sale in SW VA : Christiansburg.

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Lowe's has its 75% off on spring bulb sales. I went ahead and bought my Christmas present.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Thanks for the heads up! It's still warm enough to plant them here how about your area?

Santa probably won't mind of you tell us what he's giving you!

Floyd, VA(Zone 6b)

Thank you for asking; I haven,t told anyone yet. I will have to devote a couple of days to planting
once I figure where the can go!
24 allium purple sensation
12 big allium gladiator
12 narcissi double mix
24 narcissi Chantelle
08 Jetfire narcissi
35 crocus wt. Jean d'Arc
10 misty narcissi
15 lencofin white
60 iris reticula blue
06 Blue campsis
24 allium caerulurum ?
18 Martinelle
35 Yellow Crocus around $31 Nothing is worth doing if you can't overdo it (my motto)

This message was edited Nov 27, 2010 6:03 PM

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Walmart has their bulbs 50% off and still had a good selection. Wish I had the time to go hog wild but just got about 50 to pot for forcing. Ric


Geese.....we don't see knock downs like that. Our Wallmarts has hardly anything left and it has been hit with frost half a dozen times. That horrible looking stuff was marked down a whopping 25%. No one is even looking at it now. The plants area is stuffed full of incoming spring merchandise all still in the shipping boxes. It took me half an hour to find a hand full of plastic pot basins.

Lowe's has two huge greenhouses and one very large shade house. They take good care of things. One house is empty and full of X-mas stuff discounted deep to free the house for spring and the patio and yard furniture and tents. One is full of every leftover imaginable. The shade house has little but bagged fertilizer and cement items. That area and the one greenhouse is staffed with reasonably decent human beings. They do not either knock down to clean out anything near what some of you folks report. They still have Rosemary I passed on early this spring because it had been heavily sprayed. No one knew what with.

We are not all wizzed up about going Green here. Our one horse wagon never grew up to eighteen wheelers. That wagon comes by once a year and gives a third of what it has onboard to each of our three big box stores. Koles is on the way to stir things up real well. I do not know if they sell plants.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Put some of those wonderful bulbs in pots and bury them in the garden to pull out early for potted spring bulbs for the house at Easter.


We do have three Dutch Greenhouse business in basically four inch pots and two inch liners or plastic market packs. We have one landscaper that is high end but has very nice almost everything. There are several small mom and pop greenhouses. We have nothing like you folks near the big cities have to enjoy. I can not shop late in the Philadelphia to Harrisburg markets because we are nearly a month later getting to the point of planting things out. They are picked over, getting pot bound and cleaning up the end of their season a month ahead of our needs. I used to grow a lot of my own from seed.

This year I will be gardening in two of those self watering Gardener's Supply self watering systems. I will grow my three tomato plants and likely give two away. LOL The cukes already have a big pot waiting. I am so glad we built this patio for me to tinker on to my hearts content and at a speed I can sustain.

Our best markets here are actually State College a blend of good commercial places augmented by more fine Dutch places. That market is priced way over our area. The next best in our season dating times are the Wilkes Barro and Scranton areas.

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