How Did You Survive the Rain and Flooding?

Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Enough is enough--don't you think?

Between last night and today--the Baltimore area has gotten about 8" of rain.
It has poured! It has sprinkled! There have been absolute deluges! And--believe it or not--
periods of NO rain.

Roads and the Inner harbor are flooded. When High tide came (and will again at 11:30PM tonight)
The water breached so many roads and areas. Cars got mired in the deep water trying to drive through it. WHY? Where is common caution?
Schools let out 2-3 hrs. early, playing havoc with parent's work schedules.

When I got up this morning, I was greeted by torrential rains and a huge limb that came down from
my Maple tree. A dead limb--so that was good! Been watching it for a long while.

In this picture, you can see my corner ("YUK" ) bed. See all the water dammed up against it?
Took this through my dirty LR window--so, a bit out of focus....

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Later in the day--two more large limbs had come down.
These are fairly large--about 3" in diameter...OLD! dead!

A blessing of sorts---Nature's pruning of a bunch of deadwood.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

They seem to have been dead for a long while already,
as the trunks are all covered in green moss..

I remember looking up at this tree and seeing this BIG, dead stem up there,
and thinking--this will come down one day soon!

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

Most of the smaller branches that fall down regularly show damage from the 17yr. Locusts laying their eggs. The scars are so obvious! The Locusts were here in 2005--right?

This OLD-OLD scar on one of the big trunks must be years old!
Maybe from the previous invasion??? That would make it 1988?
It is all healed over--but the damage stays with the tree.
Took a close-up of it...

This Silver Maple is probably 46+ years old. I planted it in 1971 and it was a good 7' tall already.
The fool I was then! I just wanted shade!!!! Now my back yard is a network of maple roots.

Thumbnail by Gitagal
Baltimore, MD(Zone 7a)

On the brighter side---Here is one of my Mums that has made it now through 3 years....
A beautiful bright spot in my garden.


Thumbnail by Gitagal
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Wow you guys got hammered!!! We only got .85" but it's really windy gusts up to 50 mph.
Stay safe everyone!!!


There is water damage all over our neighborhood. Fortuantely we had no water or wind damage this time. We got between four and six inches depending upon who you listen to. There was some flooding in the flood prone areas. Nothing to serious.

Last week's storm front with seventy five mile an hour winds caused far more damage. Even though kicked around pretty hard my patio plants have survived and seem to be rebounding. People were killed in our area and buildings seriously damaged last week.

As you looked at this storm front we would have been on the Northern edge of the storm as it progressed from Southwest to Northeast.

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