Are you ordering any seeds yet?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

I know it's a busy week for everybody or a busy time ahead for most people until after New Year's, but have you been thinking about what you want or plan to sow this wintersowing season? Have you been able to take advantage of any seed co. sales? It would be interesting to know which seed co. most wintersowers favor ordering from. Several of the seed co. have been offering free shipping on orders about a certain amount. I guess they realize the economy has hit everybody in many ways. You'd think with the economy at a long time low; more people would be trying to grow their own vegetable gardens this coming year. I'm glad there are only the two of us and our kids are grown but we have one grandchild that started college last Sept. We offered to pay for her books all year. She is working part time on weekends. Granddaddy hands her gas money occassionally when he sees her. Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I don't have any room to do any seeds, so I try not to look

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


WHY would you want to spend $$ to order seeds when we have, here, the most generous,
people with zillions of seeds to share???
Most people have "Trade Lists" --just click on their names and see.
Many seeds are available just for postage from many people...Like ME!
I, personally, have about 50 different seeds collected from my own garden.
to share--just for postage.

End of February, we will meet, once again in Frederick at "Chef Linn's Buffet" to trade and share seeds.
Have dinner--chat--get to meet each other--and share seeds.
Jill organizes this. This year will be the 4th year she has done this.

Attendance is about 20-25 or so. Everyone has seeds to swap or share,
Most people also bring a garden related gift for the Gift table. A fun game to see
WHO gets WHAT....
Come to the Swap--Yet to be announced--and see.

Jump right in and see all the Posts we have going here. Get to know us--one by one....


Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

ROFL... I do share and swap a lot of seeds... and yet, I can still be tempted by the seed catalogs, especially when they're advertising a pepper variety that may be my new favorite ("better than Gypsy!") or pimping flowers by showing beautiful bloom photos...

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

I can't help but dream when the catalogs come in.
I have not wintersowed much, so can't offer advice that way..

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

I always look for "self-sows" or "re-seeds readily" and know those will be good winter sowing candidates. Of course, sometimes plants with that descriptions are also garden thugs! :-)

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

Then there are things like columbine which really do better with the natural stratification. actually I can't name another besides columbine, Well, poppies...

and at this point, I have one preferred company which I imagine will fold up and go out of business if I don't get something...

Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

quick, place that order Sally!

Salvias like stratification also, and some species seem to definitely need it.

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