What flower seeds can I direct sow now?

Silver Spring, MD(Zone 6b)

Critter..what flower seeds can I direct sow now(mid Nov.)to insure Spring/Summer blooms for 2011?
I did direct sow some larkspur this morning but only about 10 peat pots into the ground. Keep rest of seed for Wintersowing.

Do you think I could sprinkle some seeds in my patio containers so they'll come up next Spring? What about taking mum cuttings now? I put the larkspurs in small peat pots in the ground with vermitculite lightly sprinkled on top of soil. Our flowerbeds have already been mulched for the winter. Can I just sprinkle flower seeds on top of that mulch? Do I need to sprinkle some soil over that area?

Corpus Christi, TX(Zone 9a)

Last year I winter sowed about a dozen types of flowers that prefer stratification, mostly perennials.

I had great results from echinacea/purple coneflower, monarda/beebalm, liatris/gayfeather/blazing star, common evening primrose (onethera biennis ), black-eyed susan (rudibeckia hirta), 3 species of columbines (although they wait for hot weather ...be patient!), & cardinal flower (another late bloomer).

I got a few seedlings from baptisia/false indigo, 2 species of geranium/cranesbill and polemonium/Jacob's ladder.

Cleome/spider flower/bee-bread seems to do better sitting in the 'fridge all winter & planting in spring. None of my winter starts came, but I did get a volunteer in another pot.

Digitalis/foxglove was supposed to work, but it sprouted right after sowing. The fragile seedlings couldn't take our winter.

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