll be doing before Spring, is sprucing up the area around the Bamboo trench with mulch and edging.

Yeah, I always wondered about landfills, "how can they take so much trash, and where does it go"? Apparently it goes in a big hole, then it gets covered up with dirt!
Oh, the photos is as far as my involvement goes on that concern. It's prolly the best the landfill can do, and it's likely within the law. I just don't think I wanna build a house on

This message was edited Dec 6, 2010 9:09 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, I don't think they would be offened. You've chosen a nice selection of plants to ''share'' with them. Varigated Yuca is very petty!

I have never fainted. It happens to a lot of people. Especially those who get too hot.

We've had flurries for two days and the only snow that stuck is in the gardens and flower beds. There is a tiny bit in the grass.

We had a busy weekend!

Friday, we picked one Grandchild up from home and the other from school. After dinner, we decorated the tree. The oldest got serious about hanging and the youngest was more interested in opening the boxes.

Saturday, we visited an old barn that was rescued and just recently had an elevator put in. The curved roof is nothing more than straight boards overlapping. It was dark and I didn't take the camera. They both made a rope with a rope maker. Pretty cool!

Sunday was a Holiday Stroll and we ran to West Liberty for treats and a chance to see businesses. Last stop was the meat locker. They had a table FULL of smoked turkey and ham, deer jerkys and bolognas and brats. All eaten with toothpicks. We came home with a 14# smoked ham to chunk for our Christmas Feast. We visited Santa in our own former gas station, turned, ''old guys talk cars place.'' Then they went home and ate candy :o)

Yesterday, I put decorations up at my elderly relatives house, came home and wrapped gifts and put out the squirrel corn and bird feeders. It's flurried both days and we barely have any snow on the ground :o)

Today, I need to finish the house. I'm debating. If I hang Christmas garland in the bedroom, I'll have to wash the walls first. I'll let you know :o)
(If I hadn't mentioned, I'm washing walls as I put up Christmas.)

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will talked to EvaMae today and her surgery on Friday went well. She's recovering nicely.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Yes, I spoke with her today and she's doing good. If anybody'd like to call her (might be long distance), just dmail me or Pepper for her room ph. number.
You got you some Christmas spirit going there Sallyp! Iowa oughta be named the covered bridge state, really, it does have some beautiful bridges, even the Madison County one!
I played some Chess today and I got beat pretty big, my 89 y.o. Grandfather is still very good!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Will started a new thread on EvaMae.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi all, Merry Christmas!
Here is a nice rated G Christmas card, the scenery is nice, it is interactive, so do some clicking to reach the end. I hope it works in here, it is neat.
p.s. Oh, and turn on the volume! : )

This message was edited Dec 9, 2010 2:45 PM

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Popping in to say hi and update everyone who hasn't been on Weather.

I sent one Grandchild home with ear infection, the other with a cough.

I went to the Dr. for sinusitis yesterday. Had that headache all night. I didn't wait till I was half dead, but I did wait a day because I didn't feel like getting out of bed.

I'm limping along trying to catch up.

Have a great day everyone. Count your blessings. There are more than you think.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I think the squirrels like the pumpkins! Can you spot all 3 of the squirrels?! They must like the cold too! Its 12° out there! Sinusitis, sounds nasty billyp, hope you're doing better now, the grandchildrens too.

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Neat picture Will! I found all three. I love the hole they made to get the seeds out. It's a wonder you don't catch a mouse in one of them :o) They will hollow out a squash if they can get to the insides.

Thanks, my throat is sore now, but that's good. It means it's not staying in my head. Don't care for it to be so close to the brain.

Cute card. I didn't have time to load it yesterday.

It's not bad out at all today. Sunny and a bit of a breeze. We sure got a dirty sludgy textured snow. It wasn't worth the inch we got.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I never thought about feeding the squirrels pumpkins. Wish I had room to grow them in my garden but I don't even have room for watermelon. lol

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

If I had room it would be watermelon all the way!!!

I never thught about anything eating squash seeds either. I throw them in the compost pile and that's how I get volunteers. It was nice, but I couldn't use my compost all summer.

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Thanks billyp, I was lucky to have 3 squirrels in the photo. Those squirrels are crafty!
Its entertaining watching them, how they reach down in the pumpkin and get seeds to eat, they sit there doing that for hours! Many times, the pumpkins will germinate right there from seeds. I don't think they like the heavy shade in the warm months tho, they don't ever grow for long. These here are store bought pumpkins, we don't have the room either for a sprawling pumpkin patch, or melons, that'd be nice too. If mice get in the pumpkins, they do it discreetly or at nite. I haven't seen any field mice yet.
Glad you're feeling better, Sally.
See that old Tom the cat? He's been wandering around for years, the weather doesn't seem to bother him. We call him one eyed Tom, he only has 1 eye. We'd take him in, but I don't think he'd come in. There is already 7 cats here, all strays or offsprings of strays.
Thanks, that is a neat Christmas card. Did you get to the end where all those trees light up?

Thumbnail by shortleaf
KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Everyone be careful tomorrow if you are out and about. Freezing rain coming in tomorrow for the middle part of the state with more snow farther up north. Gonna be a mess either way.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Will, I think the mice are discreet and night feeders, LOL!

Poor old Tom. Our original feral Mama Cat from years ago wounded her eye and then lost it. She would never ever be tame and I doubt old Tom would either. They are survivers. That's why I make cubby holes with leaves over branches across the road.

Pepper, keep 'er on the road!!

Waving to everyone who is missing. You all must be busy!

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Freezing drizzle coming down now. Don't go out if you don't need too around here.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

A new member on here has a question for your guys.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Pepper, I gave her some answers. I hope it helps.

It's a nice day here for a change. 3'' - 4'' of snow and no wind. We got groceries this early morning and brought a broasted chicken home for dinner. YUM! I'll pay for eating the salt, but I have tomato juice in the fridge, so I can kick it out with the potassium!

Hope everyone is busy getting their Christmas things done.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

This forum keeps dropping off my favs for some reason, then it will dawn on me no one has posted in a while and I will go looking and there you all are just chatting away.

I do NOT have the house decorated completely yet, I do NOT have all the presents bought yet, I do NOT have anything wrapped yet, I am ready for Christmas...rofl. It is just not ready for me.....hopefully get everything done this weekend. One of the pressies I ordered from Target way back in Nov that said it wouldn't be here until after the first of the year I went ahead and ordered from newegg which sent it immediately, then the very next day at 4am get an email from Target the pres was on it's way! Geez, so I will be returning that one.

Stay warm, post pics of your pretty decorations if you get a chance.

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

I still have a few Christmas presents that I need to get but only a few. Christmas cards went out yesterday or today and we only sent a limited number of them due to our cards going missing. lol. Need to wrap all the presents on Sunday and if I have Monday off I will do it then too since no one will be around to bother me.....I hope! LOL

I'm just biding my time til Sunday and Monday. Still not sure what the weather is gonna do and I don't want to unlock my hubs and have them freeze on me when I need to lock em in again. lol.

Happ, you might want to report the problem to admin. That way they can see if they can find the problem on their end.

Still no new pics to post. I haven't had much time to take any between work and everything else going on. lol.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Happ, yep, we just keep movin on :o) Glad you're back!! Don't you love it when you have added troubles, shopping? It will get done. I don't know of anyone who ''couldn't'' have Christmas, LOL!!

Pepper, I send out cards randomly and never expect back :o) I sent more this year then I usually do, but thank goodness I can e-mail all but 4 of my relatives! I do have a few new presents to wrap. DH is especially generous this year, LOL. I think I'm done I'm not.

We are missing Garden6. Have I missed anything about her dropping out or busy?

I know Ima is most likely busy.

Will has to sleep and I'm not sure if Rusty quit us or not.

Well, shopping went VERY well yesterday. We were happy with our gloves and mittens, coats, and jammies. Only one got boots as Farm and Fleet run out and don't restock. Luckily it was the oldest who got because he goes to school daily.

Later DD called to say her SIL was given a pair of boots at school to give to someone she might think they would fit. Can you believe they were the youngest one's size??? AND they are Bogs, a $50.00 pair of boots that can take -30* weather. We were all amazed at how that worked out. He's only 4 and he has wonderful boots now!

Now I have known for quite a while but can finally announce it.


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi happ, welcome back! Congratulations billyp, billyp is gonna be a grandma again!
I'm not yet, but a brother in TX. could likely be one in a few years as he has a freshman son in college.
I DO have to sleep, but I stay pretty slept up most days, lucky for me! Sleeping comes easy most days, even if I need to sleep till noon or so, I Then, there are those days when my clothes bunch all up in bed, or I get it all in my head that Brown Recluse spiders are crawling all over me in my sleep! I used to believe, that on average, people ate 5 spiders a year in they're sleep, that freaked me out too, but I heard it isn't Altho, in all reality, I have woke up before with spider legs all chewed up in my mouth!

Well, enuff silly attempts at humor!

Does anybody know what this silk plant or lace something houseplant is, in the photo below? I bought it today at Walmart for $2.78. All it says on they're label is "tropical foliage". I've seen photos of it before but I don't know what it's called. They had the greenhouse part all full of bicycles and stuff for Christmas. The fewer plants were over to the side, and obviously the prices were all wrong. My plant said something like $12, a little Snake Plant was erroneously $30!

Speaking of Target, did you know they're gift cards expire in 4 months from the date of purchase? I bought four of them there today, then I got home and was going thru them looking for expiration dates. All the other ones I got had no expiration date, but I wouldn't be surprised if they do that sneaky "declining balance" thing. I'm starting to think maybe gift cards aren't such a good way to go!

This message was edited Dec 20, 2010 10:32 PM

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)


Where did you hear/read that Target gift cards expire? I bought one the other day, and it states on the card and the paper packaging "No fees. No expiration. No kidding"(TM). Look at the Target web site ( and click on GiftCard terms, it states the same thing, the gift cards have no fees and no expiration.


suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

Hi cybrczch, it must be different in different states or something. Maybe I'm understanding this receipt wrong, (which is I blurred out some numbers, I don't want people to see what a cheapskate I am!

Thumbnail by shortleaf
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

MN passed a law recently that they must be honored forever. I heard a figure on % of gift cards never redeemed. These companies are getting rich off of them! Why people do not use them is beyond me.

Nichols, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Will! Nieces and nephews are good too :o)

Laughing. I only sleep in clothes if I'm sick and too cold to take them off.

Spider meal. Nope not here. Not one leg, ever!

We always ask about the expiration date and if they have one, we say no thanks. NO one is a cheapskate. You spend what you can and good for you for not going into debt. It's always the thought that counts.

Maybe that is the time allowed for you to return them? I really don't know either. Farm and Fleet and Menards has no due date and boy does Daughter and SIL use them!

Bernie, I think some get in a purse and lost. Out of sight, out of mind. It wouldn't happen to me.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Have you guys seen the commerical from the company that will buy your unused gift cards! I am guessing they give you 50cents on the dollar.....can't imagine anyone doing that but it must be profitable cause they can afford to advertise on tv which isn't cheap.

I have purchased gift cards before but not very many. Usually for my BIL's 20+ year old kids if they come to Christmas. The 20+ year kids were grown up when my DS and DBIL got together so I don't know them very well, but hate if someone shows up and doesn't have a present of some kind.

Christmas weather is not sounding so great.....we work 1/2 day on Thursday and off on Friday...which will make Christmas eve so much better.

This time of the year is so hard on my plants cause I just don't have time to take care of them like I should. Don't have to worry about them being overwatered.....

suburban K.C., MO(Zone 6a)

I think I am reading the receipt wrong on second thought. I rarely shop at Target but I believe thats their way of stating on every rec't they're return policy, (maybe its 120 days with the receipt). I'm more of a Walmart person myself. I think Tar-'zhay is more of a high society people's place, where people don't mind paying a little extra for stuff! It's like the poor people's Bloomingdales! Maybe it's that red orangey interior that attracts people like moths to a flame!
I believe its 90 days return policy at a lot of places, and they want people to know its 120 days at Target! Sorry, I know I say "I think" alot, but I'm not sure of much of anything! lol
I think thats entirely different than the expiration of they're gift cards. Its likely forever like you guys say. They sure should have the return policy omitted it seems on rec'ts when gift cards only are bought. People like me get confused easy!

How do you know billyp, maybe you swallowed the spider and there was no trace of it left!? lol

I agree, I think recipients of gift cards get complacent sometimes because they "were free anyway". I remember a few years ago, I got a bit overly worried about it. I called the gift card's 800 numbers and found out how much balance was left on each one so I could tell people stuff like, "you know, theres a dollar fifty left on that gift card, please don't leave anything on it". My mom informed me that I shouldn't do that, its their card now. I can't say I subscribe to her opinion really. I'm thinking, "why give those companies any free money"?
You know they love it when people don't spend their gift cards. I heard that too, there is a % of people that don't use their cards at all, its free money for them.

Yeah, unfortunately, they are talking about maybe an icy mess here around Christmas, oh joy, thats worse than a snowstorm like last year!

I'm worried about my plants that I brought in not going dormant. It seems more possible to me that they're not going dormant because of the open heat vent this year AND the milder temperatures somedays. Its like in the garage it's 50 or 60 degrees alot. I wanted to keep it warm for my houseplants. But, maybe thats too warm for other plants to go dormant. I sure don't want to kill them unintentionally. I might need to put some back outside and take my chances out there, it might be better!
Altho, I did empty our 2 no kill mousetraps in the garage and I got 3 field mice! 2 mice were in one little trap! The bad thing is they were dead by the time I checked the traps! I'll reload them with peanut butter and see if I can get some more.

This message was edited Dec 21, 2010 12:13 PM

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Keep supporting Target. Our poor Governor elect needs money. He spent his own money to get elected.
(For those not in the know, his family founded Target & are owners.)
Back in the 60's when I lived in the Twin Cities, all of Dayton's out of date merchandise went to the basement clearance area. It got so popular that they started Target stores.
Of course now, none of Macy's, (Dayton's) merchandise goes to Target.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

My my the things on learn on this forum....rofl. Poor Governor....;)

Lincoln, NE(Zone 5b)

That expiration date is the return expiration. You have 90 days from purchase in which you can return items for full refund. That's the expiration date listed at the top. One reason not to start your Christmas shopping at Target in September, by the time the gift is opened, then the product is past the expiration and can't be returned (or be prepared to give lots of grief).

KC Metro area, MO(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Rusty56!!

I heard that we are supposed to get 3 to 5 inches of snow Thursday night into Friday. Good thing I bought sandbags before the last so called storm. lol. I'm waiting for it to cross the Rockies before I start worrying about it.

Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Happy Birthday, Rusty.

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