Can you access OZtion?

West of Brisbane, Australia

I keep getting the message that 'The service is unavailable'. Can anyone else access the website?

western sydney nsw, Australia

I got the same message last night and this morning . elaine.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Me too.

West of Brisbane, Australia

Well, I've discovered that there's a beta site:
Apparently they're testing new features on this site before moving them across to the main site. The auction system seems to be working on the beta site:

I just can't understand why they would take the main site offline so abruptly without even a pointer to the new site. It makes me reluctant to log in to the beta site ...

West of Brisbane, Australia

It's back and running.
Doesn't inspire confidence, though ...

Ummm before I knew better I joined that site months ago and was constantly bombarded with email alerts ...luckily they went away when my thingy blew up and they can't find me any more.
Only speaking for myself ...I won't go there.
Interested to hear of other gardeners experiences though.
Never done the Ebay thing either though, guess I am a chicken.

West of Brisbane, Australia

I don't get all the alerts because I turned them off somewhere in the preferences when I first joined.
Paypal is the most wonderful invention--such a shame that OZtion doesn't use it ...

Ha ha ha well I am learning.
I know look very carefully before I do anything and only use Pay Pal.
I don't do much of that kind of thing because of my Angel obsession but I was looking for years for the drum stick tree and most places ask for a min buy up ...I didn't really expect most of what I bought to germinate but the ones I really wanted did ... much to my surprise and delight.
it's like playing Russian Roulette isn't it.
I read somewhere ages ago that some suppliers actually zap the rare seeds in a micro wave to ensure they were not going to germinate so you would give up and buy the expensive plants or more seeds (thinking you must have done something wrong.)

Brisbane, Australia

I use Oztion quite a bit as the sellers there aren't so money hungry..I guess because the fees aren't as high and I think they only pay something when they actually sell. Jean would know. They do use paypal. Because it's Australia only, I guess there isn't the same selling / buying pressure but I have met some wonderful people on Oztion and some are regulars here! :) know who you are! Take a bow. Great sellers who send quality plants!

West of Brisbane, Australia

I see that some OZtion sellers do indeed offer PayPal. The difference is that they aren't obliged to offer it, as they are on ebay. I missed that ...

This message was edited Nov 25, 2010 6:18 PM

Inland S.E QLD , Australia

Yep I have to agree there are some great sellers on OZtion..I buy from there also and a lot of the sellers were formerly on ebay but left because of the fees...and I like it because I am supporting fellow Aussies :0)

Clifton Springs, Australia

You still have to be careful, because there is a Brug seller on there who uses unauthorised photos from American hybridizers to sell the seeds...the seller has been notified but continues to use them....Some of the seeds are from Brugs not available here and when questioned replied that the seeds were imported from the US.........Though there is no mention of this in the ad or of the hybridizer..... who knows what you are buying with Brug seeds.
This seller has huge sales of all types of seeds and plants.....

So can someone point us to "reliable sellers"
I would love to buy from sellers I can trust ...the gardener selling the no names and wrong names just needs to say the seeds are crosses and who the parents are- and also learn a bit about them.
If you don't want to post these names openly could you d mail me with some links please.
I can't get to nurseries etc any longer so that would be great.
I think perhaps a link to the ill informed seller may be a good thing too.

For any of you lovely people who have swapped great things with me ...I didn't realize you were "proper sellers" and I feel guilty ...but thankyou ^_^

re Ebay old thread

I guess they just did not want to learn.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissy, this seller was advised on all the points that you mentioned as well as getting permission from Arghya Gardens to use those photos and to contact the owners of the other photos for permission.......totally ignored all following correspondence.....Liz didn't want the drama of reporting the seller to this person can sell as they please.

Take a look, you will recognize many of the photos, they are from growers all over.
Just check out Brugmansia seeds on OZtion......

This message was edited Nov 26, 2010 9:04 AM

West of Brisbane, Australia

I didn't know this when I bought a batch of (double-flowered parents) brug seeds on OZtion. My problem is that *not a single one* germinated ...

Merino, Australia

Hello all. I am registered on both eBay and OZtion but rarely sell on OZtion. I often sell irises and epis or zygos on eBay and prefer it . I also sell hubbys radio thingys he does as a hobby. They go all over the world but the plants must stay in Aust.
I have seen that seller mentioned above, and even sent her a polite mail myself to point out her mistakes.
She was buying a lot of seeds from Volker Sanders in Germany and blatantly using his photos. I dont know if she had his permission.
I have 6 irises that are not what they were sold as. I saw one yesterday being sold under a name that looks totally different to the ones in plant files. I use plant files a lot to verify plant names.
There are lots more great sellers than bad, thank goodness and once you have been using eBay for a while , you get used to seeing the names and they know you too.
OZtion relists free, but sometimes things are on for so long, one wonders why people bother. If it hasn't sold in a week or two , it probably won't .
I won't buy brugs from either site as when I did buy a couple of cuttings very early in my brug addiction, they were so small and all died.
( The exceptions were a couple of lovely plants from one of our DG people, you know who you are )
I also bought some succulent cuttings about 5 years ago and when they arrived , they were so small most had shrivelled to nothing by the time they arrived.
Chrissy, if you are not confident in using either site, don't. You have the names of all the best Australian brug people and they all know you. Stick with who you know is my advice.
Better go as the sun is out and I don't want to waste it.

Jean I did not mean Brugs ...just plants in general.
I have all the Brugs I need. I bought in almost every gene I could find in America.

I loved going to the nurseries and cannot go any longer.
So just plants in general.
I am looking for favourite sellers because I trust our DG family.

Clifton Springs, Australia

Chrissie, I have bought various plants from this seller.....
You might find the name familiar, no it's not me..
She sells all kinds of things.....
I would definitely recommend her....

barmera, Australia

Dianne I went to look at the link and it said that it did not exist. Just wanted to have a look, promise. lol Colleen

Clifton Springs, Australia

Thanks Colleen...did you sabotage
I wonder why that is?
I will try this one......

Don't touch it Colleen...

She is from your neck of the woods.

This message was edited Nov 26, 2010 5:35 PM

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

steer clear of it all,or otherwise you'll end up an obsessed ,ebay,lily,junkie,like me!-anthony

Hi All! I have recently joined this site .. and I also am a 'seller' on OZtion.
The site should be working ok .. there were some recent upgrades & also some general internet disturbances (not related to OZtion, but the net providers in general, as I had probs getting logged in as well)
OZtion DOES have preferences & choices for sellers & buyers to use PayPal .. I do offer both myself. I have limited 'seller' activity on eBay, as they 'make' all sellers offer PayPal .. whether they have an a/c with them or not. I didn't at first (having a bad experience with them many years ago) but NOW find the PayPal processes much easier to use & far more 'trustworthy' than in the past.
For anybody not experienced with internet buying & selling, I'd suggest that they use an a/c with a general low balance NOT linked to a Credit Card or a Bank a/c that they use for major/important uses eg. wages & big balances ... that way, you can transfer your funds when you want them without major risks of fraud access etc.
Anyway, my 'user name' on OZtion is 'GypsySoul' if you want any help with the site .. I've now been a seller there for over 4yrs & can't say I've ever had any major problems as either a buyer or a seller. Cheers!

Thumbnail by NoDraMuzz

Oh, ps: I name my plants ONLY if I have either purchased them 'named' or have had them properly identified .. otherwise, I use the 'common name' by which the plant is known. All plants that I sell are grown in my own garden (I have half an acre of gardens), plus the pics I use are of the actual plant or 'parent plant' that I am growing 'in situ' & I pack as I would wish to receive .. sooooo many sellers send plants too wet/too dry or badly packed & it's sad to lose them, let alone the money! Here is my link if you'd like to contact me. Cheers, Di.

ps. I have a couple of Iris listed that I am still trying to name correctly ... any help greatly appreciated! :) The one in the pic is quite tall, scented (just can't pick it!) .. the view is slightly from the top. (not as yet listed)

Thumbnail by NoDraMuzz
Clifton Springs, Australia

Sorry NoDraMuzz, too dificult to identify from that pic. there are so many similar.

I have found another pic of the same iris .. don't know if this is any better .. I'll also have a look for others I have taken.. Ty for looking & your help! Di. :)

Thumbnail by NoDraMuzz

and again .. this pic was a bit bright bright from the sun .. the flowers in the middle are roses, but the colour of the Iris is seen better on the lower ones in the pic .. the brightness gave the photo a funny look, but the effect I liked, so I kept it. If this doesn't help, I'll try to take better ones next season .. something to look forward to! :0 Cheers, Di.

Thumbnail by NoDraMuzz
Merino, Australia

Looking at your last pic, I would say the iris is one of the older heritage types. Irises are very hard to ID from pics unless they have some unique coloring.

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