Jules pumpkin patch

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Hey guys, just got a call from Singingwolf (Jules) and she feels so bad but has to call the visit off. She hasn't been feeling well.
Keep her in your thoughts.

This message was edited Oct 27, 2010 11:57 AM

hope it is nothing serious and that she feels better soon !!!!!!!!!! good thoughts on the wind to her

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Fever, chills, sounds like she has a cold too.
Speaking of wind, is is blowing where you are?

right now no wind and sunny and warm

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Warm here too but the wind is kicking up. Very nice day though.

we never did get any wind today, a slight breeze a bit earlier but did not last. it is 80 here now

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

BTW, it's nice to meet you sherman!

nice to meet you too!

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Yes talked to her Wed and she sounded flu-y and stressed. Needs rest.

No significant wind here, sounds like most of it was in LA/Ventura counties. Just beautiful days lately. Cool nights, warm sun.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Maybe seeing her fairy godchild will make her feel better!
Here she is Jules!

Thumbnail by weegy12
Stanford, CA(Zone 9b)

Hope that you feel better Jules. Take care!

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Seeing Emma always raises my spirits. : - )
I can't think of a nicer Halloween photo. So far the photo of Emma, is my favorite for the whole season. Love the bubbles too. Give Emma a hug from me.
Sadly, my body isn't co-operating, and I'm still spending most of my time in bed. Best place for me right now, I guess.
ES got my 'puter working again, but it's due to die soon. I hope we can afford to get me a new MAC laptop/notebook. Sigh.
My kids came in last night after backing up my computer and told me I have 74 gigabytes of photos on this lap top! Wowser!
They were impressed I guess. I wonder what their computer's are full of? World of Warcraft?
Who knows. ES, does his college work, WOW, and watches a lot of movies.
YS has been using his for an anime book and some of his art work.
Weegy, Shermie only lives a few blocks away from me. : - )
She sounds like a really nice lady, and I'm going to drag her down here or go visit her, one of these days soon. She is into native wildflowers, and I hope to share some of the lupine seed I collected last year with her. We need to be planting it real soon.
Weird weather, it rained again this morning, just a brief shower, not enough to really get the ground wet, but nice just the same. Now its sunny and about 64 degrees. Still too cold for me unless I'm bundled up in layers. : - (
I hate being sick. : - (
It's the flu, but remember due to the fibromyalgia, I get chilled so easy, and it takes me so long to recover. Sigh .. .
Thank you for all your kind thoughts and the photo of Emma. I am so Blessed that I have friends who care. : - )
Still running a fever, and tire so easily. Back to bed for me.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh my, how little Emma has grown! Too cute, that photo. Halloween is so much better with the little ones, cute instead of horror - fying.

SW, glad you feeling somewhat better. Keep resting.

All the talk of how much space photos are taking, made me check on some stuff I have on the iMac. Don't know how many GB the photos take, I have 2754 and on iTunes I have 804 podcasts (need to listen or delete, lol) and 1545 songs (which only take 6.4 GB). Since all of iTunes is on my iTouch and only some of the photos, it is not too much space. My iTouch has 32 GB. Anyway, we subscribe to BackBlaze which is an 'in the sky' service to save all your files (that way if we are NOT home when fire hits, we can still access all our info). Apple also has something called MobileMe that can be subscribed to and you can share any or all of your photo files, and I found out, some documents.

SW, if you get a Mac, do get One to One. It is 12 mos. of being able to take classes at the Apple Store on a One to One basis and is VERY helpful in learning how best to use their products.

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Thanks Jules and Lynda. She had a blast trick or treating and the wonderment in her eyes at all the different costumes was priceless.
Feel better real soon Jules. It's pretty quiet without you!
Miss everyone...as you can see the iris garden project never panned out. We finished up the last 3 rows today of cleaning and digging a few now all we have to do is put the drip lines in. It's looking pretty good. I hope you all can come out next spring and enjoy the blooms.
My dd swears by her Mac and will never have a PC. Dumb question, do Mac's come in laptops???? Just wondered. My dd is into graphic design so I guess that's what graphic designers use. Me, I'll just stick to this PC until it falls apart and thank goodness for Carbonite. I would hate to lose all of these thousands of pictures.
Enjoy the rest of the day my friends.

Hemet, CA(Zone 9b)

weedgy and Jules

Just had to say how much I miss seeing youz. Weedgy, thought of your Iris plants many times and you of course. Life happens, but I do not forget my dear DG friends!
Love you all,

Rancho Cucamonga, CA

You made me smile Sylvia! Thank you. I will remember you when the irises are blooming next spring and maybe we'll have a little lunch among the irises...no work for you!
The main reason I didn't have the iris thingy was because it was a lot of work and I know people have their own yards and gardening chores. You may have never spoken to me again if you had seen the work that had to be done!
My DG friends also mean a lot to me.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Am really bummed out. EB#1 told me that the caterpillars consuming everything in the gh were good cats, but the turned out to be Western Striped Army Worms.
Between the watering and cat hunting, I don't think I'm going to have a whole lot of energy.
Tomorrow the guys are coming to put up a new fence so I don't have to worry about Spirit getting dognapped again. He's home now, but I really wish the guy who "Rescued" him, would have just let him go in the wood lot. He knows his way home from there. It was a very bad day.
He did finally return Spirit about 7:30 that evening. SOBB, and running a fever too.
Weegy, we really wanted to help you, we didn't care about the work, we just wanted an excuse to get out of our own yards and chores. LOL!
I know it was a big project and would love to see them all in bloom. : - )
dillansnana, your absence has been noted, and I am glad you checked in. : - )
Well, at least I'll have clean sheets tonight, and clean hair! Tomorrow will have to take care of itself. At least I'll be warm in the gh. Maybe even be able to bake the rest of the flu right out of me. : - )

Thumbnail by SingingWolf

sw-hopefully the warm weather the next few days will help you feel better. I am so glad you got Spirit back, i did not know he had gone missing. (or "rescued" by a neighbor) i wish i could do something to help you with the army worms but again i am babysitting tues and wed. my grandson spent the weekend here and all he wanted to do was plant flowers. did not have the heart to tell him it was too late in the year so i let him pick the seed packets he wanted and we planted seeds all weekend. so cute to watch him, he's only 6. maybe some willl make it till spring.

Menifee, CA(Zone 9a)

Next time he is over, have him collect some leaves or straw to mulch his seeds. Tell him, that even if the weather is warm now, it will get cold and the mulch acts like a blanket to keep his seeds warm.
No rush Shermie. When the time is right, we'll get together. : - )
I have to pace my self, and I'll end up taking my music into the gh with me. I'll pace myself.
Then on to mulching, later in the week.
And I have a surprise planned for the Christmas Tree farm this year, and If I'm going to make it happen, I'd better get cracking!

Thumbnail by SingingWolf

please do not do too much and end up really sick !! take care of yourself.

No Central, AZ(Zone 7b)

Oh my, SW I had no idea Spirit had been missing. That is what happens with 'cute' dogs. Many years ago, my cockapoo was staying at his house with his very old, half blind Australian Shepherd who used to occasionally dig out. Several times after work when I would go to pick up my dog I would have to cruise the neighborhood looking for them. Then one day - nothing. The next day the old dog came home and was not hungry or thirsty (so we figured he had been cared for), but not my cute young dog.

Weegy, we would still have helped - it is always more fun to work at someone else's house, with company than at home. Wasn't that the case with your kids, or yourself when youngsters?

SW this warm, aka HOT weather will feel good soaking in. It is even better when dry, to me at least. Makes me want to take a nap - even better with a slight warm breeze. iPod for music? Filters out bad noise, but you miss the sound of the air, plants and birds.

Yes Apple has laptops. Lots to choose from, including their incredibly light Air Mac and a small one too. Of course, the larger ones have more memory, but if you are not storing everything on the laptop itself, there is more room.

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