Ipomoea holubii bloom

Yardley, PA

This is a caudiciform that is in the morning glory family as you can see by the bloom. Just thought I would throw in a little twist.

Thumbnail by Sally0
Jacksonville, TX(Zone 8a)

※ ※ ※ Fantastic ※ ※ ※

Thanks so much for sharing

Mesilla Park, NM

I'm glad you posted the photo here also.. and in the caudiciform forum.
Thank you.

Mesilla Park, NM

I forgot to mention some checking around and Grigsby doesn't have it in stock as we discussed .. but they do have I. platensis.. and lots of other neat caudiciforms plants.. not too expensive either.

Yardley, PA

I am going to take a look at Grigsby's again. Haven't been there for awhile. Like I need more plants!!

Mesilla Park, NM

Me too..lol, my list is at number 11 plants total, but here is my damage for the year:

Uncarina roeosliana
Trochmomeria debilis
trizhodiadema bulbosum
I. platense
Jatropha capensis
Japtrophia Mcvaughey
Japtropha Multifida
Chorisa insignis
Pelargoniam carnosum
Pelargoniam sp (FHH1688)
Gerradanthus macrorhizus

I was told they would be mailed in two weeks..

I have enough bonsai pots for them and will have the pumis mixture ready too..

They were out of a couple I wanted, but I'll catch them later.

Edited to say:
Hopefully my spelling isn't too off..

This message was edited Oct 7, 2010 3:30 PM

Yardley, PA

That is an awesome group of plants! You will have to post pictures of all your new babies. I would love to see them. I just ordered seeds from Europe of the Operculicarya Pachypus.
I can only find big expensive ones here. Don't know why that is so hard to get a hold of. At least for me. Growing them from seeds is always fun anyway.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Sally - That's a neat looking plant and especially large caudiciform. I didn't even know that we had a caudiciform forum here on DG?!!! Pretty pink blooms as well! :-) Thanks for sharing that cool photo!

Antoinette - Leave it to you to get the unusual and rare seeds! I look forward to seeing them as they germinate and grow!

(Zone 7a)

What an otherworldly looking plant :) Do you know what part of the world this one is from? It must be a strange landscape, compared to our humidiful Maryland.

Sally, thank you for posting this one. Gourd, I hope you keep us posted about your 'extraterrestrials' too.


Mesilla Park, NM

Karen, they are so neat. I did have several of the ones above years ago, but lost them when we moved here. ..... I have one Desert Rose Adendium that looks like it made a touchdown.. Someday I'll take photos of it, it is all leafed out right now. I love ET and UFO studies... maybe I can find a good pod this coming April/May... we are planning a trip to find some floaters.

Salley, the first year at this residence, I had those white mealy bugs on them, but with the alcohol baths, it stopped that from happening.. First I used the qtip method, but they come back because it is hard to get each one, but, then I started to tip the plant over the sink on it's side and just pour alcohol over the stems only and take off any bugs, then use fresh water to bath it ... it was good to go and sometimes they never came back. I did bath them at least once a month and it stopped completely. By then, Spring came and they went outdoors.

Last year I did not get any bugs at all the last three years, this will be year 4 for them indoors during winter, I don't know why, I am hoping they don't show up this year. They are not under lights though, I love your setup, I saw it on the Cactus Forum. Mine just sit on a rack, naked.. and I do mist them sometimes and water occasionally. I check for mites, etc..too. I did get one sans to flower during the fall with some bloom booster by accident.

Becky, Yeah, I'm a strange one.. MGs fall in there with my love of plants,... life would be so boring for me if I stayed stagnant in one growing arena only...... , it gives me more challenging things to do. Strange, but challenging..lol and it takes a special people to like these fat plants and learn how to care for them.

You know, what we have as plants here, are trees in Africa and other places where they originate.. isn't that something.. if only we could see them in person. If any of you EVER get to go to San Diego, CA, you have to stop at the Grigsby's place, they have some speciman trees that are incredible..... you can stand under them, where we have the seedlings as plants.. You will not want to leave or, you will go broke buying the plants and trying to recreate what Mr. Grigsby did in his yard many years ago (he passed his place to his family and they are carrying on the business and live in his original house there).. But, call before you go, it is not the easiest place to find either..

Mesilla Park, NM

These are the ones outdoors right now, they have grown about 1 foot this season.

Bursera fagaroides
bursera filicifolia
Erythrina flabelliformis
Japtropha prodiga
(5) Adendiums
Sanseveria (very strange one, can't find it's tag)
(2) huge pots of Sans the more common ones

10 giant squill bulbs (size of an infants head) they are getting ready to bloom. these stay outdoors all year, brought them with me from CA (so far so good)

and hundreds of cactus with no names now, since I lost all their tags. These plants take care of themselves really, they just need someone as a caretaker over the winter to make sure they don't get into trouble with the bugs. Some have really surprised me and have made it outdoors all winter and they sure don't look hardy either, some have to be next to the walls of the house for some protection and next to the rock wall, but they are hanging in there. I'm hoping they get established outdoors so that in a couple of years I wont' have any plants indoors.. well, maybe a few.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

A - Your mention of the cactus garden had me interested, so I googled:



Is this one and the same place that you are talking about?

If so, pretty cool!!! Your local environment seems be to be pretty dry and warm ... just right for cactus and succulents! You'll have to share some photos of some of your plants! (Hint, hint! lol)

This message was edited Oct 8, 2010 12:55 PM

Mesilla Park, NM

Yes, that's the place... it is awesome .. and there are hundreds of nurseries there in that one 25 mile radius, all vines, etc.. it is a plant haven there.. in that area, from Cactus nurseries to vines, cannas, agaves, etc.. like a dream world to me. I will take photos slowly but surely... time has a way of getting away from me with all the fun classes ...

Yardley, PA

How neat to have a place like that near by! I would be there all the time. Gourd, when do you bring your plants in?

Mesilla Park, NM

I've waited till all the leaves fall off the Mulberry tree, once that happens, everything comes indoors that is going to. Probably our first frost night comes along about then too. Depending on the weather here, it could be near Thanksgiving. I wait till the last minute if I can, it is usually into the 30's-40's by then at night. Daytime temps in the 50's.

Mesilla Park, NM

Don't know if you know this, but the cuttings on I. platensis root in water, and I'm thinking that maybe this one above would also root in water. It would not have a bulb type caudex, but, they do fatten up at the stem and you would get more flowers and seeds.. it would be worth a try if any break off. That is how I tried it, I accidently broke a couple of stems and put them into some glass jars and they rooted and took and bloomed.. so there is hope if you cut them down for the winter. Just make sure you clean the jar and disinfect it with chlorox before you use it to kill any germs and change the water daily.


Yardley, PA

Awesome. I had no idea. I just put some stems in water and hopefully it will work for me, too. Thanks for the information.

Mesilla Park, NM

You're very welcome. And Welcome to the MG forum..

Mesilla Park, NM

OOh, some of the leaves on the Mulberry tree are beginning to fall (FALL) a few here and there...soon time for indoors for my fat plants.

Yardley, PA

All mine came in the middle of September. Back out in April. Time to fight the bugs.

Mesilla Park, NM

SallyD, I got all my plants this past week, and I potted them up in pots with other plants, I've had to do that because of time constraints, so they will be there until April or May, then they will be repotted into the smaller pots.

They sent me some neat stuff, one had a pod on it already.., the uncarina roeosliana, it looks like a sea urchin.. then some of the others were quite large (one the size of a baseball), and some were small starter plants. I was hoping that the platensis had some branches I could use to root but they are too small.

How are your's doing? Have any of your cuttings started to show roots, keep the water clean and warm too. The nubbies will start showing and then you can put them into soil once you see the white nubbies, just like when you root brug cuttings.


Yardley, PA

Gourd the I. plantensis did root and I just put it in a pot. It will be interesting to see what it does. Thanks for that tip! That's neat you received all your plants. It feels like Christmas
when I get mine.

Mesilla Park, NM

I'm so happy it did, now you are the proud momma of some more, don't ya just love it? I will root some of mine when it gets big enough. I just got my plants from Kristy today, I just got home and will pot them up tonight. Very happy here and Christmas again today.

Okay, so how long did it take to root from Oct. 9 to now is not that long, not even a month.... good job there.

I'm willing to bet that we can do that with other caudiciform cuttings.

Yardley, PA

Actually, I just put them in a glass of water and it has been rooted for about the last week! It was fast. You can do that with other caudiciforms. I have never done it before, however.

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

This a really interesting thread! I'm learning a lot from y'all posting information! Thanks for sharing what you know!

Mesilla Park, NM

That was fast. The one plant that has a stem here is way too small of a stem or I would try it, I think I'll wait till next year to try it again. I've been looking for a hydroponic store here locally to try and get the stones you are using for rooting... I may have to order some.

Becky, aren't the fat plants great? So many to choose from too.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Sally your Ipomoea holubii bloom is gorgeous! Why is so hard to find seeds for it?

Mesilla Park, NM

Donna, I'm with you there, I've been looking for seeds for this for a long time too. The plants, when you can find them are so expensive.

Winnipeg, MB(Zone 4a)

Yes they are very expensive.

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

where can u buy them at?

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