Clifton Springs, Australia

That is a cutie, Karen.....

Took out all the Poppies that had finished, still plenty left....then down came the rain and it's been raining ever since.
Still, the cricket has been great....Hey Anthony.
What about Hussey's ton.
We had a skylight put in during the week, thank goodness...it is such a dark day inside, we would have had to put the lights on.
Everything is happening in the garden, but too wet to look at it.

Hope we see flowers on your Rhodo next year Jean, another bargain for you.
Bye for now.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

the old truck is loaded up and im off to the 'monster market' tomorrow,.,..With alison and marcs house purchase, lily sales and preparing the lily show and work[#*!?"":#}im run off my feet,.,.gotta love it!-anthony

Brisbane, Australia

Have fun at the 'monster market' Anthony. We are going to be running around a lot today. Love this time of the year, catching up with people. Hope everyone has a fab day.


Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. The rain has stopped for a while. I can't hear myself think over the noise of the weeds slurping up the rain and growing madly. Out with the Roundup again as soon as it dries a bit. The garden is looking green and lush for this time of year. Lovely.
Anthony, more lovely lilies coming out. I do like the way the asiatics stand up without staking. Quite strong fellows.
Have fun at that market.
Hello Dianne, Those skylights are good.
Hello Karen.
I hope you are all keeping dry in all this rain.
Hello Charleen and Louise. How are things over there ? I suppose you are very busy with getting ready for Christmas.
Give all those furry friends a pat from me.
It has turned a bit cold now so hopefully the sun will return soon.
Hello to everyone else. A busy time for lots of people with Christmas nearly here.
We have a quiet time nearly all year, keeping to ourselves mostly.
There will be phone calls from the children at Christmas and we may do a couple of nice country drives during the holidays.
Hoping for a quiet fire season but with all the rain, grass is growing tall and thick. It doesn't take long to dry off. .
Better go an dcheck on my epis to see if any opened despite the rain.
Have a great day and enjoy your gardens if you are not having rain.
Something nice to nibble with your cuppa. Blueberry CoffeeCake

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Sunshine Coast, Australia

Can you see this video

It is of my epiphyllum in bloom.


It may take a few minutes to load.

This message was edited Nov 27, 2010 8:21 PM

barmera, Australia

Good morning everyone. Very cool here this morning. Visitors have gone again. The boys are amusing themselves outside so time for me to play. Marleneanne beautiful pics , what are numbers 41 and 56 please? Jean your epi house must be just about overflowing with flowers. It will be a wonderful sight. Have my first buds on Bucks Fizz if the darn caterpillars leave them alone. R Frosty Pink is a mass of blooms. I have the best of both worlds with her. I have one tall straight trunk that is a standard and then the bushier pieces down below. When I pruned her I couldn't make up my mine what I wanted, so I left the standard piece on. I'm glad I did because it looks great. Boys are back in looking for something to eat so had better go. Be back later. Colleen

Thumbnail by ctmorris
Clifton Springs, Australia

I enjoyed the video, Marlene...you should do more like that.

Question, what was the long stem...I am not an Epi person, and it looked curious.
The flowers were magnificent.

Hope you did well at the market...Anthony.
When is the flower show?

Thumbnail by Seachanger
Clifton Springs, Australia

Colleen, I looked up 41 for you...it's called Ludisia discolor, I couldn't find a name on 56...
Talk about a nana moment....I didn't think to look at the pix, just the video.....duh
Glad you posted when you did.

Marlene, your plants are fabulous......I will go back again when I have more time....
That Bat plant is absolutely wonderful...drool drool drool.

Southwest , NH(Zone 5b)

Hello everyone! We are finally back from our very long trip and we had a very quiet Thanksgiving given that we were both tired. The trip was wonderful in all aspects. Hank got his championship ring after 50 years and it is quite beautiful. His book was also well received by everyone. It was great fun all the way around. The girls were wonderful on the trip, especially given their young age. We couldn't have asked for better little travelers. My son and his dog kept the girls for us while we were down at Yale for the reunion, and he said they were just perfect for him. Whew! I was hoping he could handle all three, and it went fine. I was concerned that I'd come back to some shriveled plants since we were gone for so long, but my dear neighbors kept an eye on things and all looked just fine. I haven't had time to plant many of the annuals yet, but cooler temps are coming and that will give me some stamina. Right now it's super humid and warm out there. I have enjoyed reading the posts above and knowing that life - especially the underwear selection (tee hee) has been interesting to say the least!
Christmas decorations are going up around us here, but I'm just not there yet. It's still early and we have some more settling in to do before I tackle that. I'll be back soon, but must get busy before bedtime now. Here is a shot of Hank and the girls in front of a waterfall on the trip.

Thumbnail by DonnieBrook
Merino, Australia

Welcome back Louise. Sounds like you had a very interesting trip. Congrats to Hank on getting the ring and again for the book. I bet the girls are glad to be home again. You will have to show us how your Florida garden has progressed . Its been cold here today but no rain. The plants are now looking for some sunshine and so am I.
Better get up from here and go back in the warmer room. See everyone tomorrow.

rosetta TASMANIA, Australia

yeah,so so,no complaints!met a lovely lady who had just returned from norway and she was very impressed with my lilies,,.we had a great chat,.,.,.no she wasnt blonde! and no she wasnt selling nail rejuvination kits!she was normal,just like us!- im very tired,anthony

Merino, Australia

Good morning everyone. We have moved to here ..
Getting tired with the long walk so we have moved to be under the willow in my garden for some lovely shade.
Still overcast and cold here. Not raining but it will later. If you people up north have taken our spring. please dont take summer. I need to be warm for a while.
Hello Dianne, Chrissy, Colleen, Karen, Anthony, Teresa and anyone else looking in.
Hello to Louise and Charleen too.
I am going back in the other room with the heater. It looks miserable outside so I am staying in.
Of course, I will have to run down for a peep at the epis now they are opening.
I will post some pics later when there are lots in flower.
Have a great day and enjoy this Strawberry Charlotte.
Happy gardening, Jean.

Thumbnail by 77sunset
Christchurch, New Zealand

funny weather here, been warm & the last two months were sunnier than average.
I am going to have to get out & water the gardens in the morning since the rain didn't eventuate today.
I'll blast the aphids off the roses while I am at it.
Since I saw waxeyes eating aphids I am reluctant to use the usual systemic sprays.
Penstemons enjoy this heat, I split my mini 'Electric Blue' into several bits & am trying to nurse it along.
It really isn't as easy as the other bigger ones, they will form new plants by layering without any help from me.
My purple one pictured has been a great one to share around - I even had to bin plants that I couldn't find homes for just to stop it from taking over the garden completely.

Thumbnail by dalfyre
Merino, Australia

Good morning all. I am rushing in and out today. We are off to Mt Gambier for a drive. I just hope its warmer over there. My son in Perth asked me last night , as it has been so dry and hot for so long , could he please have my rain. I said I would gladly swap a bit of rain for the sun.
Hello Teresa. I love that blue in your pic on the other thread.
Congrats on the new camera. Mine is a Canon too. I have had great success with my old Canon so bought the same brand . Isn't it great to just keep shooting endless pics . Don't forget to add a pack of spare batteries to your camera bag. I always make sure I have some as I ran out of power in the middle of a cave excursion once and luckily had the spares.
Better pop out to the kitchen and leave some goodies out for nibbles.
I hope to find an orphan today, too.
Have a happy day .
Here are some Choc Crinkle Cookies.

Thumbnail by 77sunset

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