What new plants have you added to your gardens this Fall?

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

I've added three lace cap hydrangeas to my shrub border. They lived in their containers since last year and so are happy to have a permanent home.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Planted a lot of new ones I got at the NE RU, scabiosa, gaillardia, red hot poker, astrantia, tricyrtis, heliopsis, anemone, agastache, rose campion and some new daylilies.
Have some new tulips and daffs I need to get in the ground

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Wow, Jen all of those from a round up! Does the Mid Atlantic ever do a "roundup"?

Do you figure you have 2, 3, or more weeks of 'plantability' left where you are?

I can't find the three dozen daffodils I dug up this spring to replant this fall. Uggh.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1097508/ this was the one at Terri's
http://davesgarden.com/community/forums/t/1089021/ This was the one at Bec's

Falls Church, VA(Zone 7b)

Hi. Flowerjen, you did some heavy trading!! All good stuff you got there. Bet you had to squish some things together to make them all fit.

Hope you find those daffs, coleup. Your hydrangeas will probably take off next Spring from the timely planting.

I got 13 new roses this year, but planted half so far. It was just too hot and dry in September to crack the soil. I did work in my front bed and moved some Baptisia, planted some of the roses and irise in there for next Spring's show. The Baptisia didn't like the move. I don't know if they will bloom next year. The irises were new from last Fall and suffered in pots last summer. I will be lucky if they bloom next year, too. I also moved some daffs, and last weekend I wrestled with rocky soil to get them in. I have more of those daffs to plant.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I have almost a whole acre to fill, the previous owners had no clue, so our yard is pretty much a blank slate. I will take as much as anybody is willing to give me☺

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

jen, you are so good at planning. Thats a huge plus with a blank slate. Mine was pretty blank too. I started by moving a few perennials from Moms into a small defunct small veg garden spot. There were trees planted all around the border of the yard, pretty much. My problem now is, that I added everything else piecemeal and continue to learn about/ yearn for/ new things and have filled all the spots already. Some of the poorly chosen items are now so big that it would take a huge effort or some money to get them out. I hate to kill my now prime Little Gem magnolia but it has outgrown its place in the front yard.

My newest 'plan' is that I really should take out an oddly shaped and now half broken redbud. and use the place for a witch hazel.

So jen, have you a master plan with special areas for things?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Sally I have plans coming out the wazoo!!! if only hubby would see eye to eye...LOL, and my dog would cooperate.
Can you take a cutting of the redbud and plant a new one?
I have a plan for a witch hazel too. We took one of the 3 Bradford pears down in our front yard and I'd like to put a Witch Hazel there and have a plan for the surrounding garden which would define our property line, here's a pic right after we took the tree down 2 years ago, the stump is now gone. I'd do a bed in front of the spruce extending out past where the stump was. To the left of the spruce is my only shade garden(not shown in pic-obviously)

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

So the shade garden is sorta between/ front of the spruce and crabapple/ cherry? What a huge yard! Your plans sound great.

I actually get a1-2 new redbud seedlings a year typically. I find them here and there. I have another in a better site developing pretty well. Problem with canker though and I'm afraid eventually it may be ugly with stubs of broken branches or ones I've had to cut.
But the place where the older broken one is, has become very overhung by a No-way maple and I need something thats not trying to get as tall as the Redbud. I think the canopy of shade on the east and south could still work well with a witch hazel. What do you think? I've never had one.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Ya the shade garden is between the cherry and the spruce. This is the corner I put it in. Needed to move all my plants from another area because another Bradford Pear came down on the other side of the house.

Sounds good, I think they said they do better with part shade or just morning sun.

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

This was during the planting

Thumbnail by flowAjen
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

This was April of this year, filled with falling blossoms

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

OK, now I can put it all together. I didn't recognize the area from previous pictures but Now I get it. Very nice!!!!

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

I picked up some different Mums from a Co-op last spring and they are really nice. Not very big but very pretty.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Another, I should look around for the names of these but don't have time right now.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)


Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


I think your purple one is called a "Spoon Mum" b/c of the little "spoons" at the end
of each flower petal...


Mount Bethel, PA(Zone 6a)

Bought some ASTER "HAZY" from a co-op and put them in last week. Also put in some new daylilies that I got from a trade. Today I'll sprinkle some new HOLLYHOCK and DELPHINIUM seed around.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Yes Gita, I have heard them called that.
The first one should be Centerpiece the white one is Powder River


I got four new blueberries mixed into our foundation plantings and flower beds. We have two more ordered for spring. That should be enough for the birds and us. Will have nine blueberries when the order is in and planted next spring. Hopefully the bear will stay off of them. If they don't.............well the comment is "hi bear". :) If they do enough damage in any one area the game commission will trap and move them at least fifty miles. A game commissioner lives in sight of my home. That helps. LOL

OH.........I see a lot of you folks are still working your beds. We are just about all frosted in here in Northcentral Pennsylvania. I've had to drain and coil my hoses. The heater is in the bird bath. Our ground is not frosted up yet but the time is not that far away from being a fact. The ferrel cat that was hanging around has gone elsewhere. I'm glad. I hate to have them munching on our winter birds at the feeding station.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc, that sounds like a good plan for the blueberries. It does take a few bushes to satisfy the birds. The fall foliage color is pretty too.
I used Wintercreeper euonymus when we first moved here to fill up some foundation beds with green groundcover. Now that other shrubs have grown, and I need more planting space, I will soon work on ripping those out. I've considered replacing some with cranberries, for a similar groundcover but with edible berries. The birds just seem so desperate in my area for the berries.


I tried those ground cover cranberries twice. I am in mildly acid native sandy loam soil which should be perfect for them. Both times I failed. The one thing that may have got them was the fact the bed was within range of maple surface roots. Interesting is that I have lots of hosta, Asian lilies and daffs in that bed. Those berry plants just sat there and expanded so slowly I gave up on them. I spoke with the Miller Nursery. They are growing fine at the nursery which is about an hour and a half North of me and generally a colder climate. I ask around here but could find no one growing them....yet one local nursery continues to sell them every year. Guess I am out of touch. That's par for my course these days. I like items like that even if I only sample the fruit once a year. Aside from that I just thought they were neat.

For blueberries we work a little harder. We use maybe fifteen to twenty quarts a year. Every year one of my health club associates brings in many quarts at $3.00 a quart. This year I used their berries because the birds got at least half of ours. It will take a couple of years but we think we have now out planted the birds. Another factor is that we have a mulberry tree approaching maturity which the birds like at the same time the blueberries are ripe. We can really notice the difference when the birds have that tree cleaned off. Ha.

annapolis, MD(Zone 7b)

Doc and Sally. Maybe we need a "berries in the border" thread or "sustaining our birds with berried plants" Hint, hint.

I am considering ordering berries from here

I like the idea of acclimated berries and picking them up meself... Price seems good, too?

Doc, any secrets to success with your blueberries? What kinds do you have now?

Many years ago I considered homesteading on over a hundred acres of "blue berry barrens" in upper coastal Maine. As we walked the property we spotted two brown bears sleeping up in the branches of the few tall trees in the barrens! Old tale has it that a bear paw is the perfect tool to have for harvesting berries.


I do not relate well to the yearly growing knowlege in Annapolis. I would suggest you pull on local information for varieties. Your coastal relationship is entirely different that our cold zone five. Looking at the map it seems that anything that would do well in coastal New Jersey would be fine for you. I got mine all from Miller Brothers Nursery in New York. Same reasoning....they are an hour and a half North of me. Anything they grow on would be fine for me. Their weather is somewhat colder than mine.

Your site the Dimeo farms and nuseries sounds good to me. Talk to someone and tell them you want flavor over size and commonly used per your area. The price is very good too. Three year plants will produce well within another three years and then forever if trimmed yearly.

Well now..........a bear claw does somewhat resemble a berry picking devise that is used commonly. I never heard that line but it fits our area which has lots of wild berries and resident bear any place there are acres of wild berries.

Anne Arundel,, MD(Zone 7b)

doc--I would not underestimate the impact of the maple roots with the cranberries. I think crans are in the same general family as blues, which we know have shallow fibrous water loving roots. The three things you name doing well in that bed all have some kind of bulb or rhizome- hence ,maybe , more tolerance of the maple.

coleup and I probably share a coastal plain type sandy loam soil--- Wild blueberry type shrubs are very common in our woods.


You might have some decent reasoning there on the bulbs as compared to the cranberries. My successful blueberries begin another forty or so feet away from that tree. Have never hit the maple roots up there. I just simply sometimes a bit bullheaded. I talked to them......like that is where I planned for you to grow so grow. Maybe mother was listening and punished me for not doing business her way. Ha. That bed is some forty years under permanent mulch. The maple surely has made continued use of it without resistance until I planted something.

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

LOL on the tree roots. I haven't really had problems with that as the few trees we have aren't near any other plantings. But I found out last year what you guys have been complaining about when working at Josh's house. He has huge trees and their roots are a real pain. I planted some WoodPoppy at his house the other day and there were those #*@%$ tree roots. Holly

Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here are a couple of new plants at my house. This one was planted either last fall or last spring and it sure is doing nicely. This summer it was somewhat buried behind a tall ornamental grass. I will be removing most of that grass next spring but in the end I may have to move this plant later.
Spurge Euphorbia 'Tiny Tim'

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Here is another Euphorbia this one I just got a few weeks ago from RCN at the Va. Arboretum Plant Sale.
Ascot Rainbow.

Thumbnail by HollyAnnS

Those ground cover cranberries are similar to but I believe not in the real cranberry plant families. I noted they pulled out more like most ground covers very easily. This proved few and very shallow roots somewhat like ivy. I likely will wait for one of you to have a success so I can mimic your bed prep. Otherwise I shall just be fine without them.

I planted them. The next fall I had one of three that expanded by doubling or even more . I had one of three that just sat there and did nothing. The other of three lost ground and looked worse than when I planted it. After the second growing season I saw no different growing facts. Disappointing but that was it for them. Out damn spot out. Both times I tried the results were similar.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)


Just curious.......Did you ever plant the seed-heads I sent you from the "Purple Fountain Grass"????

Did anything come up?
I kind of think NOT! May take too long......

Doc--We had lots and lots of Blueberry bushes for sale at HD mid-Summer....
In all that heat--I was out there watering all the shrubs and trees for hours and hours....
I always picked the ripe, large Blueberries and ate them.....Even shared them with some customers...
Why not????
Picking ripe fruit only encourages the plant to make more.......YUMMMM......


Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Not yet Gita, I have them hopefully next year.

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

New plants????
I bought 6 new perennials, end of season, for $1 each at MD. Flower and Foliage....
Still have to get out and plant 3 of them....now that my beds are cleaned up, I can,
hopefully, find a spot...

I have also decided NOT to grow some plants again.
NO Daturas next year--they take up too much room! I would rather use those areas for nice flowers...
Also--NO more Cleomies! They were bizarre in size and scope....
Any volunteers that come up will get potted up for the Swap.

Still have to dig up all my Cannas....cut back a few more things and then be done---Yeah, right!


Thumbnail by Gitagal
Dover, PA(Zone 6b)

Impressive CC Gita.

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