Well here it is it is just starting to root and even bloom!!

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

I've got this one Morning Glory that I've gotten from Becky that only had one bloom which opened in august around the beggining of September so I knew that there would not be any seeds so I took a couple cuttings which are now starting to root and bloom.............I think that is to funny!!

Thumbnail by pensacolagarden
(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

Pretty cool to see a cutting root and bloom, isn't it??? Glad to hear that you had success doing that and I hope you get a lot more blooms and maybe even a few seeds! :-)

Pensacola, FL(Zone 8b)

Well I am hoping for more seed but that look grim darn it but oh wil it will be that much larger next year i the spring when we wil get no more frost.


(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

James - I have hand-pollinated cuttings that bloomed while still rooting in water and I got seeds! Seriously! Try hand-pollinating your blooms. It works really well for me as long as the blooms are not sterile.

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Been lurking as usual....im learning all kinds of things though. ^_^

S of Lake Ontario, NY(Zone 6a)

I didn't know you could root cuttings, I'm lurking and learning too!

(Becky) in Sebastian, FL(Zone 10a)

I have successfully rooted a few cuttings, but not all of them rooted. Not sure why. I do know you need a nice sized cutting of the stem to even get roots. A tip cutting has never rooted for me.

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