Just to let y'all know

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Several people have contacted me regarding buying mg seed here and shipping to the US. I thought I had made it quite clear in the past this is something I have neither the inclination or time to get involved in.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

wow sorry some people are bugging you

never asked and u did make it clear you didnt want too. now if you ever offer one of those famous cherry trees from there let me know.

i wish i could fly so could go to japan.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Jon - 10-4! Affirmative! LOL!

I am glad that you decided to post a note about this. I know a lot of folks think that just because you live in Japan that you would be interested or have the time to go looking around for JMG seeds for others here in the USA or abroad.

Folks should also know that most of the MG seeds/vines that Jon has grown this year came from me! I guess not everyone is obsessed with obtaining the latest cultivar or cross straight from Japan! LOL!

Jon, thanks for your insight on the Japanese language, culture, and customs. I've loved seeing your fabulous garden this year! I hope next year you will have the time to do some gardening once again and maybe grow some more MGs. I know you are going to be busy with that home extension for quite some time! Good luck with that project! :-)

Mesilla Park, NM

Jon, I'm so sorry anyone contacted you, that happens a lot when a name is mentioned. Glad you posted on here your thoughts about the whole thing.

szarvas, Hungary

In fact there are a lot of solutions, like this :
Google search for you !

Mesilla Park, NM

Thanks Dany, sometimes trying to find anything on their sites that give an explanation in English and it is difficult when your are in those pages that only contain Japanese characters, so you don't know where to click. I've tried to send emails but no-one ever responds, so I don't know if they even got the emails I sent. Very frustrating sometimes.

Tokyo, Japan(Zone 10a)

Well done Dany!
Becky, A, imzadi, thanks for your support, I have two kids to care for 5 days a week, nearest post office 7 miles away, I don't have a pay pal account and don't like to purchase online. For these reasons I cannot get involved!
Sorry but there it is.


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