ORVG Coffee House #183 Welcome Turkeys!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We came from here.

Well November is here and it's time for a new Thread.

Please join us as we count down to Thanksgiving....
MAN it's hard to believe it's that time already.
Seems just yesterday it was Halloween!


Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Uh, Ric, it was!!

Pat, I hear you on the election crap. Just get through the night, and tomorrow night the results, which will be played until we know them by heart. I wish they had a place on the ballot which said "none of the above".

Sue, won't you be glad to have the cider done and over with? Then you will be saying that you are bored in a little while. Fat chance of that happening here, I always have an abundance of things on my "to do" list.

DH and I just decided that we are eating out on Thanksgiving. We are going to Butler Park. They are having a buffet, and it sure beats cooking. Besides, I think our DS and his SO have plans, and no really close family for us. We used to go to my older sister's for the day, but several years ago, I was disinvited! Got a call saying that her son and his wife were taking over the cooking, and they didn't have room for us. First and last time I have been disinvited to anything. Oh, well.

Bonnie i hear you on the no cooking and going out part.
we don't have family we are close with here either just Al and Grace and honestly they don't like my cooking and i don't like hers LOLLL we don't tell each other that LOL .
she hasn't said anything about holidays so i m hoping it just passes us buy.I usually get pretty depressed around this time anyhow.
welp got to run

Waddy, KY

House is still coming along slowly. They got the floors sanded and the first two coats of finish on them this past week. The old floor was heart pine that had never been stained and I almost made the mistake of having them stain it. I came to my senses in the nick of time and I'm glad I did. Looks pretty darned good to me. They have to do a bunch of "stuff" now like putting on storm doors and putting tile on the wall in the kitchen. We've run into a snag no the commercial kitchen side. I've turned that mess back over to DH as he started the mess ball rolling by not having the plans approved before they started putting the plumbing in. Not gonna be my problem. He still doesn't have my lagoon dug either....

I'm still making green tomato relish and sweet pickles. Four more crates in the cooler and I'll be done and can start on salsa. I'm shedding a lot of tears over a lot of onions.

Went to the grocery and bought left over Halloween candy for #4 child since she's too old to trick or treat anymore. Actually I don't miss rushing around getting them ready for it anymore. Just a spoil sport I guess.

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

KY, I hear you on the getting kids ready for Halloween. I used to love it; made all the kids' outfits, was more excited than them some years, ran all the Halloween parties in their classes. Now, I don't have to do any of that and I really don't miss it at all. I still love to see kids in their costumes and see their excitement, though.

Bonnie, not much I can do with seeds right now anyway so waiting is no problem! ^_^

Pat, aren't you so glad that after tonight we won't have to deal with those stupid ads and phone calls anymore? I'm just plain sick and tired of all the election crap. I'm voting today when DH gets home and I'll be glad to have it finally done. I'm even on the Do Not Call list and I've still had a few calls come through.

Sue, I bet you are more than relieved to be almost done with the cider. DS is till hounding me about smoothies - lol

(Di) Seven Mile, OH(Zone 6b)

Whoops, pressed send too quick.
DS in the navy is coming home next Thursday for my PIL 55th anniversary party. I've been planning a big one and we are all so excited around here. So, DS is coming home and on Friday we're doing Thanksgiving because he can't be home on the actual holiday. Saturday is the actual party and then he goes back to Norfolk on Sunday. Sure do miss him and wish he could be here more but at least he can come for his grandparents' party and be home a few days with us. My SIL on my side is in the hospital - has been Sunday morning - and they are taking her gallbladder out today so I have my 9 year old niece with me today. School is out because of voting and she is staying with us. She was up early due to worrying about Mom but went back to bed an hour ago and is still sleeping.

Off to finish up more surfing, have a great day everyone!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all.
I was just too tired to post yesterday.
Janet....you are sooo lucky to have those heart pine floors!! When we moved here, we found heart pine under the linoleum..but they had that black mastic crap all over...and we just couldn't seem to get it off...at least that's what DH said...lol. Now I wish we had had professionals come in and do it. Anyway..DH and DB laid a poplar floor over the top...and it has no finish on it. We love it! I just use a steamer on it...and since it is such a hard wood, it comes clean nicely. But I would still like to have the heart pine!
We don't even get any beggars here on Halloween. I kinda miss it.
The new well pump is in...also a new pressure tank. They had to put a new gauge in..plus a new valve. You don't even want to know how much! We went last night to Lowe's and got a new kitchen faucet, and hopefully they can install that soon.
Then we need a new hot water heater! All of these things were here when we moved here 14 yrs ago...except the water pump. This is the second one we have had installed.
He was telling us we really need a new well....to the tune of 7000.
I told him...I DON'T THINK SO!!!! Hope it doesn't come to that.!
So far...the water has cleared up nicely.
DH and I will go vote after he gets home from work this afternoon.
We will be glad to be rid of the political ads too..and calls!
Have a great day all!

LOL DI wish i could send you some . Great news on the DS coming home. Glad ot hear it
yes i m soooo over this cider thing. won't do it next year LOLL this old body can't take it . but i did loose 2 " off my waist !! and my bat wings are not as " hanging close to the ground " anymore LOLLL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue, I want to lose some weight, but I don't want to have to make cider to do it!! Had to laugh about not liking your DMIL's cooking, and she not liking yours. Just don't express it, and pretend that you never even thought it.

Janet, I am glad that things are moving along, but I hear you on the goof up of the DH. Sometimes, they act like they know it all, and can't be bothered with details like getting it approved, or permits to do it. Before anyone calls me down for male bashing, I am not, it just seems to me to be true here at least, and sounds like it affects the neighboring county too!!

Marcy, i sure hope you don't have to have a new well dug. That is a big chunk of money, and I am sure that you would rather spend it on something else.

Jana, I hear you on the ads for the election. I had a call from one of the parties about noon, asking if I had voted, and when I said yes, he said would I urge all my neighbors to go? Well, I had company, and wasn't going to get on the phone and call them right then. I am sure that he probably was being paid to do that job, and I wasn't. Sure hope the DSIL does well, and that she will be home soon. Will the niece be going to school from your house?

Joyce, how is your mom doing? Still keeping all in my t & p's.

Pat, the signs that we have in our yard are coming down first thing in the morning. I thought it would be tacky to take them down before the sun set today! but I sure am glad it is all over.

good morning everyone
got some bad news from a friend. :( she is very ill and the family may loose there house ect... things were going so good for them too.
not much going on here
going to grocery later and bank
got to get my goodies for my fruit cake

Waddy, KY

Guess I'm going this evening to Lexington to look at tile for the backsplash area in the kitchen. Lowes has very little in the way of selection. I don't particularly want to go but I don't what the colors Lowes has either.

Got 21 pints of green tomatoe relish in the jars last night. Have another in the cooler that needs to drain and two batches of pickles that need to be done. I guess if I'm going to Lex. tonight that won't get done.

Man, a new well? I sure hope not. That's a major chunk of change there.

Yesterday we got half a day for voting leave. I'd really planned to go to the house and haul off some trash and scrap but of course I'd forgotten that the dump was closed on Monday and Tuesdays. DH decided that he needed to get up to the house and get the heaters on and I needed to go with him. Not sure why. I didn't get anything done except the afternoon wasted away. It never pays to let him know when you have time off from work cause he always makes plans for you.

Everybody, have a great day!

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

LOL @ Janet! I know how that goes! My DH makes plans for me on every day he is off work! Yeah...I sure hope we never have to have a new well dug...geesh!! So far everything is working fine..shhhhh!!!
Good morning everyone! It's nice and sunny here...but COLD!! We were in the 20's this morning again.
During the day, my greenhouse has been staying close to 70 degrees!! I put my hypertufas in there, as some have non hardy plants in them. I want to see if they will live through the winter!
I think I have 7 of them.
It's cleaning day at my house! Oh joy! I'm beginning to NOT like Wednesdays! I think maybe it's the structure I don't like...everything on a certain day.
Ok..I'd better get at it...you all have a wonderful day!

organized some areas of the house today .feels much better whew.
got ingrediants for my fruit cake. its a $$$ cake but a little goes a looong way and i freeze some for january , then share with friends.
got generic rum today LOLL Lady Bligh ? instead of Capt Morgan . man what a price difference !
found an dog lurking around the property, think he is gone ? hope so.
stupid rooster found his way home !! uhg.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, hope you find the color and style you need/want. I wonder if the economy is having anything to do with Lowe's selection. I have found the shortage of styles and colors lacking too.

Sue, too funny about the rooster. So will you be taking it back where it belongs? And a dog?

DH was driving down the road today, and saw a dog that he had given a neighbor a long way from where the neighbor lives, so he put the dog in his truck and took it to the neighbor's house, and come to find out the neighbor had dropped it. It is one of the Jackabees, and very hard to mistake, so DH brought it home. He really needs lots more food, and probably some vet care. He will be fine, and acts like he knows where he is, and has already made friends with the other dogs, whom he hasn't seen in about a year and a half.

DH and I are frying fish for the church tonight, so we need to get ready and head out that way.

so the neighbor you gave a dog too , dumped it off on the road ? glad the dog found you guys. poor thing
i have no idea what to do with this rooster. He fights with everyone !
stoooopid rooster. i guess we will eat him. MMMM
Ric how about rooster stew this weekend ?
Oh and guess what Ric , the inspector came and stayed a whole 20 seconds !!! didn't even look at anything . signed the paper and left . shesh. I met him too and he really looks like a guy who would be a control freak .
soooo with that said
not much here
got the fruit chopped in the bowl soaking with rum ! and tomorrow i shall make chocolate fruit cake , can't wait !!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Good thing I wasn't there when he showed up Sue!
We be having Long Pork for Lunch!
So we are GOOD TO GO!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow-- everybody sounds so busy, and it's not even Thanksgiving yet! My big day-- finishing jigsaw puzzle, get cleaned up for doctor's appointment. Since my appointment was over abt the same time as rush hour was starting, I decided to go see a movie. Went to "Hereafter" which I think is a pretty good movie. I'm not sure because a couple (with some sort of impairment) came in & TALKED LIKE THIS through the rest of the movie. The first scene is a tsunami & near death experience, & they came in as it was ending. As they settled down the guy remarked, "We haven't missed anything," which was slightly amusing, until I realized the rest of us were going to miss everything else in the movie because of the squawkers! A couple of us complained during the movie, which got us nowhere, but afterwards they gave us a free pass for a movie in the future.
Well, MArcy, I guess the only comfort you can take in your new "works" is that it shouldn't break down anytime soon.
Janet, good luck on finding the right tile. My DS (the one that lives with me) and I almost got to a decision on a tile, & then went to a tile store where they had our favorite displayed in a huge wall installation. Turns out it didn't look so good en masse like that. We're still looking for something we can agree on. The floors sound fabulous.
Uh-oh-- just realized that I have to go get my drivers license renewed. Ick.
Take care, everybody!

good morning everyone ! :)
Pat sounds like a good movie and yes squakers are a PITB to deal with in a movie. Glad they gave you a free pass.
Man and woman agreeing on something together ??? ROFLLLL
today is fruit cake making day and the Internet guy is coming to take a look and see why ours keep's getting disconnected. ?
forgot what time he is coming though ? :) bummer. i think noon ?
good day to you all
Ric i agree. what a jerk !

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Mom had the c-scan on Thursday and they had a time of it getting a needle in her veins...they kept rolling. She's always had bad veins. She is a little bruised up from that, but they got what they needed. We go to see the surgeon that did her bowel surgery last year on the 11th to get the results. Not sure if he'll do the surgery, or refer her to an oncologist.
Anyway..I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers. Mom looks bad to me, but I know she's really worried and it's showing on her face. Hope after the meeting on the 11th we can get things taken care of in a hurry. She just wants everything to be over and feel better.

I've been depressed and not feeling like doing ANYTHING. I wake up early and worry, so I get up and read to take my mind off of it all. Yesterday I read a whole James Patterson book. Started at 4:30 and finished it at 3:30.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Typed a whole post and then lost it last night. I am having connectivity issues with the satellite, so need to call and see what they can suggest.

Sue, the dog seems right at home, and is settling in fine. He is getting reacquainted with his litter mates (1) and just needs some vet care and some extra food for a bit

Gonna be a busy day here, our ladies Missionary society has their Thanksgiving meal tonight, and I am cooking the turkey.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning all....and yes it is! I am alive...AND the sun is shining!
Pat..that sounds like my experience at the Taste of Home program...the 'talky' people! Geesh! But the movie sounds good! I can't begin to tell you all the last time I saw a movie! Even on TV!! LOL! I don't watch much TV...and we don't go to movies...not sure why????
Bonnie...glad your DH found the pup!
I did two windows yesterday...and plannning on...hopefully...3 more today. I'm getting there! As you can imagine, they are really dirty after 2 yrs! I have to take them out and do the tracts too...and that's not fun..but necessary. The bugs and dirt that gets into those tracts is unreal!
I hope you all have a wonderful day out there..whatever you do!

Cookie i think you and Bertie need to come to my place and we can do a girls outing ? I m so sorry to see you going through this and your mom. T&P for you and family. Think about the invite cuz i just made my chocolate run fruit cake and its better as the days get longer LOLLL just add more rum and its good for a month on my counter.
not much here
rented a movie Sex and the City 2. very funny.
Ric the panels are here already and are ready to be delevered tomorrow . just need to meet with the semi driver on deliver . Al will do that for me as i work tomorrow. Need any apples ?
made black been soup with spicy sausage today also. yummy good.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Yep need apples.
GREAT News on the Panels.
Store them in the basement if possible.
That way we won't risk them cracking when we install them.
Might get one up Saturday.
Picked out a door yet? ;-)

Columbus, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi everyone--I bet you thought I just disappeared after asking all those questions...well, things have been crazy. Marcy I was reading about your mom and I feel for you, but your right, positive thoughts are one of the best things to have during times like these. We went on vacation to Atlanta for a week to watch my husband's mom while his brother went out of town. She is terminally ill with emphazema and also has aspestis in her lungs as well. We left after his brother got back into town and went to my dad's in Blue Ridge, GA for a few days...unfortunately, Pat's mom got really sick and ended up in the hospital so our 1 week turned in to over 2 weeks. She's doing as well as can be expected bless her heart, but it's hard to see her suffer so. Then when we got back we had less than a day to get ready to go back out and wouldn't you know it, I was driving down the highway, came up a hill with a turn and 2 lovely doe's where there right in my lane. I couldn't stop, couldn't change lanes as that was otherwise occupied, so down they went down and there went our radiator! We were actually more worried about the car who was right on my back door and we knew he really had to have some damage, and sure enough, when we walked back to check on them, his car was not in good shape. We called the police and tow truck for the guy, that was about all we could do for him. The State Police were kind enough to escort us about 50 miles down the road to a repair shop when they found out what we were hauling. I guess they didn't want to see us stranded somewhere where they couldn't get any help out to us quickly! That was really nice of them. It's allot of endless miles with nothing around out in WY!

I have so many messages to review and websites to follow up on that all of you have shared with me. I really do appreciate all the info. I am having problems remembering everyones name so please be patient with me. Anyway, the lady who has a daylilly farm in KY I have some questions for. I went to that website and saw some beautiful daylillies and I would love to take a trip out to your farm next spring. Can you please tell me why under some pictures it says "display only". Those are mostly all so beautiful! Anyway, are you near 71 or 70? We go to Georgetown quit often so we are quit familiar with that area. Anyway let me know if you read this.

For the rest of you, I love your willingness to help. I'm going try to catch up on all the messages that I missed when I get home next Monday. Til then were hoping for an uneventful trip!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Glad to see you back.
MAN what a rough time you've been having!
Hope the worst is over and wishing you smooth sailing.


Columbus, OH(Zone 5a)

lol, it's not been that bad......just very time consuming!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I am back from church and the Thanksgiving dinner. It was all good, and we had about 30 people, which was a good crowd too, not too many, not too few, so not many leftovers!

The friend I was telling you about with cancer that we went to visit in the hospital last week, died last night. I had just visited her yesterday, and she looked better, and said she felt better too. So after church, we stopped by her mother's house. She is doing well, but I am sure that it is going to hit her later. This family has been through so much.

Sue, good to hear that more material is ready to be delivered, because that means that the GH will be progressing fast now.

Inept, I have forgotten your name, so sorry, but keep dropping in, and it will finally stick with me. Sounds like trouble found you in spades. Hope all the sick are doing better.

Janet, did you find any tile? I am sure hoping that you will be in that house by the end of the year, so you tell all those people working on it to get the rears in gear!!

Janet good luck on picking out tile. HOpe you find one you like.
Bonnie thanks , Ric and Robyn are working hard
Ummm Ric , no i havne't picked out a door yet sorry :( hope to on saturday ? LOL
good morning everyone
well its cold !!!!! with a windchill its below 30 brrrrr. so much fun taking Lucy out to pee at 6:30 am uhg. :P
working in this weather is not fun either . we wash and clean equipment outside and rinse the cheese clothes outside on a line with a hose. cold cold and just darn well freezing
not fun :P but its a few extra bucks to help save and get Tim home. I may do some holiday work as well.
making hats . I usually do them for kids with cancer and women and donate them. but i may do something else
stay warm everyone !!

Waddy, KY

I did of course find some tile and it was of course expensive. Over $12 a square foot. I have the sample board and was in Lowes last night trying to find something similar at a cheaper price. I probably need to shop around on this. It's just finding the time to do it. They got the extra insulation in this week and the front storm door on. Now I need to find a decent looking back storm door. We finally got the propane heaters going last night around midnight so hopefully we can keep the drywall from cracking.

Not looking forward to market tomorrow. I know I'm going to freeze my kister for sure and when it's that cold there aren't very many customers that come through.

Gardner, some of the pictures are labeled as display only because at the time I didn't think I had enough to sell but I had the picture and wanted to get it on the website.

Back to work. Have a good weekend folks!

Our market is over :( but i m glad i m not freezing my keester off ...... oh wait i m freezing my keester of at work. ! i work outside for half the day , then jug, then clean with a hose from a well and its cold !!
not much here
get the panels on tuesday. we will pick them up .
so i think generic rum is not as good as the name brand stuff. just not rummy enough ?
sooo i made a apple cider and rum drink and put a cinomon stick with a clove in a mug and microwaved it yummy so far. ? i think i should only have one ???......

This message was edited Nov 6, 2010 7:54 AM

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Sue you are too funny. The rum may not taste rummy, but bet it has an extra kick to it!!

Janet, I am a woman of very good taste. I always pick out clothes or shoes, and when I look at the price tag, it is always the most expensive item in the store. Guess you are like that with house things!!

It has turned colder than blue blazes this afternoon. I hadn't been out since about noon, then went out about 4 and it was so much colder. But the WL's are saying we will warm up again next week.

Pat, check in, I need you to dmail me.

good morning and boy its cold!!
we got a sheeting of snow .Lucy tried to eat it.
had two hot totties last night LOL
just not rummy enough ?
off and running
have a warm day

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm here....thanks for the thoughts....and prayers...

Lisa and Colby both got through their surgeries just fine yesterday. Now we just have to wait until Thursday to go see the surgeon about Mom.

Sue....when are you finished making cider? Bertie and I thought we would come up then....

Sorry I don't have the oomph to comment to everyone...BUT I loves ya!

My last week is thanksgiving. so i think monday of that week is my last day ? if you want any let me know i can get you some and it freezes really well and its good with rum in it and a few cloves oh yummy yumm yum.
Ric and Robyn enjoyed the chocolate fruit rum cake ( or so they said they did LOL ) but it does need a higher quality rum.
Gh is coming a long way and its excellent i already am invisioning ferns, canna and other tropicals in it . :)
got a hot apple cider wtih rum drink and we are watching Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. next movie is Karate Kid.
don't forget to turn your clocks back ! :)
good night

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

The Cake was good Sue!
We (the three of us) nit-picked about depth of flavor, toppings and the like but it was very good as it was.
Did hit some fresh snow on the drive up around Waynesville.
None on the roads though.
The weather up there was colder than last weekend but absolutely no wind.
So it was a much better working condition.
Hit a snag w/ the concrete wall and fixed a glaring problem under the stairs, but it will be framed and some panels in for sure next weekend.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well, I have been busy today, but don't see much I accomplished! I went to an estate auction this morning, but there was so much stuff, and what I wanted wouldn't have sold until this afternoon, so I did a few errands and then came on home.

Have done the church bulletin, and got some packages ready to ship out on Monday.

We went to visitation late this afternoon for the friend of mine who passed. Funeral is tomorrow, and I suppose that I will go to that as well. After we left the visitation, we went out to eat, and then home. I am in pj's and ready for bed.

Don't forget to set your clocks back!!

Franklin, OH(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday, Pat! And happy belated Birthday, Darius.....IF you're lurking!

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Happy Birthday Pat. Hope it is a day that you wished for.

happy birthday Pat and darius so sorry i missed your bday ? :( hope it was a good one .
good morning everyone
eating bran cereal. .... gross.
thanks Ric for the good words on the cake, just giving you a hard time LOL
good to see you posting Cookie. Miss you girlfriend.
woke up to sun and not darkness. i like that .
its sure is cold out. brrrr
taking kids to mall for clothes and shoes. return boots .
have a warm day

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Well it was a different experience this morning waking up to light, when it is usually still dark outside. What I hate about this time change, it gets dark so early, and then it seems that it is forever until it is time to go to bed. If I go too early, that just means that I will be up before it is time for anyone to be up and about.

Went to my friend's funeral this afternoon. There was not even any standing room left. Some stood outside on the porch of the funeral home and listened to the service through open windows. She was active in her church and also with the Relay for Life.

Seems this week I have a full schedule with dentist appointment, eye appointments and meetings. Seems that each week is more of the same.

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